Who has seen the Hyperlight Gear RePack? So the concept is, you repack your freeze dried meals in ziploc baggies and then put the baggies in this RePack after you add the boiling water to let them cook.
Doing all my weights and calculations I will save 10oz by doing this for a 12day sheep trip. That's going off Heathers Choice meals for breakfast and dinner (so 2 a day x 12 days). Tried it out for dinner this evening and the concept works brilliantly. Different brands of meals will vary on the weight savings so your milage will vary. That is lighter store brand sandwich bag (not a heavier duty Ziploc bag).
Anyone use this setup in the field and have any good/negative feedback? My trial run was flawless and seems way too good to be true...
Doing all my weights and calculations I will save 10oz by doing this for a 12day sheep trip. That's going off Heathers Choice meals for breakfast and dinner (so 2 a day x 12 days). Tried it out for dinner this evening and the concept works brilliantly. Different brands of meals will vary on the weight savings so your milage will vary. That is lighter store brand sandwich bag (not a heavier duty Ziploc bag).
Anyone use this setup in the field and have any good/negative feedback? My trial run was flawless and seems way too good to be true...