Physical prep for season

I train t/o the year not specifically for a hunt. Weights most days of the week and cardio 3-4 days a week. In addition, for hunt prep, I try to do mountain hikes with some weight, decent speed and get off trail.

I've been a road biker for a long time. Grinding out long rides, steep hills, pushing through respiratory distress, burning legs, has always served me well on the mountain. Especially the distress part of that. I can push through tough hunts just fine. Usually my hunting partners fall behind.

But....I think the mental game plays are larger part than the fit game if you are already in decent condition. Biking has prepared me well for this.

If you're in couch potato condition being mentally strong will still help but the suck factor will be magnified due to poor overall conditioning. Not to mention most in bad shape will end hunts earlier or limit themselves to road hunting.
I would agree that the mental toughness is probably the most important factor. Carrying out an animal is just not easy no matter how you train. You can do anything shitty for a little while if you are mentally tough enough to do so.

As far as reducing injury, try to be as flexible and strong as possible. Any injury I have had was due to a lack of mobility within that joint/body part.

Stretch every day, walk/jog to keep up your cardio and you should be fine.
Any advice on macro nutrients or do you eat whatever you feel like?
Use chat gbt....

Aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight and choose a calorie range.

Type in something like, "give me a 2000 calorie diet with approximately 200 grams of protein" it will spit out a diet.

When it comes to the recommended proteins you can modify those, so long as they are not fatty and fried. Turkey burger, any game meat, lean beef, boneless skinless chicken, tilapia, ahi tuna, salmon.

Weigh every morning, naked, after taking your morning leak. 1 gallon of water pee day give or take. Flavor helps. I put skittle packets in mine.

You'll need a digital scale.

After two weeks evaluate if need to add or subtract more calories.

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And for guys in their 40s, seriously consider TRT. There is no downside and it will helps tremendously with everything. There is a thread on here discussing it.

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I run 30-40 miles per week, mixture of road and trail running. Moderate to hilly terrain. Lift 3 days per week.

Now that it’s getting a little warmer I’ll throw in a hike with a weighted pack every other week. I’ve got some trails around the house that have some very steep grades and they are great for working on those stabilizing muscles while carrying weight.
I stay in mountain shape for my job and train to peak on climbing hills in late august. 80% hiking 20% running cardio wise for me.

I’m trying something new this year since 90% of my packouts are down hill as there’s very little roads where I hunt. There’s a few sticks of larch that fell last summer about a half mile up the trails I hike almost every morning, so I’m going to buck them into rounds and haul one round down every time I go by them this spring.
Mark from the experience project has a great workout he posted last year. It hits your legs a ton and is a great cardio workout. The side steps over the box are a great exercise and I felt the difference on the mountain when it came to stepping over the awkward laying blow down with a loaded pack.
I've been doing random leg exercises a couple times per week but did 1 round of this without weight this morning, and I will be working up to more rounds and weight over the next several weeks. This seems well organized and hits all aspects of leg strength.
As I got older (60) I had to stay in shape year round, too difficult to "get in shape" at the last moment. I'd hike with a weighted pack up steep trails about 3X week, some weights. I'd increase the weight as it got closer to the archery opening. Now that I'm really old I do about the same, but less weight, and I rely on my sons to be there to haul meat. Just developed some heart trouble so might be the end of the trail for me. Sucks.