Sad day for Canadian gun owners

I have hunted Canada several times and really like it there. I could easily live in Edmonton if not for the politics. I like the people I have met along the way. People in the rural areas of Canada don't have much of a voice in national politics. If we ever get rid of the Electoral College, we won't either.

Canada had a number of tank and fighter aces in WW2 and landed at Normady just like our guys. The 42,000 Canadians that gave their lives would have easily been replaced by Americans otherwise. Maybe more. Demeaning their contributions in the war is stupid and uncalled for IMO.

I always look for made in the USA products. Products made in Canada are always second on my list if I have a choice. Just MO.
I have hunted Canada several times and really like it there. I could easily live in Edmonton if not for the politics. I like the people I have met along the way. People in the rural areas of Canada don't have much of a voice in national politics. If we ever get rid of the Electoral College, we won't either.

Canada had a number of tank and fighter aces in WW2 and landed at Normady just like our guys. The 42,000 Canadians that gave their lives would have easily been replaced by Americans otherwise. Maybe more. Demeaning their contributions in the war is stupid and uncalled for IMO.

I always look for made in the USA products. Products made in Canada are always second on my list if I have a choice. Just MO.

The one thing I wish was more prevalent in Canada is the large amount of patriotism that people have in the states. I don't ever hear people here looking for "made in Canada", and to be honest I am not sure that I have seen anyone promote it. The other thing is that in the states you see a lot of American flags...not so much here.

I will say our healthcare is nice, but There are a lot of things that are done in the states I like more (lower taxes etc.)

Anyway, way off topic.

I think after this covid stuffthe liberal Gov. is going to get roasted over the coals. Trudeau was already in hot water when the ethics commission voted against him in regards to SNC Lavalin affair, I don't even know how liberal voters are voting for him. If I was a Liberal I would be wanting a better representative.
The one thing I wish was more prevalent in Canada is the large amount of patriotism that people have in the states. I don't ever hear people here looking for "made in Canada", and to be honest I am not sure that I have seen anyone promote it. The other thing is that in the states you see a lot of American flags...not so much here.

Canadians are quietly patriotic, and fiercely so. You may see more flag waving within the borders of the USA. But once you start travelling outside of North America, the flag waving stops and it's real interesting how many Americans pretend to be Canadian.

When I backpacked Europe as a teenager, my buddy and I landed in Paris. Clueless and lost we wandered around expecting to be mugged at every street corner. This old man with a cane started screaming after us and chasing us as fast as he could hobble. As he got closer I realized he was saying "Vive le Canada". By the time he got to us he had tears in his eyes and hugged both my buddy and I profusely and repeatedly. After alot of poor translations and some help from other locals, he'd seen the Canadian flags sewn to our packs. It turned out as a young boy his village had been liberated by Canadians and alot of Canadians had died to save him and his family.

I was never more proud to be a Canadian.
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What should we expect from a leader who voluntarily took a second 14 day quarantine, after his required 14 day quarantine ended due to his exposure to his infected wife. Despite ZERO medical advice or medical precedent to do so.

Every single leader in both the US and Canada in the last 25 years I have been able to find some level of respect for. Yes, even Trump. But Trudeau is an embarrassment. He is a horrible human being. Less then 1/3 of the country wanted him to lead, but he still got in a second time.

I have never been more embarrassed to be a Canadian.
Canadians are quietly patriotic, and fiercely so. You may see more flag waving within the borders of the USA. But once you start travelling outside of North America, the flag waving stops and it's real interesting how many Americans pretend to be Canadian.

LOL! I have seen this a lot. I used to travel to Europe a lot for work. And my wife and I go to Paris every April (except this one). There are many American's who say they are Canadian or will add Canadian flag patches to their backpacks. Most of the time it's younger folks, and they don't want to be stereotyped as the "rude American". Some do it to get out of having conversations about Trump. My wife and I get asked constantly by folks there what we think of Trump. I think many people in Europe are a bit confused with what they see on the news. The BBC has a much more balanced take on him (IMO) than any of the mainstream US news carriers. And maybe balanced isn't the right word. It might just be less extreme (than the right or the left), They see what's on BBC/Fox/MSNBC/CNN and none of it really aligns. So, they are curious what "real American's" think of him. I don't mind having conversations with them about what I like and don't like about my President or Country. But, I know some people want to avoid anything like that when they are on vacation.
It would never occur to me to pose as a Canadian.

I work for a German owned company. It is astonishing to see how virtually all of that population that hasn't visited the United States has tremendous misinformation about our country and believe wildly crazy things.
I lived and worked in Europe and my twin brother has lived and worked in England the past 24 years. A lot of crazy misconceptions about America and Americans in Europe. I send my brother news articles , videos and opinion pieces ( all fairly middle of the road by American standards) and because of the internet filter in Europe he is unable to open them. Americans don't realize how bad censorship is in most countries in the world, lack of basic human rights like freedom of speech, freedom of association, 2nd amendment and the ability to defend yourself and your family, is in most countries . Living and working abroad a good many years I sure see Americans take their freedoms for granted.
The English language of the day "Well regulated" meant well trained, not the current interpretation of regulations "a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority" That interpretation is a liberal pipe dream. That is also why they added "We the People" or citizen.
There are only 6 states that do not have a state constitution and they are the ones with the worst gun control laws. In the state of Arizona our state constitution reads " The right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" Almost all the other states also list the Citizens right to keep and bear arms.

If you interpret it based on when it was written the “well regulated militia” was made up of the local populous that was expected to bring their own firearms to be part of the resistance/force. Based upon that interpretation the people should be able to own whatever they want as their capability is expected to be militaristic in nature. I think we can all agree people should not be able to own all hardware the defense industry is capable of producing but to consider any semi automatic weapon to egregiously cross those common sense lines is to intentionally dismiss the 2nd amendment.

I will admit the 2nd amendment in text is scarily open to how one wants to interpret it but I personally believe the intent of the writers is clear that people should hold the power to fight and defeat any tyrannical power foreign or domestic.
I spent a month working in Saskatchewan back in 2011. Super friendly people, and I found them to be very patriotic. I saw plenty of Canadian flags flying in the places I went.

Having said that - and at the risk of being labeled "a liberal" by the alt-right (and I'm far from it)
The English language of the day "Well regulated" meant well trained, not the current interpretation of regulations "a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority" That interpretation is a liberal pipe dream.

If you're going to argue that "well regulated" means "well trained," then some kid whose never had a day of training in their life shouldn't be able to walk into a store and walk out with any firearm, regardless of how it feeds rounds into the chamber. Exactly what part of that transaction is well regulated OR trained?

The creative interpretations I see around the 2nd Amendment on both ends of the spectrum just blow me away sometimes. You will find no more extreme contradictions anywhere, except perhaps when the topic of abortion comes up.

Carry on.
Unfortunately, it seems someone on this side of the border is trying to follow Canada's lead -

Yahoo Ad titled "Petition to Confiscate Every AR-15"

I didn't follow the link to inspect it any further, but the group listed under it is "Stop Republicans" and it says it's an ad. It was a side-bar on an article (if you could really call it that) about Texas reopening.
Where can a “kid” go into a store and buy a firearm?

If you're going to argue that "well regulated" means "well trained," then some kid whose never had a day of training in their life shouldn't be able to walk into a store and walk out with any firearm, regardless of how it feeds rounds into the chamber. Exactly what part of that transaction is well regulated OR trained?

The creative interpretations I see around the 2nd Amendment on both ends of the spectrum just blow me away sometimes. You will find no more extreme contradictions anywhere, except perhaps when the topic of abortion comes up.

Carry on.
The first part of the second amendment is a reason, not a requirement.

Arms still means arms. Those items that can be used for offense and defense by the average person, whether well trained or not, to repel a military force.

From their own circumstances and the study of history, the framers were fearful of any standing army, including one created by their own govt, which might enslave the people through the use of force, if they as a people were not armed.
I consider 18 year old "kids." My wife is a HS teacher and I know plenty of 'em. People will argue they can join the military and carry a weapon at 18, to which I respond "then they are well regulated." ;)
For those starting out young, it is a parent/grandparent/uncle, etc, to make sure "kids" are "well regulated." From the age of 16, my buds and I were shooting guns all the time, on our own. All 5 of my kids were shooting by 4 or 5 years old, all "well regulated."
Arms still means arms. Those items that can be used for offense and defense by the average person, whether well trained or not, to repel a military force.

From their own circumstances and the study of history, the framers were fearful of any standing army, including one created by their own govt, which might enslave the people through the use of force, if they as a people were not armed.
Understood. And we are so far from that today it's not even arguable. It's a true pipe dream for some to think they could defend themselves against the weapons today's military has. But that doesn't keep some people from livin' the dream.
For those starting out young, it is a parent/grandparent/uncle, etc, to make sure "kids" are "well regulated." From the age of 16, my buds and I were shooting guns all the time, on our own. All 5 of my kids were shooting by 4 or 5 years old, all "well regulated."
As was I. but that is not the norm. That is by far, the exception today.