Sell me on your Case Trimmer

Has anyone used the Lyman E Zee trimmer - it’s the same design as the Lee, although not offered in as many calibers. The advantage I see is it uses what appears to be a standard cutter, like used in their hand crank trimmer - if so this means there is a carbide cutter available. I don’t like how long the Lee lasts between sharpening the cutter. I ordered one to see how it’s built.
I’m a big fan of the Giraud, it’s like using a pencil sharpener to trim brass. Not needing to chamfer/de burr is a huge time saver. It’s not bad at all to do large batches
Another vote for the Lee trimmer. Way simple. The new Lee Quick Trim system with cartridge specific dies looks pretty slick also. Trims, chamfers, and bevels in same step.
I really like my Little Crow Gunworks WFT 2 trimmer. Works the same as their regular WFT except it has inserts you pop in and out for different cartridges/shoulder angles. I call them inserts but the correct term per LCG is "Trim Chambers". I have one WFT2 trimmer then inserts for everything I load for. I have a couple they don't sell inserts for but that's an easy fix because LCG sells blank inserts so I had my smith run the reamer in them and now have them for everything. I used to hate trimming cases, I'd put it right up there with neck turning, but with the WFT type case trimmer you can go through and trim a hundred cases, all to the same exact neck length, in literally only a few minutes.

A case trimmer is one of those tools I don't use all that often. Usually once I go through and get the necks all trimmed to the same length I'm done but I think the case trimmers that index off of the shoulder, like the LCG WFT and WFT2, they not only make quick work of trimming a batch, big or small, of brass but they trim all the necks to a very consistent length.
Well, I’m not the OP, but I’m sold on the Henderson. I see I’ll need to order the extra cutting heads, but does it already come with extra stems and lock nuts for switching between cartridges, or is this something ordered as well?
I’ve had a RCBS and Forester on the bench, but the one that gets used is the weird little Lee trimmer. The pilot sets the trim length, so it’s exactly the same today, tomorrow, 5 years from now, when I’m tired, in front of the tv, in good light or bad light. I don’t own anything else from Lee, and didn‘t buy it to save money, but years ago a gun writer suggested to just try it with one caliber and see what you think - I was hooked. If it was $100 per caliber I’d still use it, but luckily these things are dirt cheap and fit inside a die box for that caliber.

You can run it in a drill or just do it by hand. For lengths not available you can get a pilot for a longer cartridge and grind it to the length you want. I get a cutter for every pilot and a lock stud for every shell holder so there’s no having to take anything apart.

It’s not for everyone, but it simplifies life a little bit and trims to the exact same length every time.View attachment 650480
That's what I use too. They're a fancy setups but I'm not sure there's anything better. This is just too easy. You can even throw a towel across your lap and do it while you're watching TV.
Another + 1 for Little Crow Gunworks worlds finest trimmer. So easy it’s stupid. And very very tight tolerances. Set it up once and forget it.

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For those with the Henderson, how repeatable is your trim length when switching back and forth between the set studs? Are you having to tweak the stud each time you reinstall it or is it dead nuts?

Admittedly on mine I’ve primarily only used it on 7-08 and 7prc and I just end up shortening/lengthening the stud every time so I haven’t tried using multiple studs with preset lengths.
Dead nuts for me so far, you should definitely try it
Well, I’m not the OP, but I’m sold on the Henderson. I see I’ll need to order the extra cutting heads, but does it already come with extra stems and lock nuts for switching between cartridges, or is this something ordered as well?
Mine came with the extra ones
I rarely need to trim my cases. Find it interesting that a 6-10 shot 30-06 case doesnt grow at 2900 fps 150 gr.

Always find it interesting that some cases do gow, just not the ones i have…
I like my LE Wilson enough to keep using it and be content. I use a dummy case pre trimmed to the length I use for each caliber to make trimmer setup quick. It is very precise once you get the method figured out. Which isn’t difficult. I added the drill adapter so I wasn’t hand cranking. I find the setup to be plenty precise to a couple thousandths or better. I have an RCBS prep center to chamfer, deburr and other brass prep.

On a side note, wow, inflation. I bought the trimmer for $98 in 2019. It is $144 now.
For those with the Henderson, how repeatable is your trim length when switching back and forth between the set studs? Are you having to tweak the stud each time you reinstall it or is it dead nuts?

Admittedly on mine I’ve primarily only used it on 7-08 and 7prc and I just end up shortening/lengthening the stud every time so I haven’t tried using multiple studs with preset lengths.
If you get the set studs set up properly to start with then switching back and forth provides accurate/repeatable results.
RCBS case trimmer has always worked great for me but had it for a long time so don't know much about others mentioned

Same here. I shoot almost exclusively improved cartridges with 35-45° shoulder angles and I rarely have to trim. That’s the main reason I haven’t shelled out the $$ to get a Henderson.

I had a Wilson micrometer version for many years but when going to improved cases the cartridge holders no longer worked and Wilson wasn’t offering any on custom order.

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+1 Frankford aresenal. I hated case prep before I got that thing. One of the more fun things now.