After nearly 50 years, I've learned it is far easier to stay in shape than get into shape. I love hunting elk. And I ceartainly want to be ready to pack one out.
I try to be in shape too pack one out year round. I periodize my training for the year to try and peak training before season, but those programs all concentrate on building strength, endurance, agility, and speed. They are all important, but I prioritize them through the year according to what I think is important at the time.
When snow, ice, and mud are less of a threat, I'll do weekend trips to hike with a pack a few times a month.
And when it is time to pack an elk, I do my very best to pack it well, but taking the time I need to do it safely. If that means an extra trip, so be it. I hunt in areas where I'm conscious of time constraints to prevent meat spoilage best I can if packing solo, with a list to call for help to pack if needed.
Gone are the days where I train and then don't train for the season. I'm either training or I'm hunting.
Both are done with an eye to prevent injury best I can, with an eye toward longevity and sustainability, with enjoyment.
Elk hunting and fitness, like many other endeavors, has become a lifelong commitment, not a season by season decision.