Rifle Advice

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Dec 30, 2014
@Map 1 @J Batt

I hear you both on the 6.5 not being an entirely better long range cartridge in terms of terminal performance. I'm not as stubborn as some in this thread would like to think :cool: . I think the 6.5 out shines the 270 in 2 places: 1) higher BC reducing wind drift 2) affordably of ammo. If I go the route of having only one gun for both practice & hunting, this may be it. Even if this means reducing my max effective range.

I'm keeping the .270, and will always have it. And if I am adding another gun, I think there are some more benefits to have by adding a different cartridge

To expand a bit more before I get hammered; as @J Batt and others have mentioned. The wind has made a fool out of me a lot and is a heavy consideration on my overall cartridge choice. Maybe the wind is still even making a mental fool of me :) as I mentally weigh cartridges based minimizing the effect of the wind. The thought here is this is a consideration of what I consider a "forgiving" setup. In the field I'm a hold over for wind guy. This does not mean I will ignore wind and take shots I think are bad or high risk. But in a light wind scenario, I think there is a greater benefit to a higher BC round. Anyone; feel free to tell me I'm wrong here.

I also hear the argument that without that 2000+- shots a year, I have no business in the 600-800 effective range. Loud and clear. I understand that a setup alone does not get me there, and that I have a ton of practice to do before I consider this range. But I want a setup to work my way towards that goal.

To those that recommend a two gun approach: .223 and an another cartridge. I hear you, it is a consideration. My hesitation is that I do want a pistol grip style chassis system. I shoot my AR a lot and think my shot process is much better ( more comfortable). Just a preference. Because of cost, its less feasible to put together two "identical" setups. Again I would prefer the 1 setup or 2 identical setup approach; but what are some issues with the majority of practice with an AR? Maybe shooting a few hundred through the AR for every 20 from the hunting rig, or shooting a couple thousand through the AR; then switching solely to the hunting rig a few months out?

I don’t see too many flies on your AR idea.

Also, I agree wholeheartedly that getting good reps in a variety of conditions and learning why you are hitting or missing is the biggest opportunity for most any of us. It’s magnitudes more important than BC, but that doesn’t mean BC doesn’t matter.


Feb 8, 2021
Just go buy a “guaranteed sub moa” 7 prc and some 162 eldx ammo type the on box muzzle velocity into the free app dial your viper pst take 3 shots at 500 yards and join probably 75% of the “long range hunters” out there.
Personally to me it sounds like you want an excuse to buy a new elk rifle, if that is the case go get one buy multiple boxes of factory ammo see what shoots out of it at 200 yards, since you don’t reload. go shoot it in wind at actual 5” targets at multiple ranges in multiple weather and wind conditions don’t bullshit yourself and say well I was on paper at 600 today. When you can go out set the target, call the wind, put in the correct dope, stack 3 shots inside 5” at 600-800 yards on any given day, it doesn’t matter how many rounds you have shot in your life, because it won’t matter what anybody’s opinion is but yours and you won’t ask for approval but will see what guys you should listen to and which ones are chimneys.
This guy. Arggggg. Why do you have to foil my plans.


Feb 8, 2021
I don’t see too many flies on your AR idea.

Also, I agree wholeheartedly that getting good reps in a variety of conditions and learning why you are hitting or missing is the biggest opportunity for most any of us. It’s magnitudes more important than BC, but that doesn’t mean BC doesn’t matter.
Yeah no, not a lot of criticism on the AR. Just people wanting to jump on the dog pile and kick me while I’m down.

I’m sure it will subside…….. eventually


Mayhem Contributor
Feb 10, 2019
Central Texas
Now onto the beef. I had a problem with the way you posed your questions and answers. I responded in kind and you did what I thought you would to: take my vague awnsers; you assumed you know enough about me publicly flaunt just how much I don’t know. Bonus: I’d bet money that you only asked those questions because you had already formulated your opinion that I was asking the wrong question. That is condescending and I don’t take kindly to that. It also opened up a free for all on me. As a newbie; that sucks. I would have respected it a lot more if you had come out the gate with telling me what you really thought. Seemed like a move that someone would make when they are worried about their own optics of what they have to say. Like I wouldn’t take your authority serious unless you really got the chance to tell me “what I need” rather that just give your opinion as advice.

You are also wrong; I do not care more about how I feel vs the truth of the information. Both can be true; i can take your advice and tell you I don’t like how you gave it. Look back at some of what I’ve written. I’m considering a totally different path based on yours and others recommendations and the 600-800 may be to much. You can I can agree to disagree on how it played out if that is what it comes down to here. If you’re done than so am I.

here we go with the hurt feelings.
Its much better to be presented good information in a bad way then bad information in a bad way.
You read more into it then form intends of that I am 100% sure. Take the good information and say thank you a year from now when you figure it out.
Oct 6, 2020
Yeah no, not a lot of criticism on the AR. Just people wanting to jump on the dog pile and kick me while I’m down.

