Busted while wearing KUIU solid ash clothing

Thanks for the input. Everything you’ve said makes sense. I have been checking all my hunting clothes under black light for years. ( I think it is a real thing as well). I checked this rain gear as soon as I took it out of the package and it appeared as a very flat grey with zero bright spots and a totally neutral color. I did not check it while wet so I guess it is possible that the DWR treatment generated some reflectivity when wet/new. These deer picked me up from 150 yards with the minimal breeze in my face. I’ve been hunting deer for well over 50 years and am a very careful hunter and have been very successful. I just found it bizarre that as soon as the rain stopped I put my Peleton 240 back on and as more deer came out I was totally invisible to them. Three does actually walked under me and sniffed my stands ladder with zero concern. I really like the ash colored clothes and were it while elk hunting with zero concern. Thanks again for the input.
I hunt in kuiu ash colored stuff all the time and have deer look at me as long as I’m still they don’t seem to care or pick me out. my kuiu proximity jacket is ash zero issues so far. Most of my stuff I’ve got over the last 2 years has all been solids so they can pull double duty. As much as it costs it’s nice to wear it some place other than the woods..
Maybe looking at problem all wrong. Maybe (total guess) Noise from rain drops alerted them. You said their “ears raised”. Pitter patter from rain drops on the jacket is a different noise to them.

Same thing as how do I run into deer and elk and we almost bump into each other a few yards away but sometimes deer and elk know I’m there 500 yards away !?

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Hello guys. I just experienced something that shocked me and wondered if anyone else has had a similar experience. I was recently deer hunting from a treestand and was wearing my KUIU Peleton 240 hooded jacket in Valo camo. It started to rain so I pulled out my Kutana rain gear in solid ash color. Even though it was raining I was seeing deer. To my shock every deer that came into the field I was watching took one look in my direction, raised their ears, turned and walked or trotted back into the trees. After about an hour it stopped raining and I took off the raingear. Again, my outer garment was the Peleton 240 in valo. After removing the raingear every deer that stepped into the field walked in totally unaware that I was there and fed the rest of the afternoon. Three deer actually kept coming toward me from 200 yards away, looked up at me and ignored me and sniffed the ladder to my stand. I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced and like this while wearing KUIU solid ash. This raingear has never been washed. I took the KUIU tags off the day I hunted. Also, the breeze was perfect for my stand location. Wierd. Thanks in advance for any comments.
Once a doe spots you in a tree they always look at that spot. At some point a deer busted you, whether you knew it or not and now the spot is blown. Doubtful the color made any difference. Maybe even a few deer came out that did not know to look there, but once the one that did came it was all over. Once a doe busts one us, we have to kill it.