
They like you better than me, there are some in stock, but us common folk have to mail in stocks (and call). I just mailed 2 in, make sure you don’t take my two before my stocks get there tomorrow.
Yeah I’ve heard they want you to send them in and swap them over to the inset threads and long Allen bolts. This isn’t needed. I’ve already modified two stocks myself using longer screws with the standard version. I just need the damn spacers.

That has me thinking… Never mind @Unknown Munitions I’ll 3D print them myself.

Thanks @Bluumoon for the epiphany.
Yeah I’ve heard they want you to send them in and swap them over to the inset threads and long Allen bolts. This isn’t needed. I’ve already modified two stocks myself using longer screws with the standard version. I just need the damn spacers.

That has me thinking… Never mind @Unknown Munitions I’ll 3D print them myself.

Thanks @Bluumoon for the epiphany.
Side hustle! Give the people what they want.
Yeah I’ve heard they want you to send them in and swap them over to the inset threads and long Allen bolts. This isn’t needed. I’ve already modified two stocks myself using longer screws with the standard version. I just need the damn spacers.

That has me thinking… Never mind @Unknown Munitions I’ll 3D print them myself.

Thanks @Bluumoon for the epiphany.
Unknown Timelines....

@walk2112 has printed spacers
Yeah I’ve heard they want you to send them in and swap them over to the inset threads and long Allen bolts. This isn’t needed. I’ve already modified two stocks myself using longer screws with the standard version. I just need the damn spacers.

That has me thinking… Never mind @Unknown Munitions I’ll 3D print them myself.

Thanks @Bluumoon for the epiphany.
I can send you a 3D file and save you some time if you want. Last set I had made up by SendCutSend out of HDPE and ABS was $38 or so shipped, get some longer screws, and reinforcing the carbon screw holes with epoxy.
I’ve come up with my own 4 screw solution due to a little impatience with the cart before the horse nature of the LOP spacers and the easy to strip carbon. You can’t loosen them to remove/add a few, but they could be modified for that. They’re also smooth/lacking the interlocking groove so definitely not as good as ideal as what has been advertised/delivered on some stocks.

I’ve had the same sentiment regarding this advertised feature (during pre-order, back in the hollering ‘90 days’ from the roof top days) when it is also recognized that ‘longer than usual’ LOP works best for most.

I’m of the long armed long necked variety, so used to having to do this kind of stuff to most stocks, especially for the price point, it’s not that big of deal… but it’s still just the gap between what’s advertised and what’s been available this year that chaffs a little.

LOP spacers can’t be the hard part of making a stock or that hard to have made. Maybe installing/bedding female thread inserts is more complicated than I know. I get not keeping a fat pile in inventory though too.
I can send you a 3D file and save you some time if you want.

Thanks a bunch please do!
Last set I had made up by SendCutSend out of HDPE and ABS was $38 or so shipped, get some longer screws, and reinforcing the carbon screw holes with epoxy.

Yep I’ve already modified two “regular” stocks using longer screws and epoxy. Works fine.
I’ve come up with my own 4 screw solution due to a little impatience with the cart before the horse nature of the LOP spacers and the easy to strip carbon.

Yep easy to strip by over tightening. Same as the Stockys VG stocks.
You can’t loosen them to remove/add a few, but they could be modified for that. They’re also smooth/lacking the interlocking groove so definitely not as good as ideal as what has been advertised/delivered on some stocks.
Yep I posted a how to in this thread somewhere I believe for folks wanting to modify their own. Starting from a “regular” stock requires filing down the notch that sits against the regular butt pad.
I’ve had the same sentiment regarding this advertised feature (during pre-order, back in the hollering ‘90 days’ from the roof top days) when it is also recognized that ‘longer than usual’ LOP works best for most.
I ordered mine without because I didn’t want them taking any longer than they already were to ship.
I’m of the long armed long necked variety, so used to having to do this kind of stuff to most stocks, especially for the price point, it’s not that big of deal… but it’s still just the gap between what’s advertised and what’s been available this year that chaffs a little.
I’m also long armed. The stocks are perfectly shoot able as is for me, but about 3/4” over factory is “just right”.
LOP spacers can’t be the hard part of making a stock or that hard to have made. Maybe installing/bedding female thread inserts is more complicated than I know. I get not keeping a fat pile in inventory though too.
It just adds another step in manufacturing that deviates from “standard” which is why I ordered all of mine without.
The Limbsaver pad Stockys is using appears to be a #10818, which fits Blaser R8 rifles.

I think these linked spacers ‘should’ fit using a longer #8 wood screw, but you’d have to be desperate at that price.

Anyone with the skills want to model them and upload to Thingverse?
So @Stockys sent me a message here and got me taken care of. I ordered up 6 sets of the spacers from them directly. They even got them shipped out today.

Appreciate the service from them today!
Have we tackled the gluing a recoil pad part? After that they might be able to address the spacers.
We've addressed this issue and started gluing all pads and I've had about 10 angry phone calls about us gluing the butt pads so we're shifting gears again and will be installing t nuts into the butt pad and screwing into the t nuts going forward.
For the guys with spacers, how much weight is a couple spacers adding ? I feel like i could use one or two, but my stock is already at 33.5 oz and don't want to get too much heavier
For the guys with spacers, how much weight is a couple spacers adding ? I feel like i could use one or two, but my stock is already at 33.5 oz and don't want to get too much heavier

I laugh that we nit pick a few ounces in a gun but most of us probably have 10+ lbs of extra on our waste.

My advice is don’t worry about the weight if that’s what’s needed for proper fit.

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For the guys with spacers, how much weight is a couple spacers adding ? I feel like i could use one or two, but my stock is already at 33.5 oz and don't want to get too much heavier
If I handed you a gun with spacers and had you carry it all day. And then the next day handed you a gun without spacers. And did this for a 6 day hunt swapping days and not telling you which day was spacers and which wasn’t, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference hand carrying based on weight alone.

With that said. I can weigh them and post a pic when I get home.
This may have been mentioned already, but on topic of spacers this could be helpful for some. I ordered spacers for 14" LOP. It came with 1 spacer glued onto stock and 1 removable. Each spacer was 1/4''. With just 1 spacer LOP was 13 5/8'' and with 2 it was 13 7/8''. I liked the longer LOP a bit more but for my cheek weld I would have needed higher rings as it pushed my face back a tad more. For reference I was using low UM's. With 1 spacer low rings were spot on and stock was comfortable in all shooting positions.

I shoot the factory stock no problems with low rings and it's the right combination for me for LOP and height.