knee pain

I would emphasize strengthening your hamstrings; that will really help stabilize your knee. I also find doing banded adductors very beneficial.

I found this to be beneficial as well. Good Mornings, uncomfortable (and downright brutal once the weight gets heavy) as they are, seemed to me to be the most beneficial as you can really stretch the hamstrings under load in a mechanically disadvantaged manner.
Lots of good advice for exercises and strengthening. Need to get an MRI to know what is wrong. It will also be helpful to monitor your knee issue through the years to have an MRI now. I have had torn meniscus in both knees, one I had surgery and a terrible recovery over 2 years. The other I felt tear and pop, got an MRI and confirmed complex tear meniscus and I rehabbed it and let it heal itself and it has been fine. Just remember whatever the MRI shows you don’t necessarily need surgery and most orthopedics you see will recommend surgery because that is all they know…tears and other injuries can heal and surgery doesn’t always fix things so consider all your options and get a second or third opinion if you don’t like what you hear. Good luck
A meniscus is made of cartilage.
Cartilage does not heal. Once torn it is torn.
One can live with torn cartilage, but chances are that it will eventually become more of a problem. Yes you can go years with it and rehab the muscles around it to stabilize the injury and be fine, as I said for years.
But again once cartilage is torn it does not grow back together.
Working it without knowing what is causing your problem is foolish in my opinion. As others have said, you need to see an ortho and get an MRI. There is just no substitute for proceeding from a base of knowledge.
Get an MRI. I injured my knee and thought it was a bad sprain. Turns out I tore my ACL. Kept hunting, skiing, playing basketball on it and eventually tore my meniscus. Doctor said it is very common for a single tear to go unnoticed and lead to multiple tears in the knee as load is shifted to areas it wasn't meant to be. Just my 2c from someone looking at a second round of knee surgery! Good luck with the hunt!