Puffy Jacket Shootout, Alaska Style by Luke Moffat

@COlineman78 ... I thought the same ... but it is listed as only wind-resistant - not windproof. In fact, one of the reviews I read elsewhere mentioned that a stiff wind would go through it. I've never had my hands on one though, so I can't say for sure. Luke, do you have any insight on this?

If you are wanting true waterproof in a softshell style jacket I would pick up the Kuiu Yukon jacket. Its a true rain jacket that acts like a soft shell.

That said I prefer not to make my rain jacket also my puffy jacket. I prefer to have them be separate jackets for two reasons.

1) Cost. You can get both a decent rain jacket and a decent puffy jacket for roughly the same price as a top shelf Kuiu Yukon or the like jacket.

2) Flexibility. I don't want to have to wear a super warm jacket while hiking in the rain. I just want a simple shell otherwise I will be sweating my nuts off! I can always layer my puffy under my rain jacket.

The weight of most these puffy jackets was 18-20 oz or so. A good quality lightweight rain jacket is gonna run between 10-16 oz. Worst case you end up with 36 oz in jackets. Thats only less than a half a pound more than a jacket like the Kuiu Yukon.

Personally I would use my Kuiu Kenai or Kifaru Lost Park (did I just mention my favorites of the bunch here ?!?!? :) ) in conjunction with my Westcomb Cruiser rain jacket and those combos combined would be either 34 to 38 oz and have a MUCH warmer setup overall as well as have a much more comfy rain jacket to hike in as well. And you don't have to worry about getting your only puffy jacket sweated out when hiking in the rain which can and will happen if you are moving at all with a warm jacket on with a pack on in my experience.

Probably not what you wanted to hear, but its how I roll and why a soft shell jacket has no place in my pack. Not as waterproof as a true rain jacket, nor is it as warm as a true puffy jacket.

But for what you describe yes the Kuiu Yukon would be the route I would go if I had to choose a jacket.
Luke, I think he is more concerned about windproof with DWR than waterproof. Can you speak to the effectiveness of the Kenai to cut wind? That is one of my favorite parts about the FL Puffy other than it's the first jacket that truly fits my freakishly long torso and arms (it truly feels like it was made for me, which makes me surprised that normal size folks don't have issues with this extra length).
I think the Sitka Jetstream could be what he needs. Just layer any puffy coat under for insulation.
I just got the Yukon and sold my Chugach and will probably also sell my Guide jacket.
Next puffy I buy will be the Lost Park Parka.
It does appear the browning Hell's Canyon softshell may fit the ticket perfectly. I did some research and it every feature I want other than an open camo pattern. Will probably spring for one at some point. Still like my Cadog a lot. It just is a tad cool when it is below 25 and there is a stiff wind.
It does appear the browning Hell's Canyon softshell may fit the ticket perfectly. I did some research and it every feature I want other than an open camo pattern. Will probably spring for one at some point. Still like my Cadog a lot. It just is a tad cool when it is below 25 and there is a stiff wind.

Looks like they have them way on sale at Sierra Trading Post as long as you're a S, M or XL. Curious though as you said you wanted insulation and the browning certainly doesn't have any.
Looks like they have them way on sale at Sierra Trading Post as long as you're a S, M or XL. Curious though as you said you wanted insulation and the browning certainly doesn't have any.

Agreed....I wouldn't have typed all my blabbing had I known he didn't really want a coat with insulation.....oh well....I will go rest my poor digits ;)
Here would be my wishlist.

Softshell (tough and quiet ... like it for bowhunting ... both elk and whitetail)
body mapped insulation
good pockets
pit zips

Was just browsing around and found one that may fit this exactly. The pit zips don't look to be included, but thats something that can easily be added if it's important to you. http://www.beyondclothing.com/a5-stretch-alpha-sweater.html Not in stock right now, but looks to be an insulated soft shell that is both windproof and DWR. I think they may do custom orders as well, so it may be worth asking if they'd add pit zips for you.
Son and I are both 6'7" and last fall I borrowed his 2XL Uncompaghre. Really liked it. Found one on sale for a great price in ASAT on black Friday. Have been using it coyote calling and amazed at how warm it is with proper layers under it. Very pleased. Have not tried any of the others listed, so not slamming those, just like the First Lite model a lot.

Luke Moffat tests gear in the most extreme conditions of Alaska. So when he offered up to test four puffys over a six month period, I said "sign me up!"

Here is the head-to-head review on the Kifaru Lost Park, First Lite Uncompahgre, KUIU Kenai, and Sitka Gear Kelvin Lite


Great article! I love my FL puffy!!
Great information! Very helpful to see reviews like this. With so many options out there and being unable to get our hands on some brands prior to making a purchase, its nice to see the review and help narrow the search!
fwiw - if you're looking for relatively inexpensive Primaloft puffy gear, try the military ECWS jackets and pants - available on Ebay for as little as $50 for a hooded jacket and sometimes as low as $35 for puffy pants. Wild Things is one of the manufacturers for this gear, and their quality is excellent. Note - the ECWS gear is not particularly lightweight. I mainly use my ECWS gear when I'm not backpacking very far in. I use my Kuiu Kenai when ounces matter more.
I recently bought a Nunatak PCT jacket and pants. They are happy to customise the features and the build quality is 1st class. same insulation as the Kifaru LPP but the garment is far lighter.

I got mine as an anorak style and they made it longer than standard and positioned the kangaroo pocket higher so it is accessible while wearing a pack. I love it.

Just thought i'd mention it because it is in the league with those mentioned in the article.

Luke Moffat tests gear in the most extreme conditions of Alaska. So when he offered up to test four puffys over a six month period, I said "sign me up!"

Here is the head-to-head review on the Kifaru Lost Park, First Lite Uncompahgre, KUIU Kenai, and Sitka Gear Kelvin Lite

Have been looking into the Kifaru jackets and this was a huge help. Especially the size breakdown. Just luck that we're about the same size.
I recently bought a Nunatak PCT jacket and pants. They are happy to customise the features and the build quality is 1st class. same insulation as the Kifaru LPP but the garment is far lighter.

I got mine as an anorak style and they made it longer than standard and positioned the kangaroo pocket higher so it is accessible while wearing a pack. I love it.

Just thought i'd mention it because it is in the league with those mentioned in the article.

Yup on all counts, you can go lighter on the insulation, heavier or even hybrid with more in the core and less in the sleeves. Have a long torso, no problem, long arms (or short) no problem, want no pockets, lots of pockets- yup. You want a different outer (or inner) fabric- lots to choose from. Pullover, full zip- make your choice.

I have two- a 2.5 Apex pullover and a 3.6 Apex full zip jacket- they both are much warmer than their light weight would suggest.