Seahawks awesome game

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May 12, 2012
I am a pats fan. Brady firmly entrenched as the GOAT but this was a game. Fluke things happen in the super bowl. Seattle don't be ashamed that was awesome.
Absolutely ridiculous play call cost the Hawks the Super Bowl. Give it to Lynch up the middle!
That was a great game. That's what the Superbowl is supposed to be, the two best teams fighting to the end. I'm a diehard Hawks fan and they played well. You can't be too bummed when they played their heart out.
Kudos for you hawks boys for keeping it classy *grin*, it has to sting like a mofo...hawks were gifted into the bowl and they gifted that right back.

I'm lovin it.
Kudos for you hawks boys for keeping it classy *grin*, it has to sting like a mofo...hawks were gifted into the bowl and they gifted that right back.

I'm lovin it.

It takes both sides to make a play, someone has to make a mistake, and someone has to capitalize on it. So, you can say "gifted" all you want, but that's bullshit. My team lost, and you don't see me making lame excuses.
I can care less about gracious....sorry. It is what it is. And I'm not a winner. My bears sucked terribly this year. Brutal team.

Any of you hawks fans with a flat tire on the side of the road? Blood trailing an elk? I'll track all day for ya....I'd help with that tire in a second, but no love here for that team.
Glad to see their fans seeth. Big grin.....
I too say way to stay classy Seahawks. I always like a smart defense minded team. Having said that the lack of class at the end of the game has kind of put my feeling toward the Seahawks right there with the Saints. Fantastic game at least.
Sherman's taunting on the sideline after the hawks score went to 24 was typical. He has all year to think about that now. :) ...same goes with the seattle clown who feigned pulling down his pants and defecating on the football after scoring...yep, keepin it classy.
I can care less about gracious....sorry. It is what it is. And I'm not a winner. My bears sucked terribly this year. Brutal team.

Any of you hawks fans with a flat tire on the side of the road? Blood trailing an elk? I'll track all day for ya....I'd help with that tire in a second, but no love here for that team.
Glad to see their fans seeth. Big grin......

I can understand this and I do feel that everyone is entitled to their own but it's quite strange you feel such a need to continually gloat and throw stones in this thread. We all get it, you don't like the Hawks.

Both teams played hard last night and the Patriots came out on top. Could have went the other way. I don't think you'll find many that would condone the end of the game activities but it happened. Not proud of it, but proud of my team for never giving up all year. We have a whole team of individuals that even shortly after that game stood together and several took responsibility for the end. Not many "superstars" are willing to do that these days.

I woke up this morning excited for 15/16 and I'll be cheering for them again next year.
I wasn't going to jump in here because I'm not a fan of either team, but I'm getting tired of my Rokslide feed filling up with someone gloating over the disappointment of others....and it strikes me as somewhat odd that someone would spend nearly of 20-25% of total their posts on a backcountry hunting forum celebrating the failure of a team that you perceive to be particularly disrespectful and classless? Give it a rest. This isn't Yahoo sports.

And the fixation on Sherman and the Seahawks' perceived lack of class is so myopic. I don't really think that policing the behavior of athletes (and generalizing about entire teams of 60+ players) is a worthwhile exercise, but come on...

What about the countless instances of Brady using profanity on the sidelines and yelling at referees (and teammates)? What about him abandoning his wife (who was pregnant with his child at the time) for a supermodel? What about Belicheck's flagrant disrespect for the media? Or Belichick's affair with a married woman that blew up his own marriage? What about Gronkowski tweeting pictures of himself with half-naked porn stars? What about the fact that the Patriots had a murderer in the locker room (who was long known to have a violent and gang-related past back since his college and high school days)? Is their victory "setting a good example for the children" ? Or is there something about the Seahawks transgressions that make them particularly egregious? Why aren't the Patriots "thuggish"?

Good thing the classy team won....
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