Platypus or Camelbak bladder?


Jun 20, 2012
What bladder do you guys like better? Doing a 4 day archery hunt in CO in Sept. Already have a CamelBak but was looking at Platypus to lighten load and also get their gravity filter to have a complete system. That's pretty cool.
I always carry a platy 1 liter soft bottle, the platy gravity filter does look pretty cool, it would be easy to modify it to any other system, for my actual bladder I either run a 2L dromedary and a 6L. I'll use the 2L all throughout the day and leave the 6 at camp. If I'm campin at a water source or there is water aplenty I leave the 6 at home unless I want it as a shower bag. If you already have a camelback really no reason to upgrade.
Right on. I guess if I would of read a little more on the website I would have seen that. My CamelBak is the old Omega so I would have to buy the quick connect deal and splice it in but that is cheaper than buying a whole new bladder. Thanks guys.
I've been using the Platypus Big Zip 1.5L and 3.0L water bladders for a couple years on all my hunts, backpacking and hiking trips and really like them. Yet to have any leak issues, pretty durable, cleans easy, and easy to fill depending on what your filtering means are. No experience with Camelback.
Another great thing on the Platypus is you can conform the zip opening to get water out of some spots you could not with other bladders. We had a minor emergency situation this past season, and I think only a Platypus or a zip lock bag would have allowed us to get water where we were.
Another great thing on the Platypus is you can conform the zip opening to get water out of some spots you could not with other bladders. We had a minor emergency situation this past season, and I think only a Platypus or a zip lock bag would have allowed us to get water where we were.

I carry the Platy Big Zip for the same reason. I carry the 3L as their really is no weight penalty, and I can fill it to the brim late in the day when camping away from water source. Also find a drink more water when I have a little "extra" and am not rationing during the day when I'm not sure when I'll get to another water source.
I have both and prefer the camelbak omega to the big zip. Only reason is the opening is slightly larger allowing easier cleaning. If I need water to filter I bring both and use platypus as storage
I prefer msr bladders. Only because iv wrecked multiple platy and camelbak bladders. The msr bladders are very tough. I do the same 2l or nalgene and 6l that was mentioned above. Great setup and it one pops you've always got another. And having water bladders fail is no fun.

If I had to choose between the two it would be the military version camelbak.
The military version of the antidote is what I have in my other packs and is what I am putting in my western hunting bag...I like the large mouth, tube cover, and bite valve cover. The bite valve on the camelbak is better than most.
My camelbak antidote leaked from where you fill it when it was full. I thought I didn't have the cap on right the first time but it leaked every time I filled it. I'm getting something different for this year.
Thank you guys! What do you think about Sawyer Squeeze filters? Throwing around keeping my CamelBak and just getting it.
I like the Source water bladders. They seem tougher than Camelbaks and do not impart any plastic taste to the water.

I really like the source bladders as well. I have been using the same one that I bought in 2002! Thats 14 years of hunting, hiking, camping, and active military use and it is still going strong.

I have both the regular and mini sawyer and like them both.
I have a platypus but do not like the plastic taste I get from it if the water sits in the tube for too long. I'm going to copy SHTF and use my platypus as the dirty water bag, hook the Sawyer filter to it and then fill up either a camelback or MSR bag for drinking.