I’m sure it will subside…….. eventually
Welcome to Rokslide
Prepare for arrogant responses from the usuall cadre whenever you ask a question..
Also be prepared to be constantly referred to the 223 thread when asking about killing elk at long range🙄.
You'll quickly learn that the ignore button is amazing.

I think you'd be well served with a 7 prc shooting 180 eldms, that bullet is a straight up killer.
Either wait for something like a Seekins or Fierce in 7 prc, or rebarrel a Tikka t3.
I've done quite a few Tikka semi custom builds, as have many others on here.
Shoot me a pm if you have any specific questions that I can help you with.
Good luck and brush off the haters brother


Mar 16, 2016
You will not find better, more consistent information than what @Formidilosus will give. It is the easiest, most basic, works suggestion you will find and/or get.

He is not going to sugar coat anything. He will give you the information, backed by data and experience, and will move on.

If you choose to read anything that anyone has said, unless I missed some deleted posts, as “dog piling” or “kicking you while you are down,” that is pretty much on you.
Jul 6, 2022
just so you understand where we're coming from, based on the way your first post was worded you came across as "another one of those guys" who watched american sniper too many times. at least to me you did lol. while we don't need your life story, you could have left off at least half of what you wrote, and you possibly would have gotten much different responses. none the less, the info you received was sound even though you didn't want it. basically, what form is saying is it doesn't matter what gun you buy because 90% of shooting is the shooter. your current rifle may be more accurate than you realize, but without the training you'll never know. so, to answer your original question, don't change anything. keep your 270 and use it till you can honestly say "ok, I've outgrown the capabilities of this rifle".


Feb 8, 2021
You will not find better, more consistent information than what @Formidilosus will give. It is the easiest, most basic, works suggestion you will find and/or get.

He is not going to sugar coat anything. He will give you the information, backed by data and experience, and will move on.

If you choose to read anything that anyone has said, unless I missed some deleted posts, as “dog piling” or “kicking you while you are down,” that is pretty much on you.
Be sure to cite your sources when you apply for Forms fan of the year. You only have a few more days before the 2022 deadline.


Feb 8, 2021
just so you understand where we're coming from, based on the way your first post was worded you came across as "another one of those guys" who watched american sniper too many times. at least to me you did lol. while we don't need your life story, you could have left off at least half of what you wrote, and you possibly would have gotten much different responses. none the less, the info you received was sound even though you didn't want it. basically, what form is saying is it doesn't matter what gun you buy because 90% of shooting is the shooter. your current rifle may be more accurate than you realize, but without the training you'll never know. so, to answer your original question, don't change anything. keep your 270 and use it till you can honestly say "ok, I've outgrown the capabilities of this rifle".
One of my favorites: I understand don't do not condone.
I also get what it looked like; and thats part of my point. I’m not that guy, and if you treat me as such I will not go quietly. I also done condone that mentality in general. If you think someone is just “another one of those guys” move on. Momma taught me if you don’t got nothing nice to say don’t say it at all. Fair point; I amend that to generally first point of contact. After that its open season.


Apr 8, 2018
No worries. I apply every year on January 1. It’s tough competition but I squeak out a win every once in awhile.
Now I find out there is an application, for an award? What else are you guys holding out on? Please share the requirements.


Mar 16, 2016
Now I find out there is an application, for an award? What else are you guys holding out on? Please share the requirements.
Honestly, no clue but I won this year and the only thing I have that Form suggests is one SWFA and it’s not even a 3-9 or a 6X. Apparently, it’s not as tough of a competition as I thought.


Oct 22, 2019
This thread still? Dang. 7 pages in and OP is still upset that he got told to go learn how to do something that he doesn’t know how to do?

The world doesn’t revolve around you so stop taking things so personally. Constructive advice is normally the best advice given, “tone” is almost impossible to tell over the intent anyway so relax. Put your ego away and go shoot your .270 already.


Jan 13, 2021
This thread still? Dang. 7 pages in and OP is still upset that he got told to go learn how to do something that he doesn’t know how to do?

The world doesn’t revolve around you so stop taking things so personally. Constructive advice is normally the best advice given, “tone” is almost impossible to tell over the intent anyway so relax. Put your ego away and go shoot your .270 already.

Easy there, Tiger. It’s come down from top brass that we’re to handle these types of situations with kid gloves. Mind your Ps and Qs.
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