Ruined Knee?


January 20: Knee surgery this day. The past many weeks have been on-and-off hell for pain. Lots of sleepless nights and limping most of the time. As my surgery date neared it became very clear that I needed surgical intervention. My gait, walking, sitting and sleeping positions have been affected to the point of having hip and other muscular pain. I literally was looking forward to surgery.

Everything went exactly according to plan. Arthroscopic surgery is not necessarily painless but it is far less invasive than traditional 'open' surgeries. I have not spoken with my surgeon post-operatively yet, so I don';t know how much meniscus...if any...was saved. I really don't care either, as I have complete trust. He knew the importance of my lifestyles and activity needs. If the entire meniscus is gone, that's just what had to happen. I recall my RN indicating this was not the case, so I'm hopeful. I walked into the clinic at 7:30 and rolled out at 10:30.

Now 24 hours later.....

I'm on crutches with weight bearing as tolerated. My previous 5-9:10 pain went immediately to a 2-3 and today is 1-2. I actually slept last night without being constantly at war with a painful knee. It was wonderful. My leg is wrapped from ankle to thigh which is annoying, but that's nothing. I'm ice-bagging my knee as directed. I'm sure I'll be tossing the crutches tomorrow or the next day. No stairs or load carrying for a couple weeks. I've taken NO pain meds of any kind since surgery. The last time I was under anesthesia for surgery was 52 years ago. I've made it over half a century without needing anything done, and I call that remarkable...and somewhat lucky.

I wanted to share this update and my outcome for anyone who might search a nd find this thread somewhere downstream. Thanks. KD
Congrats!! Sounds like everything went great. :)
The best to you for a strong recovery're getting it done sir. If I were in Vegas I'd be betting on you to be humping moose loads back to camp this fall.
For those of you who have had total knee replacement, Where was your pain, in the joint only or above knee and in patella tendon area or, all of the above? I have seen my X-rays and there is no doubt there is little cartilage left in knee joint. May complaint is the only pain I have is below the knee in patella tendon, which was causing me to limp to the point it caused pain in my groin, making the limp worst. I have been wearing patella knee strap which has helped reduce the pain and for the better part the limp. Everyone I know who has had knee replacement told me, the pain they had was limited to the joint only, not surrounding area. I have an appointment in early Feb. with surgeon to evaluate my situation. I don't want to undergo knee replacement surgery unless it is absolutely necessary but, will if he convinces me it's the only thing that will help. So where was your pain?
I have blown my left knee out twice. ACL and meniscus. Alls I can say is, do your research and work hard. Recovery sucks. It is a process. I still have pain every day. But it doesn’t stop me from doing what I want to do. Interview your surgeon and PT prior to surgery. Check referrals. Find good ones and then obey their instructions until you are cleared to work on your own again. Be diligent with your rehab exercises. This is probably the most important part. Then, never stop being active. Slow and steady.
Good deal! Ya got it fixed sooner than later. You should be 100% by turkey season..FWIW I only have 25ish% of my minicus left in one knee it still works fine doesn't bother me at all 4 yrs later.
Every person's joint issues are different so no blanket advice applies. I'll just say this: Life is too short and too full of opportunity to spend much of it in pain. Get treatment or get it fixed. I'm so very thankful I had this surgery and great pain relief.

After a follow-up call from the clinic this afternoon, I was told I could discontinue crutch use unless I developed knee pain or instability. So I'm already at full weight-bearing and no assistance....and no extra pain. How amazing is that? No pain med of any kind taken to this point.
I'm remiss in expressing my thanks to all my friends here. I've appreciated the comments and encouragement more than you can know.
Vitamin C everyday. Natural sources or supplements.

Vitamin C is used up in keeping cartilage healthy and healing. It is water soluble, so any excess is flushed out and your body can only store about 10 days worth. To maximize healing potential, stay topped up.
Check out KneesOverToesGuy on Youtube. His material looks pretty click baity on the surface but for guys suffering from knee pain or for guys concerned about rehab, longevity, and durability of knee function, his exercises and material will keep you in the backcountry for a long time even on rough hunts.
@Kevin Dill thats great to read your progress!
I’m in similar situation, I had left knee scoped on Nov 16 to clean up two cartilage tears in my left knee, plus a bone graft because I went about a year before I had it cleaned out. Almost pain free and hitting the stationary bike for an hour 4 times week. Now it’s time for weight loss….
My suggestion-- talk to someone who will know the surgeons at the facility you'll be going to. Don't just accept an appointment with whomever you get paired with. Half of the ortho surgeons are below average ones... Get multiple referrals for someone who is exceptional. Go to him/her and trust in his expertise.

Good luck, Kevin!

Concur !! I would suggest to anyone in a similar situation, try to find out who your local pro sports teams use for those surgeries. Try to book with one of those surgeons. Million $$ athletes use only the best in the profession. You too deserve the best.

Glad to hear OP got his treatment, good luck on a quick recovery and rehab.
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