Sharpening knives?

I’ve used a bunch of different systems/stones.

Arkansas’s stones, blandly angle guide, diamond stones, work sharp belt sharpeners, and even bought a Tormek T4. I find myself using the DMT diamond stones more than anything else. You can free hand or buy any number of angle guides.

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I used to before kids and other responsibilities. I had a full set of water stones and could put a mirror razors edge on all my work kitchen knives. I know am more management and still have a good set of simple knives. I started to get into outdoor knives after i maxed out my work knives and got them sharp too.

Iv gotten back into knives over the past few years but i mostly sharpen on a ken onion work sharp.
I'm beginning to dislike it less as I've gotten a little better at it. I use one of the worksharp precision adjust nowadays and can usually get my knives scary sharp if I take my time. The biggest killer is not having enough patience and applying too much pressure. Once I realized I needed to back off on the pressure my results were much more consistent.
Its a very rare occurance that I need to spend more than a few minutes to touch up a blade. Diamond stones get it done pretty good for me.
My hunting knives see less use than my daily, work, and cooking knives...

Hmmm. Are you saying your post on this hunting forum was actually about cooking knives? Do you feel the same about hunting knives as cooking knives? Do you use the same steels or consider "better steel" the same or different steels for hunting versus cooking knives?

If cooking knives make you hate sharpening, I'll add another vote to the Ken Onion Work Sharp crowd. Easy to use, and the edge is easily touched up with a good ceramic steel.
Hmmm. Are you saying your post on this hunting forum was actually about cooking knives? Do you feel the same about hunting knives as cooking knives? Do you use the same steels or consider "better steel" the same or different steels for hunting versus cooking knives?

If cooking knives make you hate sharpening, I'll add another vote to the Ken Onion Work Sharp crowd. Easy to use, and the edge is easily touched up with a good ceramic steel.
I was talking about knives. In the general subforum.

I dislike sharpening all knives. Harder steels more.

And I've never had to touch up a hunting knife in the field...
You are definitely a loser. Learn to to use a stone and suddenly you will become a winner. Women will find you irresistible, and men will sacrifice everything to have you lead them in battle. :-)
I have gone from enjoying sharpening to it feeling more like a job. Probably does not help that I did sharpen knives as a side gig for a couple years which was the worst as most people's knives were so dull it took a lot of effort to even establish a clean apex.

So now I don't hate sharpening but also I am not excited about pulling out the stones.