Received the Vaccine today...

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Apr 17, 2018
If you don't get tested, you cant possibly have covid………… I told my government job to fire me if it came down to vaccination as part of keeping my job...….. workout and eat decently


Jun 10, 2014
New Iberia,LA
I got my 2nd shot a week ago,

I too was skeptical and suspicious with all of the political wrangling that has been a part of this shit show.
I am deeply conservative and have noticed some changes in my thoughts since being vaccinated.

No longer do I find the Democratic platform to be quite so bad. More and more, I'm starting to see things more clearly, embracing the left wing agenda more each day. I'm now fond of AOC, and Elizabeth Warren and their proposals for our society. Maybe they really do know what is best for the rest of us Deplorable "Boomer Rubes". I'm not dragging my knuckles nearly as much, find I'm enjoying episodes of SNL, Ellen, and late night TV for the 1st time in years. I'm starting to realize my white ancestors have left me an unfair edge, leaving me with more white guilt. My ancestors came here from Ireland in the late 1890's, but realize my whiteness makes me just as guilty as the descendants of slave owners. I now realize, If we would only turn 100% socialist the underclasses will be So Much better off. Liberty is after all mostly over rated and could not be appreciated by the un-washed masses. No.....the ruling class has it correct. I'm just going to hate the rich people that I have never met, and feel assured that taxing them into oblivion will solve or nations problems. I won't loose a job or a livelihood as Joe Biden would never let that happen to me. After all I'm not a pipeline worker.

No other side effects from the vaccine other than a sore arm. LOL!



Dec 20, 2020
Buddy of mine 28 years old, in the military, got the vaccine 2 weeks ago, the next day he was hospitalized and his pancreas had swelled to double its normal size..... this vaccination push is insane
That happened to one of my 20 something buddies in the military too. But it was from an 18 pack and a healthy start on a handle...

this post has nothing to do with Covid or vaccines, just a memory.
Apr 17, 2018
I got my 2nd shot a week ago,

I too was skeptical and suspicious with all of the political wrangling that has been a part of this shit show.
I am deeply conservative and have noticed some changes in my thoughts since being vaccinated.

No longer do I find the Democratic platform to be quite so bad. More and more, I'm starting to see things more clearly, embracing the left wing agenda more each day. I'm now fond of AOC, and Elizabeth Warren and their proposals for our society. Maybe they really do know what is best for the rest of us Deplorable "Boomer Rubes". I'm not dragging my knuckles nearly as much, find I'm enjoying episodes of SNL, Ellen, and late night TV for the 1st time in years. I'm starting to realize my white ancestors have left me an unfair edge, leaving me with more white guilt. My ancestors came here from Ireland in the late 1890's, but realize my whiteness makes me just as guilty as the descendants of slave owners. I now realize, If we would only turn 100% socialist the underclasses will be So Much better off. Liberty is after all mostly over rated and could not be appreciated by the un-washed masses. No.....the ruling class has it correct. I'm just going to hate the rich people that I have never met, and feel assured that taxing them into oblivion will solve or nations problems. I won't loose a job or a livelihood as Joe Biden would never let that happen to me. After all I'm not a pipeline worker.

No other side effects from the vaccine other than a sore arm. LOL!

you sir are a poet, fanf***ingtastic
Jul 20, 2019
Pretty funny - a handful of people get vaccinated and the libs think we are ok to go back to normal. People who have received the vaccine are still getting positive covid tests. Some people are getting sicker from the Vaccine than they did with COVID, and some people are dying from the vaccine. I refuse to be a sheep and still won’t be getting a vaccine. Party on guys!


Jun 10, 2014
New Iberia,LA
The Libs do not think we are back to normal.

They want to continue the lock-down mentality. Regardless of the falling rates in new cases (positive tests) most a symptomatic , hospitalizations, and deaths the Blue state governors want us to remain under their thumbs. They want us to ware Two Masks, even if vaccinated.!
I got the shot because I'm high risk with heart issues and I'm diabetic. If you or anyone wishes to avoid the vaccine I totally understand. I believe around 40-50 Million people have been given the shots. That is a large percentage of the adult population. Couple that with the unknow number of Americans that have been exposed to the virus but have not been tested. and you are looking at nearly half of the 330 million residents. WE are approaching herd immunity. They are pushing HR-1 legation using COVID as leverage to allow continued mail in voting, ballot harvesting, and limited or no signature verification. Its all part of a power grab. And COVID is there biggest weapon to push it thru.

