Quitting Alcohol

I am very thankful to the Lord that it's been over 22 years sober for me. Nothing but water, coffee and some of my wife's ice tea for dinner. Funny thing is that at random times I can smell a fresh beer after you open it even if I am in the mountains, but I have no desire to go back. Stay focused in your goals everyone, your health and family depend on it.
Officially over a year without a drink and feeling pretty good. Has been pretty easy honestly as the desire to have one really hasn’t been there. Except for yesterday…. Not sure what it was but we were eating at our favorite pizza spot and a frosty beer was pulling on me hard. Glad I held out cause it’s been a busy day!

Happy thanksgiving everyone.
Best of luck navigating the holiday gentlemen (And any ladies).

This year one thing in grateful for is my decision to quit drinking!
Navigated my in-laws and got the marriage tax paid. Tomorrow is my real family supper with people who don’t drink whatsoever. It’s nice being around people who are not just people who you don’t have to keep your guard up, but you purposely take it down because those people make you a better person for having been around.
I hit my 3 year mark on November 3rd.

The stopping drinking led to the idea of a healthier life altogether, which led to losing the weight, which led to more motivation to exercise, which led to me hunting further & harder!

50 years old & I'm literally in better shape now than I was at 18!

Congratulations to everyone in this thread, you guys are all inspirational. ❤️
I hit my 3 year mark on November 3rd.

The stopping drinking led to the idea of a healthier life altogether, which led to losing the weight, which led to more motivation to exercise, which led to me hunting further & harder!

50 years old & I'm literally in better shape now than I was at 18!

Congratulations to everyone in this thread, you guys are all inspirational. ❤️
Back at you man. I hope I can say I’m healthier at 50 than 18 like you.
I love seeing some of the sucesses posted here. To those on the fence, I encourage you to give quitting a shot. Seeing some of the timeframes had me curious as I'm over 2 years myself and I looked it up. Kind of random, 2 years, 3 months and 4 days. I only remember the day because it's my sister's birthday and she drove me to detox.
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Congratulations on all of you that quit. I came from a long line of alcoholics on both sides of my family tree and have a couple of questions if you don’t mind.
For you guys who used to drink to much, did you drink because you liked the taste? Or was it just to feel the effects of alcohol?
Guess I been pretty lucky as I consider the taste to be disgusting except for maybe a couple of brands of beer. Even then if I drink a 8 ounce glass I can feel the effects.
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Congratulations on all of you that quit. I came from a long line of alcoholics on both sides of my family tree and have a couple of questions if you don’t mind.
For you guys who used to drink to much, did you drink because you liked the taste? Or was it just to feel the effects of alcohol?
Guess I been pretty lucky as I consider the taste to be disgusting except for maybe a couple of brands of beer. Even then if I drink even a 8 ounce glass I can feel the effects.
I told myself it was for the liking the taste for too long. In reality it was self medicating. Long lines of alcohol abuse on both sides for multiple reasons.