
Any chance you would share your order #? I was an early January plain railed tikka order and have not heard a thing.
Sorry, i didn't get back sooner. Was out of town working.
Didn't keep my original receipt. Wasn't keeping tract that way. I'm lucky to work 15 min away from the shop. I'd just pop in, grab a few things and ask.
My butt pad is peeling off. Only the bottom 1/3-1/2 are still glued on. Anyone know what glue a guy should use to get it stuck back on there?
My butt pad is peeling off. Only the bottom 1/3-1/2 are still glued on. Anyone know what glue a guy should use to get it stuck back on there?
I believe they are rubber glued to plastic. Probably any product in the hardware store that says it bonds both rubber and plastic will work. Something such as JB SuperWeld Extreme.

I believe vulcanizing glue for rubber will not bond plastic well (not certain). And I think many things that bond plastic will not bond rubber well.

A rubber reinforced glue like loctite 380 black max might be a good choice. Granger says it works on plastic, rubber, and metal.
Put 50 rounds down new Tikka barrel today at range, 170 ish total on rokstok. Noticed my butt pad is loose, not quite falling off like other guys, but I can wiggle it side to side, lil gap when I pull on it. Hopefully this has already been addressed.@Unknown Munitions @Stockys fix this shit. I've bought a lot of stock. Butt pads don't fall off at 200 round count, what's up?
Put 50 rounds down new Tikka barrel today at range, 170 ish total on rokstok. Noticed my butt pad is loose, not quite falling off like other guys, but I can wiggle it side to side, lil gap when I pull on it. Hopefully this has already been addressed.@Unknown Munitions @Stockys fix this shit. I've bought a lot of stock. Butt pads don't fall off at 200 round count, what's up?
Doesnt the butt pad just screw in like other stocks?