Yes the broad stroke that the “left is trying to ban hunting” is a little broad but in Co, it is true. Every politician that has introduced or backed legislation to outlaw or limit hunting & trappings which is effectively banned here, has been from one side of the political isle. If it looks like a skunk and smells like a skunk… pardon me for calling it such. Heck if we had politicians on the right calling for nut job ideas in Co I would be all over them as well… ( like mike Lee in Utah) but we don’t. If we could get more democrats in Co that supported the traditional Co life style and made me feel like I wasn’t under constant attack or fear of losing things I would be pretty happy about it, but it seems like we don’t get that.You're making a pretty parallel point, from a different perspective.
The distinction between a very vocal and powerful fringe and "the left" in general is a pretty important distinction.
I'm not saying I know the answer, but the general attitude among hunters of "the left is trying to ban hunting" is clearly not actually helping preserve anything.
Actions like @Howl For Wildlife is helping facilitate are.