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  • Oh, lots of bear sign! Bears really tore apart the corn field. A few years ago we had a pretty big buck on camera but nothing the last two years at all. In fact, nothing above a 110 class buck. We had herd of some big bears shot. There are a lot of coyote tracks in the area. I did see one large bobcat. A couple of years ago some wolves were howling on the east side of the lake. They were definetly wolves. I have been in the woods with them several times by Moose Lake. Even had one come into a bear bait there. I have herd a few coyote howls as well but most of them off to the east. We did have a guy that knows a deer was likely poached on the MWA as he was the only one in the area that evening. When he wlaked out the path was clear and when he came back in to head to his spot in the morning there was a gut pile on the trail. Maybe 100 yards off the road. Cool area though. Lots of Cranes and honkers early.
    I've hunted some down between the WMA and comstock. There was a 190" shot two years ago there. Definitely has a lot of potential. Big bear problem down in that area (too many)
    My buddies farm is next to Staples Lake. Its a good area. There used to be more deer around but still enough to keep it interesting. The trail cams never had a single big buck picture on them all fall long so obviously not a big buck hangout. We are close to the big WMA and that does get a lot of pressure so I am sure the big ones get thinned out early.
    Where do you hunt west of Cumberland. I just sold a forty west of the Pipe lake boat landing on 220th. I got lots of relatives in Blaine and Columbia Heights and a sister in Brooklyn Park. My Cousins boy is a Senior at Spring Lake Park that just signed with NDU full ride football.
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