Rest Days Question


Apr 29, 2012
As the season nears, I find it tough to take days off from cardio - I always take a few days off before the start of a hunt, & I stop lifting weights on my legs a few weeks out. For you fitness gurus, am I actually hindering myself by not taking days off? If so, how many days a week should my legs get a break from running/hiking/biking?
For an Average dude with average sleep, diet and recovery habits, you should probably be taking at least 2 rest days a week for optimal results. If you are getting less than 8 hours of sleep and/or don’t eat that well, Cycling In a 3rd day would probably be better. It’s common to want to do more and to actually do more under the “just tough it out” philosophy, but if we’re talking optimal results in exchange for your efforts, then you absolutely need rest days. Individual tolerances vary and variables for volume and intensity aren’t known on a Internet forum, so there’s no exact prescription that anyone on here can give you that is ideal for you as an individual.
I ALWAYS take 3 days per week off from active training. However, i may do a hike on the weekends to scout or whatever. But i train M,T,T,F and take off wed, sat & sunday. This has worked best for me when training for endurance events and hunting. But, i am 49, so if you are younger, you may benefit from 5 days per week training. I wouldnt do more regardless.
I do the opposite, I taper my "cardio" way down and continue to lift. Throughout the season, couple of reasons

1- lower chance of mechanical injury like a rolled ankle etc
2- it's easier for me to maintain vo2 max than muscle mass
3- I appreciate not feeling weak with a pack on, your lungs are gonna burn might as well have strong quads and back

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I've been hitting cardio 3-4 days a week and strength training twice, the strength training days are breaks from cardio, the cardio days are breaks from strength training, one day of full rest per week

I've always been flexible with my workouts, if my body tells me I need more rest- I rest, if I feel any niggles from lifting or running/hiking- I'll give those a break, if I want to run/hike another day, I do

Probably 7-8 years with this approach and only one minor injury (knock on wood) and my cardio and strength are exactly where I'd like it to be.
I generally don't schedule any off days on my workout schedule. I do have a couple days with very easy short runs though. 3 or 4 miles. If I am feeling beat up or if life gets in the way I don't kick myself for missing a workout though. All my best performances have come when I am in the groove running at least 6 days a week.

I personally think that everyone is different and one size shoe doesn't fit everyone. Some people need more rest, some people don't. I personally find that 3 or 4 miles easy on a "rest" day does more to help me recover and be ready for a hard workout than if I didn't do anything.

Your mileage may vary, but you might try something different and see how you react to it.
I rest on the weekends. Workout M-F. Have never given much thought to specific rest days. I don't change my routine/intensity prior to or after a hunt. I work out right up to the day I leave and back to the gym the day after I return.