Photography- one photo a day

Keeping up the "Springtime in Alaska" theme this morning....

Last hurrah family trip into the cabin this month. SLDMTN knows this country well.

I like to start them young

The best part about spring is the random things found melting out of snowbanks!

I agree, that is a cool picture. It could have been taken yesterday, or 50 years ago, and would look exactly the same.

All credit to my wife on that one. She's much better at framing interesting shots than I am, and has the gear to make them look good. That one was a favorite of mine also.
I guess there's a chance I'm wrong but I would bet my best shotgun that is a Deutsch Drahthaar...of which I own two.

What kind of shotgun Kevin? In all fairness your as close as you could get. She is a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. She does keep a neater/closer coat than most WPG's which keeps her looking like the WGP. Both are great dogs. Ruby was a Christmas present last year and is soon to be 6 months old. Super smart and loving pup. Would love to see you post up some of your gun dogs. Thanks- Chris