Not to be a nerd, but private corporations still have shareholders. I believe most of Gore's ownership is the Gore family and higher level employees, though. Sometimes a privately held corporation is that way specifically to keep the direction in line with a particular value system, but that won't stop folks from chasing profits at all costs somewhere down the line. There are worse companies out there in this respect, from what I can tell.
But let's put it this way. Consider whether a company that says it supports you, might not actually be supporting you. Realtree for example, will make a lot of effort to promote hunting, lobby for hunting, try and get new people to hunt. But they also make a lot of money now through Realtree Properties, where they sell "hunting properties" to be leased up. Sitka also seems to have a relationship with a similar business called "whitetail properties", no clue if they're owners or just sponsors. These companies are actively driving the privatization of hunting and a shift to a European, pay to play model.
Sitka and RealTree love hunting! But how much they love you is only commensurate with the size of your bank account.
I am a huge gun guy, probably at the logical extreme of how pro-2A you can be. I also live in a place with pretty good gun laws, but nowhere to shoot. I have to drive about an hour to get to the nearest range where I can shoot from a holster. There are about 5 of those places in my entire state, they are crowded as you would imagine, and they are only getting more expensive. There is no public land here to shoot on. "No guns" signs have weight of law here as well, meaning I am automatically committing a crime if I carry in a building where they're posted (I have confirmed this with several LEOs). Basically everywhere I might need or want to go throughout the day besides restaurants and some retail stores have them up., including every building I have ever worked in.
So my 2A rights are very well protected by people who really support them! But my ability to actually exercise them is pretty slim, except when I'm grocery shopping. My point is, sometimes your side can win, but you still wind up losing.