Possible move to Wyoming-Cheyenne

I live in MT not WY, but the difference in weather can be huge by living a few miles away from another city.

Do some research on the climate data of nearby communities. You may be amazed at what you find if you were like me. Of course, it's not CA, so you can be a long distance away in a short drive time except in extreme weather.

There are definitely some areas of MT/WY that have extreme weather, but there are also areas that aren't nearly as bad.
How's the grizzlies in wy? Been wanting to see one at a distance in the wild for some time. I Imagine they are in the northwest part of the state.
How's the grizzlies in wy? Been wanting to see one at a distance in the wild for some time. I Imagine they are in the northwest part of the state.
Just go to the northwestern corner if you wanna see em. If your not keen on encounters everything else fine.
How's the grizzlies in wy? Been wanting to see one at a distance in the wild for some time. I Imagine they are in the northwest part of the state.
Spend a few days in the north west corner of Yellowstone to see one along with wolves. Sign up for one of the Yellowstone wildlife groups on fb and go to where dead elk and bison have been seen at first light - the carcass of a buffalo will be fed on for almost a week. In some places grizzlies feed first thing each morning and are run off by wolves once they are awake and finished with morning coffee.
I was out that way and folks were talking to me about recent hurricanes. Told em it is no diff than you guys getting a week of 60-70-80 mph winds and they said, no you guys get damage….

A nice guy and his elderly father in SD. Love them and cherish our conversation from Oct 2017 - God Bless them. Salt of the earth folks.

The wind blows out there. Be ready for it. Winter is also cold and add the fricking wind.
My advice, if you can swing it, is to move to Laramie or Fort Collins. MUCH nicer towns IMO. And I know people who’ve made those commutes so it can done if your job will allow it
Wow, wind and cold scares some of you more than I would have thought, lol.
Yes it gets cold and yes the wind blows, it keeps the less than hardy folks out of state.
Laramie is a nice town, not bad for snow last year actually.
Winter travel can be very iffy and the roads get closed frequently in winter, you have to plan ahead.
Cheyenne is not very scenic but closer to Front Range.
Cheyenne is fine, just a town, nothing really special, not especially active nor outdoors oriented. It's small enough to get around pretty easily/quickly.

The archery club is outstanding. 40 yd indoor range, 24 hour access, $75/yr.

FC is nice, but much more $. Lot more nice restaurants and some decent shopping for the women folk. Commute isn't too bad if necessary. It's about an hour drive from Cheyenne to about anywhere in FC.

Laramie is more "mountain" and has the University. Would NOT commute from Laramie to Cheyenne due to winter road conditions/closures at the summit on I80. Much easier to commute from FC.

Whining about the wind... at least it culls the mentally weak.
Cheyenne is a good town. There are definitely worse places you could be. I’ve been here a little over 20 years. Shoot me a PM when you get in or if you have any questions. The archery club is great for access as mentioned above and pretty active.
The folks at the archery club were always good people, we used to go over and shoot some of their events.
Yeah, no way on the commute from Laramie to Cheyenne though many do it.
More opportunities over there for sure.
Would definitely not recommend the commute from Laramie to Cheyenne. Thankfully I don’t have to do it everyday, but know folks that have done it for years. If it’s not the snow, ice, wind, trucks and animals in the winter-it’s the construction, hail, wind, trucks and animals in the summer.

There’s lots of folks moving here from California, Texas, and Colorado. It’s best to leave whatever policies you come from in that state. Wyomingites don’t appreciate new folks moving in and then trying to change their policies to better suite them. You’ll have good and bad folks everywhere, it’s who you choose to associate with. Cheyenne is a nice place to live, we like it here.
I grew up on the opposite side of Wyoming from Cheyenne. Best state in the union in my opinion. I went to college in Laramie. Really fun town. The college football games are an absolute blast.
The snowy range is a great area to cut your teeth on western hunting. Particularly archery hunting. I took a lot of new hunters up there and had great success.
Your fist year before you become a resident scout your ass off. go find cool places and explore the state. If you have any questions on where to go and what not pm me.
I interviewed in Cheyenne years ago when I first moved West in 06. I had no idea what to expect but it wasn't the mountains that I was looking for at the time. My wife was saying no when we drove into Cheyenne. I was saying no after I realized the job wasn't what I was expecting either. It worked out because I interviewed in central Colorado on the same trip and that's where I landed then. Besides driving through and maybe buying fuel I've not been back.

Since then, we've ended up in MT. In 17 years in the West I've learned to recognize the charm/appeal of more than western mountains but most all western landscapes. I could adjust to Cheyenne if necessary and still be within a reasonable drive of a lot more of Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota. There are worse places to live than Cheyenne.

I would still bitch about the wind.
Speaking of wind. I had to laugh Sunday as the weather channel was reporting from CA on the hurricane. The announcer was going on about 35mph winds,,,,with gusts as high as 45. I looked at my wife and laughed, told her they obviously haven't had the pleasure of driving from Pine Bluffs to Cheyenne when it's actually windy, 45 is a breeze. :ROFLMAO: