January 20: Knee surgery this day. The past many weeks have been on-and-off hell for pain. Lots of sleepless nights and limping most of the time. As my surgery date neared it became very clear that I needed surgical intervention. My gait, walking, sitting and sleeping positions have been affected to the point of having hip and other muscular pain. I literally was looking forward to surgery.
Everything went exactly according to plan. Arthroscopic surgery is not necessarily painless but it is far less invasive than traditional 'open' surgeries. I have not spoken with my surgeon post-operatively yet, so I don';t know how much meniscus...if any...was saved. I really don't care either, as I have complete trust. He knew the importance of my lifestyles and activity needs. If the entire meniscus is gone, that's just what had to happen. I recall my RN indicating this was not the case, so I'm hopeful. I walked into the clinic at 7:30 and rolled out at 10:30.
Now 24 hours later.....
I'm on crutches with weight bearing as tolerated. My previous 5-9:10 pain went immediately to a 2-3 and today is 1-2. I actually slept last night without being constantly at war with a painful knee. It was wonderful. My leg is wrapped from ankle to thigh which is annoying, but that's nothing. I'm ice-bagging my knee as directed. I'm sure I'll be tossing the crutches tomorrow or the next day. No stairs or load carrying for a couple weeks. I've taken NO pain meds of any kind since surgery. The last time I was under anesthesia for surgery was 52 years ago. I've made it over half a century without needing anything done, and I call that remarkable...and somewhat lucky.
I wanted to share this update and my outcome for anyone who might search a nd find this thread somewhere downstream. Thanks. KD