Quitting Alcohol


Jul 14, 2016
NW Montana
I've found that I tend to lack a "moderation" switch in my brain. Anything I get into... I get really into.

The key for me is pointing that obsessive compass direction at more positive things.
I have the same problem. I jump into whatever I'm doing with both feet. I used to smoke. quit, started again and within a week was back to a pack a day. Finally quit smoking and chewing a good ten years ago.

Proud to say that on September 18th I celebrated 6 months sober. Not ready to share the story of why I quit yet, but suffice it to say I did. Cold turkey. This thread has been a tremendous help. lots of support and pride with those that quit and it helps to read others stories. Keep up the good work everyone!! And keep posting your stories and milestones.