Here's a few thoughts -Arrow Build
Easton sonic match grade 340 cut to 27.25" with 50 gr brass inserts, 3xmax stealth vanes and 125 gr sevr 1.75".
Estimated weight is ~420 grains and ~15% FOC.
I figure a short arrow with 175 grains up front should be plenty for deer.
At 340 spine you will have 31.5" arrow shaft. Meaning you can cut off 4.25" off of carbon. Meaning that if you cut from both ends you can take a .003" arrow and make a .003" into a .002" straightness. Even better if you spin each shaft and cut from the least straight end. In my opinion (for what that's worth as a lowly arrow builder) .001" arrows are primarily for longer draw shafts.
I'll mention again that there is no strength benefit to a brass insert over an aluminum. I'd skip buying the brass and go with a top it with a collar or Ethics steel insert.