Quitting Alcohol


Jul 14, 2016
NW Montana
I've found that I tend to lack a "moderation" switch in my brain. Anything I get into... I get really into.

The key for me is pointing that obsessive compass direction at more positive things.
I have the same problem. I jump into whatever I'm doing with both feet. I used to smoke. quit, started again and within a week was back to a pack a day. Finally quit smoking and chewing a good ten years ago.

Proud to say that on September 18th I celebrated 6 months sober. Not ready to share the story of why I quit yet, but suffice it to say I did. Cold turkey. This thread has been a tremendous help. lots of support and pride with those that quit and it helps to read others stories. Keep up the good work everyone!! And keep posting your stories and milestones.


Apr 7, 2014
Belle Plaine, IA
Same here and I'm now diving down the archery rabbit hole...again. Cycling through archery, reloading and accuracy, walleye fishing, and personal health keep me occupied throughout the year. Lord help me if I leap into shotshell reloading.😅
Sep 7, 2023
I'm almost 2 years completely sober, used to drink a bottle a night.. was a wreck for many years.
Once I started running few days a week cardio really help me with mental ease.. as well as tiring my body down to want to feel good and get a good nights sleep.

I lift now once or twice a week, and run 2-3 times a week just start eating good whole foods too mostly.. quit as much sugar as you can.. sleep good, and get regular exercise and your whole life will change.
Mar 10, 2017
been sober 18 months. Best thing I ever did. Sleep better and my body functions like it’s supposed to now….and life is better in many ways. recommend getting help if you can’t do it solo, and I tried “my way” for years. I wasn’t living under a bridge and my life was not in ruins, which made quitting harder for me IMHO. I killed a B&C Muley at 670 yards just weeks prior to when I finally decided to commit to quitting completely

There are a number of options but I tried a bunch for 4-5 years and AA has been the thing that changed my life for the better and has saved millions. Happy to chat if you ever want to


Sep 3, 2024
I didn't have drink for a month, a week before my daughter was born I had one. So a month goes by with no desire or time for it due to being present for her needs and my wife's needs. An evening came that I had no responsibilities and I had two. Thought to myself, "I haven't missed this feeling." and at $50 a bottle...that's a box of 6.5 PRC and I've got better things to do with $50.


Jan 12, 2021
I read quite a few people using NA beer to make the transition easier. I did the same thing for a while the first time I stopped drinking. If it helps you, that's great. It wound up just kind of torturing me. It turned into the same behavior of drinking a couple after dinner. There was no buzz, but it was comforting. I had to cut those out too.


Oct 1, 2014
I read quite a few people using NA beer to make the transition easier. I did the same thing for a while the first time I stopped drinking. If it helps you, that's great. It wound up just kind of torturing me. It turned into the same behavior of drinking a couple after dinner. There was no buzz, but it was comforting. I had to cut those out too.

NAs were/are great for me. I drink a solid amount of them but they really scratched to itch for me. The ones out now are pretty damn good and a million times better than odouls.

With that being said, I have very close friends that won’t touch them as it just makes them want the real thing.

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Nov 6, 2013
NAs were/are great for me. I drink a solid amount of them but they really scratched to itch for me. The ones out now are pretty damn good and a million times better than odouls.

With that being said, I have very close friends that won’t touch them as it just makes them want the real thing.

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Same here, I can taste the alcohol in them. Soda water’s scratch my itch.

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Aug 26, 2023
NAs were a good alternative when in social situations when I first quit. It didn't take too long to realize those NAs or social situations were not something I enjoyed or needed. They prolonged something I needed to move away from, but were certainly a useful aide in quitting.
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Jun 24, 2022
SE Flo-Ree-Duh
I do just fine not drinking if I'm not around people who drink . That social thing is hard for me.
Just the fact that you've made that connection means you're moving in the right direction , IMO anyway . It will get easier over time , the more you see how others are struggling with drinking in your circle , the more incentive you get to stay sober , again , just my opinion . Keep quitting , you can do it , I did so I know you can .


Sep 9, 2024
I'm new here & glad to see a thread like this! I've been on & off, but mostly off lately. Living in a drinking state like some others have mentioned, I don't exactly feel pressure to drink but boy socializing is a lot harder when I'm not a little tipsy. But not drinking feels better these days anyway, and it gives me something to get better at, or a reason to find new things to do!
Sep 28, 2024
Recently came to the conclusion I want/need to stop drinking. I've seen a few guys on here say they've been sober for years.

I've been pretty strong willed when it comes to kicking habits, but this one has been a one step forward three steps back one. Haha

Those of you who have stopped did you notice many benefits on your hunts, mindset, or physical shape?
Any tips on the process?
Good for you! I had to cut out alcohol since I was putting on some extra pounds. Quitting definitely helps the mind and physical shape.


Mar 2, 2012
Central Illinois
When I first quit I too was concerned about the social settings. It caused me some anxiety, since I ALWAYS had a beer in my hand right along with everyone else. It's funny how time changes things. Now I go into social situations with drinking involved and I'm thankful to not be participating, almost proud really. I still have fun and I just go home early, get a good nights sleep, and wake up feeling good. When you're sober it's eye opening to watch people get hammered in real time. Going from coherent conversations to a sloppy mess in just a few hours. I always tell myself, "Man, I'm glad I'm not going to feel like them tomorrow." I see clearly the crutch that alcohol is for my friends, the same as it was for me. It's a little depressing but also uplifting at the same time. If anyone is worried about the social situations, trust me, it isn't that bad once you're on this side of it. And if "friends" have a problem with you not drinking, then they're not your friends.


Apr 23, 2023
...Lord help me if I leap into shotshell reloading.😅

Don't do it! You think you'll be ok, that you can handle it. It starts small, a single gauge and load type. You pick up some equipment, a little shot, powder, wads, and some primers and off you go. Then you want to try a different load and you get a different powder, some different wads, a different shot size etc. Then the next load type and the next... Then comes different gauges, and more equipment and powder, shot sizes, and primers. Then you start asking people if you can pick up their hulls after you proudly proclaim that you're a reloader. Then you find yourself unable to pass by a dumpster or 50 gal garbage drum at the range without picking through it looking for hulls. Eventually you won't be able to step over some old, rusty hulls in the desert or woods without picking them up wondering if you could still get one more load out of them.