Here’s my experience with the Sev’r heads. I’ve only shot 3 deer with them. 1 mule deer buck, 1 whitetail doe and 1 whitetail buck. Mule deer and doe were both at 40 yards and shot with a 70lb bow with 475 gr arrows if I remember right. Whitetail buck was about 25 yards and shot with an 80lb bow and 530 grain arrows.
On the Mule deer buck my arrow hung on I’m assuming by fletching on exit side and as deer ran off arrow got flung out and I was never able to find it. I know it wasn’t a complete pass through because I saw arrow sticking out of deer as he started to run. Shot placement was maybe 3” behind front leg, broadside. Deer went about 150 yards. First 50 yards of blood trail was awesome then it petered out. Almost didn’t recover deer.
Whitetail doe was about same distance with same bow/ arrow set up. Broadside also. Arrow barely passed though and was laying on ground at impact site. Blood at impact sore was again good. Didn’t follow it though because I watched deer go down about 100 yards away.
Whitetail buck was about 25 yrds with a different bow set up, heavier poundage and heavier arrow. Shot was slightly quartering towards. Arrow was a complete pass through and didn’t recover arrow. Blood was non existent at impact site. Watched deer go down so didn’t need to look for a blood trail but the soy bean field he died in didn’t have much if any of a blood trail the little I looked. He also went about 100 yards.
My experience leads me to think overall they kill but they don’t penetrate great, not as well as other mechanicals I’ve used, and I haven’t witnessed good blood trails while using them.
Attached are pictures, although not great ones but you can see shot placement. Mule deer is entrance Whitetail buck is exit side. I did not have a picture of the doe that you could tell entrance or exit points.
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