I don't get how you can extrapolate "the end of hunting" because of one season being reduced. That doesn't make me complacent. I dont agree with WA state removing the tags, but economically there was little displaced. These facts don't equate the extremism of the phrase, "end of hunting"
haha. not even close. SE Idaho born and raised.
That's all I've tried to say... obviously the Humane Society, PETA etc have extreme anti-hunting agendas.
but as you stated most dont agree with the agenda. Most still eat meat
I am well aware as I have many friends who live there. For context - I have previously stated I don't agree with having a FG commissioner appointed by the governor, and commissioners appointed by the director bc of this very thing. but wanting to change that makes me a liberal apparently...
It's something we should all be concerned with and take active stance against, but certainly isnt an "end of hunting" bc there is a clear agenda that will eliminate all forms of all hunting in 10 years as is alluded to in the podcast OP refers to.
oh because hunting is immune to supply and demand issues. Oprahs policy is very sustainable as we continue to have reduction of herds.
YES! Question and doubt everything. right? IATA
I think this is a good start to how I see it: not all republicans want to ban abortion, but all republicans still voted for the party that banned abortion, expanded govt, and created a govt policy of dictating your medical rights. But your exactly right, the party dividing on the idea of abortion was a major source of income for both parties.
It also doesn't take a degree in statistics to see that 5 points of data over 5 decades is insufficient proof of a clear anti-hunting agenda. But then again I suppose that would make me a stupid liberal liberal bc I want facts and data, but all you see is opposition to a pro-republican belief. When in reality I want to go beyond the sensationalism of "end of hunting" and talk about whether this exists in fact or in a scheme where someone is vying for your time and money. Especially given that HOWL has 0 transparency on finances.