12/27 pic+arca bare carbon t3x rokstok arrived Monday. Interestingly an identical stock + cerakote + CTR inlet ordered roughly 3 hours earlier wasn't on the ready orders list, and I haven't gotten a paint call about it yet.
The Rokstok is phenomenal to shoot, and I don't want to shoot my other stocks now. It is 29 ounces. The inlet was not "vacuum seal" tight like my first stocky's vg but was not conspicuously loose like the early Rokstoks I handled at S2HU. Certainly tight enough that I'm not thinking about bedding it right now, but installation was comically easy. Fit and finish was rough, which I don't care about. Wasn't offered single color cerakote, which I also don't care about, as my rattle can finger is twitching. Produced a .8 10x group from my shorty with cheap AAC Sabers. It hates the Gunwerks bipod pic adapter, probably due to the stupid half lug. Works for a few shots before exiting stage front.