Robby Denning's Colorado Muzzleloader Hunt

Thanks Mike! Glad you're coming along.

This is what happens if you pussyfoot around in deer country. They about ran over me. If he would have been with them, I'd be on my way home now.
Looks like you're having fun though! I never would've guessed that you could hunt a pretty much unpressured area and still have a buck living very close to you and never see him in multiple days of hunting/glassing at first/last light. I know that if I hadn't bumped any deer, after day 3 I'd feel like I'd seen what there is to offer, and I'd be moving onto a new area for sure... but then again thats probably part of the reason I've only taken mediocre bucks the few years I've been hunting! :)

Mike, you might be right. He could be gone, but with this much cover, he could also stay right here. That is always the question: stay or move on?. Over the years, though, I've killed most of my big deer by staying put. I'll probably explore some other country and keep checking back.
It gets a lot tougher mentally when you start hunting one buck. I am about to do the same thing this weekend and I am really looking forward to it.

Robby, keep it up and I hope you find the big one you are after.
Mike, you might be right. He could be gone, but with this much cover, he could also stay right here. That is always the question: stay or move on?. Over the years, though, I've killed most of my big deer by staying put. I'll probably explore some other country and keep checking back.

I wasn't intending to say that he's gone, just that I in years past would've given up on him by now lol. You know your gameplan better than anybody and know what you're doing! Again good luck! Its getting pretty close to "Go Time" isn't it? Shouldn't you be glassing right now? ;)

Rowan and Martin Show a longggg time ago. Arte Johnson would drive a tri-cycle around dressed as a German and constantly say "Very interesting".

Just like all of your posts.... keep bringing us knowledge.
I was lucky enough to be able to hear the tips and tactics Robby is sharing in post #59 in person over 6 days. I never tired of it and each day presented new hunting situations with new questions. The core strategies and philosophy that Robby talks about... he hunts by. He is very patient, methodical and smart. No wonder why he has some big bucks! Thanks for sharing Robby.
I'm paying close attention to this one and trying to soak up what I can.
Unfourtunately the biggest lesson so far is, that I'm super impatient.
"Day 4, 5:30am. Sneaking into some country to the west where I glassed a medium buck yesterday. Clouded up and rain coming. Robby"
Pretty slow this morning. Only glassed up some elk and a few small bucks. Half way through and still looking for a shooter. Headed to town for more grub. I was thinking positive and only bought enough for 4 days worth
Thanks Mike! That's like a shot in the arm!

Back to the hunt: There is some good lookin’ roadless country several miles west and I glassed it as the first rays of the sun touched it. It’s lower country, mostly oak and sage, but it should hold bucks. I didn't see any deer at all there this morning or on my scouting trip, but I just can’t ignore it.

Eighteen years ago- 1994- I glassed up a 180 buck in very similar country a few miles from here, so I know bucks can use it this time of year. It’s high elevation winter range and probably winters deer on light snow years. I’ve read and learned that sometimes these areas will hold older bucks that for whatever reason don’t migrate with the rest of the deer herd.

In September 1996, I found a huge 36” wide 10x10 Idaho buck in similar country. He stayed on that marginal winter range all summer that year. I hunted him 8 days when the season opened, but another hunter got him on the last day. I’ve visited that country many times since then but have never seen a big deer summering there since. However, memories of that giant inspire me to always check similar country in whatever state I might be hunting.
"Game on. Got a tip today while scouting around that a few big deer had been seen Saturday in some country I know pretty well. Headed over there and just at dark, in the pouring rain, I spotted two good bucks! Got one on HD cam for about 10 seconds. Both bucks are around 28" and with two other small bucks. Had them at 268 yards but they knew something was up so I dared not move. Pouring rain bad, so only chance is tomorrow morning. I'm moving camp as these bucks are a long rough road from base. Praise the Lord, eh'?!" Robby