If your uncomfortable with the vaccine I support your right not to take it. Not because its a Government plot, but because you don't honestly think you need it. That's good enough for me. More lefties where against it because it was engineered under Trump's watch. Now that it looks to be effective Sleepy Joe wants to take credit for it. Typical behavior for a guy who plagiarized others work during his entire political career.

I'm out.
Sep 8, 2019
Anyone in this thread have an understanding (and willing to share?) why JNJ, PFE and Moderna were given legal immunity from all injuries relating to their vaccines?


There is a very simple answer that a lot of people will make up excuses for or say isn’t real.

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Nov 11, 2018
I come from both camps, I think that if you’re healthy it probably won’t make too big of an impact. I also think, in the case of this vaccine, you should have the choice.

with that said, I think a lot of people think of themselves as healthy without really knowing if that’s the case or not. Look at how long you can have cancer before symptoms show up... or autoimmune diseases. There are people walking around who are diabetic and don’t know it. Happens every day.

Once the J&J vaccine is more available I’ll probably opt to get it. Not worth the risk otherwise - I’m pretty sure I’m healthy, but what if I’m not?
I have to agree with you but I going to add what I have seen personally. I have a customer who is 70 with a compromised immune system who had her 2 shot about three weeks ago and shes just fine. Customer #2 is a doctor here at the mayo clinic she had both shots as had her staff, she told me everyone is just fine with no reactions.
The dry wall contractor got covid from another location he was extremely sick for about 8 days but he lived now two and half months later he has severe lung problems. This guy can hang dry wall all day and hes love to elk hunt so he was in pretty good shape. A second person I know had covid was very healthy now he has heart problems and hes not doing well at all. Both of these guys wish the vaccine was available months ago.
Their words not mine.
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Oct 24, 2015
W. Wa
I have to agree with you but I going to add what I have seen personally. I have a customer who is 70 with a compromised immune system who had her 2 shot about three weeks ago and shes just fine. Customer #2 is a doctor here at the mayo clinic she had both shots as had her staff, she told me everyone is just fine with no reactions.
The dry wall contractor got covid from another location he was extremely sick for about 8 days but he lived now two and half months later he has severe lung problems. This guy can hang dry wall all day and hes love to elk hunt so he was in pretty good shape. A second person I know had covid was very healthy now he has heart problems and hes not doing well at all. Both of these guys wish the vaccine was available months ago.
Their words not mine.
Yeah my boss at work was hardcore “oh it’s bullshit”. He got it a month ago and while he’s back at work he STILL has shortness of breath. He had to take almost a month off, and him walking from one end of the shop to the other has him breathing heavy.


Nov 11, 2018
Yeah my boss at work was hardcore “oh it’s bullshit”. He got it a month ago and while he’s back at work he STILL has shortness of breath. He had to take almost a month off, and him walking from one end of the shop to the other has him breathing heavy.
The drywall contractor I referred to had the same experience, I am honestly really worried about him right now. In one more week it will be three months since he had covid.
Oct 24, 2015
W. Wa
The drywall contractor I referred to had the same experience, I am honestly really worried about him right now. In one more week it will be three months since he had covid.
It’s funny how it works though, because while you’ve got those experiences, my wife had a coworker who didn’t even know he had it. He had a day of sniffles, thought it was allergies. Tested positive. No other effects.


Nov 11, 2018
It’s funny how it works though, because while you’ve got those experiences, my wife had a coworker who didn’t even know he had it. He had a day of sniffles, thought it was allergies. Tested positive. No other effects.
Its those experiences that people see and then they think its all BS.


Aug 15, 2013
I had 3 family members get it. One had zero symptoms, one was almost hospitalized but survived. 4 months later he struggles to get through every day. By 2:00 every afternoon he is completely shot. He won't even apply for elk this year because he can barely walk across a jobsite, let alone up a mountain. The third died. I've had many family members get the vaccine and zero of them were negatively impacted. I'm not rolling the dice. I'm anxiously waiting for my turn to roll up my sleeve.


Apr 8, 2018
I'm watching a funeral online, now, for a friend's mother. She was about 75 years old, but otherwise in great health. She died alone in the hospital from Covid and my friend could not tell her mother goodbye.

I am unable to taste or smell, and I have a phantom smell (and sometimes a phantom taste), and the doctors aren't sure whether it was from Covid in June, an intervening TBI, or a combination. My physician told me I don't need the vaccine since I had the virus, but I heard a rumor the other day that the vax might cure my smell issue - and if it were true, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Even the most "minor" symptoms can become pretty challenging over time.

To be a broken record, being asymptomatic and dying are only the two of the ends of a spectrum of results. There are lots in between.
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