I would not recommend the cheaper rain gear. It has a poor waterproofness rating (if you kneel or sit down while the outside fabric is wet, it will push through the membrane and you will be wet) and poor breathability. In addition, most of them are only 1.5 (give or take) layer membranes that will eventually delaminate or tear. I hate it when people do this to me, but I would recommend saving your money and buying a piece of bombproof gear. KUIU makes excellent rain gear and I run the boundary stormtight from First Lite, which is also bombproof. Having side-zips on the pants alone makes it worth the money. Beware of any of the fabrics that have a suede-like outer face. The suede, although quiet, will absorb water which makes it weigh more, less breathable, and slow-drying. Preemptive: not trying to pick a fight with the fine gentlemen who run the space rain or other packable rain gear! I did that for years before upgrading. I ran the cabelas space rain for years, but the membrane and fabric did not hold up. I rarely use my rain gear for actual rain, but I am glad that on the rare occasions that I need it, I know it can be counted on to excel in the toughest conditions. If money is the primary issue, then I would save to buy a nice jacket first and get the pants later. FWIW...