Reheated wild game.....yuck

The only thing I don't like to reheat is fish. Is there any way to make that not suck? I'm thinking of making it into a chowder.
I’m with you there… salmon/steelhead/tuna, etc i just use for sandwiches, which are great

I think to heat it back up, it’s never going to be as good, but again, I bet souse vide would be the best option, but you would need to think ahead

White fish, like rockfish, halibut, etc, is good in pasta, but just heating it back up isn’t good… I would rather eat it cold, which isn’t great, but edible

If there is just a little bit of leftover, I usually let the dogs have it for a treat, they like it

In the busy season, i just bring it on the boat and eat it cold, because I usually don’t care, I need calories and they have to be quick to eat… I’m also not a picky eater, and anything is good enough at 4pm when it’s the first food you’ve eaten that day
OP, is it all cuts that you feel that way or something specific? I’ve had shredded meat reheat with a little funk but that’s about it.
Does anyone else think reheated wild game (Deer, elk, antelope) is disgusting? I can make a meal that is delicious, but then if I reheat it a day later, I can't hardly tolerate it. I have to eat game cold if I'm going to have it as leftovers. Something about reheating it makes it super gamey. Does anyone else experience this, or have any solutions?
Yeah. I’ve noticed it. But, I don’t consider it yucky. Just not as good. But, not yucky.
It’s not games but sometimes metallic… I reheat a lot in the microwave wave. After steaks and roast we do quesadillas so those are heated by the quesadillas maker which is bomb for any left over meat. My wife loves mexi food so it made her a believer fast, the maker is fast too
Cast iron. Get it smoking hot. Drop in some high temp oil like avocado and some butter. As soon as butter melts, it’ll start to brown, drop in meat. Sear one side, flip and sear the other. Try to heat without cooking to well done. I’d rather keep closer to medium and have it be warm in the middle than have it hot and well done in the middle.

This is the way.
I reheat wild game in the microwave all the time, but I put the power down to 40-60%, 2-3 minutes. Works fine. Reheat but don’t cook is the goal.
There is very little that I like reheated. I almost prefer a lot of my food cold. I love eating fried fish the next day cold, actually really like all fried foods cold. I think any meat in microwave is awful!
I remember one time when I fixed pork chops for dinner my 3 year old loved them, so the next day for lunch I warmed the left over chops and gave some to her. When she started eating it she started gagging, was pretty comical.
I have always thought wild game gets a little off after reheating it in the microwave. It not enough to make it bad but not even close to as good as freshly cooked.

I sous vide an elk steak once and thought it was not very good.
There is very little that I like reheated. I almost prefer a lot of my food cold. I love eating fried fish the next day cold, actually really like all fried foods cold. I think any meat in microwave is awful!
I remember one time when I fixed pork chops for dinner my 3 year old loved them, so the next day for lunch I warmed the left over chops and gave some to her. When she started eating it she started gagging, was pretty comical.
Cold leftover fried fish is excellent. My dad told me my whole life growing up you didn’t eat leftover fish. Once I was grown and moved out I tried it and was pretty disappointed it took that long to figure it out 😂
I live on leftovers. Doesn't bother me at all, but my game meat doesn't taste gamey.
Don't normally reheat my steaks as they are already medium so using the nuke box just cooks them more.
I do season them heavily and cook in wagyu tallow so I'll warm that up and pour the "sauce" over the steaks cold.

I'll cook anywhere from 2-4 times a week and eat leftovers till whatever I've cooked is gone.

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