Quitting Alcohol

I forgot to update.
I hit my 2 year anniversary on November 3rd.

I can honestly say that I don't even think about drinking anymore. It really never even crosses my mind.
I went from 4-5 bottles of whisky, plus beers & wine a week for about 6 years, to zero. I can't believe I wasted all that damn time being a shitty version of myself, not to mention the money I pissed away.
I forgot to update.
I hit my 2 year anniversary on November 3rd.

I can honestly say that I don't even think about drinking anymore. It really never even crosses my mind.
I went from 4-5 bottles of whisky, plus beers & wine a week for about 6 years, to zero. I can't believe I wasted all that damn time being a shitty version of myself, not to mention the money I pissed away.
Congrats Rob!
I forgot to update.
I hit my 2 year anniversary on November 3rd.

I can honestly say that I don't even think about drinking anymore. It really never even crosses my mind.
I went from 4-5 bottles of whisky, plus beers & wine a week for about 6 years, to zero. I can't believe I wasted all that damn time being a shitty version of myself, not to mention the money I pissed away.
Good job sir! I'm at 5 months and feeling pretty good.
It’ll be 16 months the day after Christmas for me. I can’t believe it has been that long.

I bought some white wine yesterday for a recipe my wife was making. The few times I’ve had to buy alcohol since I’ve been sober have felt almost dirty, lol. Like I was doing something wrong and people around me were judging me. Previously I’d load up a cart with a few cases of beer and think nothing of it.

Congrats to everyone on their accomplishments. It’s really great to read and I check back for updates here all the time.
I forgot to update.
I hit my 2 year anniversary on November 3rd.

I can honestly say that I don't even think about drinking anymore. It really never even crosses my mind.
I went from 4-5 bottles of whisky, plus beers & wine a week for about 6 years, to zero. I can't believe I wasted all that damn time being a shitty version of myself, not to mention the money I pissed away.
Good deal man. My wife and I just talked about drinking the other day. Her and I would maybe have a couple of drinks 3-4 times a year. Neither have had a drink since April 29th 2022. More than likely not ever have another. Both her and my family drink at EVERY family function. We have gotten where we don't go to them nearly as much. Mainly because they make such a big deal out the drinking part of the get together.
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I use to drink like a fish, but the hangover and the my recovery rate takes me 1-2 days to recover.

Without drinking I you definately feel a lot better, drinking in general, like a beer will have a negative effect on your bodies metabolism for at least a week. Health is wealth, better to ease off maybe for the holidays instead of every weekend.

But it definately is fun.
I use to drink like a fish, but the hangover and the my recovery rate takes me 1-2 days to recover.

Without drinking I you definately feel a lot better, drinking in general, like a beer will have a negative effect on your bodies metabolism for at least a week. Health is wealth, better to ease off maybe for the holidays instead of every weekend.

But it definately is fun.
This! I knew I had to stop when just a single beer would give me a splitting headache. I stopped in 2014 and never looked back. Best decision I ever made.
I had been 7 months alcohol free. Had a beer at my wife's Christmas party and 1.5 last night. Slept like crap last night and just don't feel good. Guess I'll quit longer or for good. I mostly quit to drop weight and to get out of the habit of drinking a couple of beers almost daily, but now I know the other effects it was having on me. Appreciate you all posting your stories. This thread helped me those 7 months I was sober. It definitely got easy over time, and I still wouldn't have much trouble giving it up again.
2 years without a drop. Lost 20 lbs, and am in better shape than I was a decade ago. Haven’t done anything extreme to lose that weight or train either. Like an anchor off my legs. I never think of drinking anymore. I just don’t. I’m not the life of the party anymore either but I often wonder how many of my friends were there for the show. Good luck for everyone out there doing their best to make a change.
At one time, I was probably the best candidate my hometown had for the title of "Town Drunk"!

My greatest (?) asset was I didn't "crave" alcohol. I could take it or leave it. I wasn't fond of the taste and the hangovers hurt.
But my biggest problem was "moderation"! If I ever started, I went all the way!
I can still drink...if I choose. These days, that's 4 ounces of red wine before bed.

My dad was a "social" alcoholic and later in life, just an alcoholic. He didn't stay drunk all day every day, but he had to have a drink or two...or three...or more, every day if he didn't have to go in to work.
I stopped for a little over 2 months this past summer. But I fell back into old habits during hunting season. I've never had a problem with alcohol, but last spring I started consuming way too much, in my opinion.

I've decided it's time to leave it behind for good. Alcohol does nothing except screw up my sleep and pack on pounds. Reading this thread, it's great to see people make a decision that impacts their life positively. I'm in.
My Wife and I quit drinking September 24th 2022. It was one of the best decisions we ever made together. On the weekends it would be nothing for us to drink 2 -3 bottles of wine sometimes all in the same night. Plus I would pound high noons when golfing with my friends and any other chance I got. When I stopped I immediately noticed how much better I sleep. I used to wake up with terrible night sweats. Come to find out it was my body processing all that sugar in the alcohol. Haven't had that problem since. Our relationship has grown even stronger as well. Anyone that asks me about quitting drinking I always tell them that they have to want to stop. If you aren't doing it for yourself then it will never work. To all of you who got sober and stayed sober congratulations. It's one tough task I know that.
My Wife and I quit drinking September 24th 2022. It was one of the best decisions we ever made together. On the weekends it would be nothing for us to drink 2 -3 bottles of wine sometimes all in the same night. Plus I would pound high noons when golfing with my friends and any other chance I got. When I stopped I immediately noticed how much better I sleep. I used to wake up with terrible night sweats. Come to find out it was my body processing all that sugar in the alcohol. Haven't had that problem since. Our relationship has grown even stronger as well. Anyone that asks me about quitting drinking I always tell them that they have to want to stop. If you aren't doing it for yourself then it will never work. To all of you who got sober and stayed sober congratulations. It's one tough task I know that.

Way to go man. Thank you for sharing!

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Worked a job for 14 years where alcoholism was rampant.
I saw enough, I wanted no part of it when I reached.
One guy went to work sick. His crew babied him and fed him 7-Up and crackers. On the layover, same thing. Crackers and 7-Up and he would throw it all up.
The 150 mile trip back home. Same thing.
When he got to the home terminal, he checked himself onto the local hospital.
He never checked out. Cirrhosis killed him.

A lot of the guys that drank so hard were of the same age group. About 90% of them were WWII combat vets.
I stopped for a little over 2 months this past summer. But I fell back into old habits during hunting season. I've never had a problem with alcohol, but last spring I started consuming way too much, in my opinion.

I've decided it's time to leave it behind for good. Alcohol does nothing except screw up my sleep and pack on pounds. Reading this thread, it's great to see people make a decision that impacts their life positively. I'm in.
I'm coming up on 6 months very soon. It definitely gets easier after the first few months.