Quitting Copenhagen!!!!!!

Quit cold turkey 10 years ago. Threw the last can out the window of my pickup driving down the freeway! First 6 months was very rough, but by far the best decision I've made in my life. The only time I think about it is when I see someone put in a dip.....
I had my first dip in about 4th grade. By 6th grade I had a habit. I dipped a can every 1 - 2 days from then (1984) until three and a half years ago. I quit September 8, 2009. The first couple of days were like migraines and mania all mixed together. I had to dig my heals in and convince myself if I could make it 2 weeks I could do it forever. Two weeks came and I felt good about it but still had urges. I chewed a lot of gum and ate a bunch of tootsie roll pops for the next month or so. Werthers Orignials were demolished as well during work. Every now and then I get a wiff of fresh Skoal and think it would be so good and I could do it just once. Thankfully I come to my senses real quick. Really though, looking back on it now it wasn't that hard. I think the first few days are the worst. After that you can mentally overcome it if you want.
Good for you man! I have been lucky to never have a habit but I can imagine how hard it must be. Your wife and daughter will thank you!
I feel your pain. I quit many times, and ended up using the mint chew as my placebo for something to put between the ol "cheek and gum" and it worked.

It is not easy but YOU can do it.

Good luck.
Been at it for 28 years...I think I will give quitting a try again starting today! I think I will go with the "Weaning" technique.
Wow, we have a lot of quitters amongst us!!!! I am still feeling good, though I think the patch is what is keeping me calm. Chewing gum and trying to stay moving. Thanks for all the positive stories!
I finally quit cope 2 years ago! I still want to put a dip in every time I spell it. A lot of states have a quit line they sometimes provide patches, lozenges , and a counselor to help in the process free of charge. I still use the tobacco free herbal snuff from smokey mountain, they have a crap load of different flavored to help in the quitting process. Best of luck, the first couple weeks suck but it does get easier.
Congrats on quitting.. I started chewing around 15 and chewed for "only" 8 years. Been off the stuff for 17. Sounds weird this worked for me. For along time after I decided to stop, as soon as I got in my truck I would reach for "the can". So to help out. I started putting tootsie rolls in the can. Would put a tootsie roll in my lip and spit in a bottle. Sooner or later I stopped doing that. I did put a chew in about 3 years later just to try it because it smelled so good. So after I was able to sit up from being dizzy. I never took another one.
i chewed since i was 16 im 23 now and i was up to a can every 2 days, so december 1st i decided to quit i did not use any patches or anything like that i went cold turkey no seeds, no gum, jus went done and over with best way i could do it, and im fine stick with it man
I started when I was 14 and finally quit when I was 41. That was 12 years ago. Most of my dipping history I was a can a day guy. I used gum/patches and finally firmly decided. I am so happy to have quit, I also can't believe it still, and hey, I'm a doctor......should have known better!
PS keep at it, you can do it, think of your teeth, your breath, your wallet, not to mention the cancer
I quit Cope 18 months ago and it was harder to quit than drinking ( I have been sober for 3 years). The way I kicked the can so to speak was chewing through a lot of toothpicks for the first few months. Good luck!
Gotta throw my story into this thread. It was 11 years ago September 7th (my oldest daughters 4th birthday). My dad had a v-fib and ended up needing 5 by-passes. He had chewed for 60+ years, one of his cardiologist put it very bluntly he said it will not say Mail Pouch on your death certificate but it's gonna kill you sooner or later. I threw away a half can of snuff and can honestly say I've had none since. Now for the best part, my wife decides to help. She tells me every time you get the urge put 50 cents in your pocket--up to 10 dollars a day max. After 6 months if you are still snuff free spend the money however you want (no strip bars or anything too stupid)! So, I got a new rifle and a couple other goodies and I don't miss snuff at all now. It was tough but rewarding. By-the-way dad is now 87 and quit that day as well.
Been 8 days now, feeling pretty good, headaches have gone away, and I think I can kick this now, good luck to all and keep up the inspiration for the rest of us!
It will be 4 weeks this Saturday. I will always remember it because this was the day my son got his first turkey. We were on our way to the woods in the morning and I handed him 2 cans and told him to throw them out the window. I know we littered but it was time for them to go. We lost my wife and my sons mother on Christmas Eve 2009 to cancer. I did not want to go through that shit nor did I want my son to see it again. I quit cold turkey but did get some coffee grind pouches to help when I got the big itch. No nicotine or tobacco just flavored coffee grounds. Try getgrinds.com if interested. Best of luck on anyone trying to quit this nasty habit. I also agree that you seem to sleep much better!