Quitting Alcohol

For me personally it was the best thing I could’ve ever done. My dad is an alcoholic and wasn’t ever around much and I wasn’t going to put my kid through that same situation so I just stopped all together because its something once I start I can’t seem to stop. Everything is okay in moderation I believe and alcohol is just something I can’t keep in moderation

I feel the same way.

Went to first 3 months of this year not drinking then started up again and quickly started drinking regularly again.

I quit a few weeks ago again. I actually really enjoy to strength and freedom of not drinking so hopefully it’ll stick this time.

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I started working on it last January and made my mind up in February. I’ve had about a 12 pack since then. It’s pretty hard to beat an ice cold Keystone after splitting firewood in the summer. This is the first dry holiday season in a long time. Definitely don’t miss the groggy mornings and everything else that goes with it.
Recently came to the conclusion I want/need to stop drinking. I've seen a few guys on here say they've been sober for years.

I've been pretty strong willed when it comes to kicking habits, but this one has been a one step forward three steps back one. Haha

Those of you who have stopped did you notice many benefits on your hunts, mindset, or physical shape?
Any tips on the process?
I quit about 6 years ago. I have noticed I am in pretty good shape. However, what I have noticed even more is that the guys I hunt with that haven't quit drinking are in worse shape, but the saddest thing is they have all lost motivation. It is sad to see really. Their sense of adventure is nearly gone. Quitting will be one of the best decisions you have ever made... And for way more important reasons than hunting.
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Day 233 here, everything is indeed better. Not worried about an OWI, feeling like shit in the morning, liver failing, minimal cases of the f%#k-its, the list goes on and on...

Getting so much done now that I have both hands free. My son told his girlfriend that, "you're meeting my Dad at the most productive time of his life."

That statement made an impact on me because he didn't get the best version of me growing up, he's 21 now :(
I also notice I influence my friends to drink more when I drink. Always feel bad because they really don’t drink as much as I would. And when I don’t drink they drink much less. Even my wife.

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Man you nailed that one. I have friends that are casual drinkers and they’d go beer for beer with me and it wouldn’t end well. My tolerance was so much greater.

And now being sober I’ve noticed even my heavy drinking buddies indeed drink less when there’s one less alcoholic going to the fridge saying “just one more.”

I hit 16 months the day after Christmas. Still easily the best decision I’ve ever made.
Good work and thank you to all that have posted here. Christmas Eve marked 6 months for me. My life has improved in so many ways since I stopped - better relationship with my wife, better father to my young kids, stronger faith, better sleep, more energy, better focus, no worry about long-term liver damage. Overall just a more present and accountable version of myself.
Good work and thank you to all that have posted here. Christmas Eve marked 6 months for me. My life has improved in so many ways since I stopped - better relationship with my wife, better father to my young kids, stronger faith, better sleep, more energy, better focus, no worry about long-term liver damage. Overall just a more present and accountable version of myself.

Way to go man! Extremely happy for you.

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First off, congratulations to everyone who has kept (and keeping) sober and able to withstand the everyday pressures of drinking alcohol; no matter how long it's been. It is NOT easy, and the cards are stacked against us.

What a hell of year 2023 was for me and never in a million years thought I would have gone without a drink. 2022 was a typical heavy drinking year for me and was the norm compared to the previous 27yrs. I drank on weekends, events, random days, summers, winters, day drinking, and pretty much every other day with any excuse whatsoever to have a couple beers, wine, shots, whiskeys, etc.... By the end of 2022 I had just turned 45, still in decent shape, but seeing my health going downhill super-fast. I wasn't as mobile, active, or healthy as I wanted to be so I decided to take the month of January off of booze, just to "dry out". Then I read this thread.....

I have no idea why this thread spoke to me so intimately. I read everyone's posts on how they've improved their lives by not drinking, especially who saw themselves better fathers to their kids. I was inspired. I didn't know it at the time, but I needed a major change in my life. I told myself I'd go as long as I could without drinking. January went by, so did February and March, then here comes springtime and still I hadn't had a drink. Friends started asking questions and congratulating me like I accomplished something profound. I never saw myself going down the sober path but here I was...

In 2023 I went to Las Vegas with high school friends I haven't seen in 20 years, Tulum, MX with my wife for a wedding, countless camping trips, a 3-day seafood & wine festival, birthday parties, concerts, an NFL game, professional soccer game, San Diego, ski trips, and multiple raft trips...ALL while staying sober and not having a drop!

I'd be lying if at times I didn't feel out of place being the only sober person, that I really wanted to have a beer on a hot summer day at the beach, or do a tequila shot with the whole wedding party in Mexico to celebrate a close friend's special day. But I knew that once I had that first drink, it would turn into a 2nd, then 3rd, then another day, then another week of drinking; eventually turning back into who I used to be, and who I no longer wanted to be.

I still won't say that I'll never drink again. I want to have a drink when my sons turn 21. But that is a long time away and will cross that bridge when it comes. For now, I'm happier, healthier, and a better me; a better father not drinking.

So, here's to a sober 2024 and beyond to everyone! If sobriety is your best path forward, you can do it and be proud of every day you say no thank you!!