Petition - OTC for Colorado Residents

Nov 27, 2013
Pretty sad when money dictates game management.

"Hey Joe, you hear that the elk and deer herds are down in the Craig area and the CDOW is cutting tags? " "Seriously? they can't cut down on tags, what will happen to the local businesses if the CDOW doesn't offer the 45k tags to us NRs like they normally do?" "Hard to say Joe, maybe we should get on a forum and cry about it. Better yet, on opening day we can stay in town and eat breakfast, have a few extra cups of coffee to support the local diners and hike up the mountain at 10am" "Sounds good, if we don't tag out, we can always blame it on the heat, the cold, too many hunters, the moon, Pamela Anderson's 1987 full nude layout, or the fact I blew a hemmorhoid out on the third trip over to the sage on the way up the hill" "Sounds like a plan Joe, see you then." "Word.............."
May 13, 2015
Unfortunately, any American President can direct their administration to do so. Would be a sad day in American history when that requirement became nationwide and then, turned against consumptive users on a non-hunting agenda.
The departments can regulate on their own. It does not need to be a presidential directive.


Feb 25, 2018
I’d be surprised if it happens. The amount of money the NR brings to the state far outweighs the Residents. That’s too much to give away. If they raise the prices to make it difference. Most of the Residents won’t pay the price. Just my opinion.
It’s going to be draw only for everyone in 2025 from what we’re hearing. What us residents would like is to still keep OTC for residents When the new 5 year structure takes effect in 2025.


Feb 25, 2018
every town west of the divide would take a major loss in income if you lost tourism. its reality, if you think it isn't just drive around and ask any store or shop how much they make during hunting season vs off season. this does not just apply to CO but every state in the country. tourism is by far the largest economy in the world, it fuels everything.
what's a reality? that based on the #'s given nothing has changed in CO in 20 years? you guys just want this to be about NR, that's it. your own #'s show that the actual amount of hunters hasn't changed much, it's only the ratio of RES to NR. even if all NR left CO it will not change the fact that you guys are losing hunters. this is also why your economy will take a major hit, there aren't enough of you to make up the difference in dollars.
now, I'm not going to argue the overcrowding issue. yes, there are areas that are over run, and yes you guys deserve better access over a NR which is why I proposed a solution, but it no doubt got overlooked as it was probably too fair of an idea.
also, I'm just using the #'s from the petition so I will accept if I'm wrong in that area.
let me propose another solution, instead of fighting NR hunters maybe embrace them and work together to find a good solution that actually benefits all of us? after all, we are all the same in regard to our passion for wildlife.
We make a hell of lot more money off of summer tourists and skiers here on the Western Slope then NR hunters provide. Ain’t no towns going to fold up and blow away because a smaller percentage of NR hunters come.
Jan 15, 2022
The bottom line is the animals are a dwindling resource .....

Limiting otc in some form is overall a good concept in my opinion .... I'd prefer both otc archery and rifle both limited too.

I fully support and endorse this management strategy, for all Western states. It's equitable and sustainable.


Feb 25, 2018
Specifically for day use, you are correct. If overnighting, some areas require the application process.
Can’t seem to think of any areas outside of National Parks/State Parks here in WESTERN Colorado that require an application for overnighting.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
Can’t seem to think of any areas outside of National Parks/State Parks here in WESTERN Colorado that require an application for overnighting.
Condundrum comes to mind, that whole spot is reservation only I think to camp back there, which is such a shame


Jun 3, 2021
Oh, we’re talking CPW. Your said “the majority of the state’s funding,” which seems to imply the state of CO’s general fund is entirely dependent upon non resident hunters to function.

I’m having a difficult time finding a R/NR breakdown for CPW. The Colorado Outfitters Association states 54% of CPW’s budget comes from NR, but not way to verify that and I wonder if that is just for tags vs. other revenue streams like state park passes and SWA permi

Oh we weren't talking about CPW? What shocker. Someone took something out of context again.
Jan 15, 2022
Oh, you mean Front Range, not Western Colorado…

I believe he's advocating federally managed preferential uses, which as we've seen the past 15 years, preferentializes non-consumptive users. Definitely NOT a good thing for hunters and fisherman.


Feb 25, 2018
Sorry about not reading all of your posts, us western slopers can be quite bucolic at times.


Mar 13, 2019
Just going to throw this out there. In Idaho the NR quota hasn't changed in decades. They changed the rules to spread out the NR's all over the state. They also raised the fees that were too low for years. All the out of state hunters cried the same things. "will hurt the local economy", "the state will lose the revenue they depend on to manage wildlife", "it's our federal land" and all the other stuff. Well, guess what? The NR tags that used to go unsold and open for second tags are gone. I can remember like six or seven years ago they discounted NR elk tags for a second option just to sell them. Demand is higher than ever. Just witness all the bitching about the traffic jam when tags go on sale. Tags sell out in hours now. All these guys are doing is trying to keep some kind of guaranteed tag opportunity for residents to hunt every year and maybe take their kid or aging parent hunting. Some residents don't have the money to travel or play the point game. So all you out of state hunters can just stop. Save your energy to fight the anti's and wolf lovers. Find a place in your own state to hunt or play whatever game the state you want to hunt lets you.


Jan 8, 2017
Longmont, CO
Hot take: Why dont all of us "out of state" folks quit giving o RMEF and such ? Why give money to an organization like that when CO, MT, ID etc can handle their own, charge us out the a** when we get to come hunt their managed resource?
Just going to leave this here:


Jun 13, 2020
Let’s beat this dead horse once more. 700 dollars is a DROP in the bucket compared to what Colorado residents pay 365 days a year. We get it, you come here, but 2 tanks of gas, a slurpy, 5 bags of ice, a few cocktails and maybe some groceries if you were too lazy to do it at home.

Come join the resident club of 900k houses, high gas prices, high taxes, bad traffic, etc etc for 365 days and tell me how great that 60 dollar tag is. My property insurance has gone up 1000 dollars a year 3 years in a row! The county just told me the value of my property is 280k higher, yes 280k than the last time it was assessed for taxes a year or 2 ago . I can’t wait for that tax bill!

Your 200 dollars in groceries, 50 dollars at McDonald’s and 150 dollars in gas isn’t keeping economies thriving. Sorry to burst your bubble.
According to the CPW, out-of-state hunters bring in, from all sources, (tags, food, outfitter costs, processing fees, hotels...etc) over $1,500,000,000. Do you really believe they are going to kill that revenue stream?