Pack Advice: Barneys vs Kifaru vs Crossfire

I know who use both the Barneys for packing moose (140+ lbs) and use the Kifaru for everything else (up to 100-110 lbs). Most guys won't/can't carry the sort of weight that brings a Barney's into its own, so it is a moot point.
IMO carrying two packs backpacking is not a good trade-off. The combo you are talking about is 2# heavier than a Kifaru EMR II/duplex combination, which packs down nicely as a daypack. Think about what guys will usually do (or spend) to drop 2# versus the utility of having a seperate daypack on a backpack hunt.
I like my Barney’s bag. I have the regular pinnacle bag. You have the ultralight sail cloth version? How has it held up so far?
It’s held up pretty good. I have about 90 days with it on the mountain. Definitely will not last as long as the pinnacle bag. It’s also super noisy if that worries you. Water still gets in when in SE alaska too…
@thinhorn_AK may also be talking about the bag/pack frame combo with the ultra challenge sail cloth. It is $1350. It certainly isn’t worth that for its measly weight savings. If I had to buy new again I’d just get the regular material

Imagine owning a business and having people post misinformation. I know it doesn’t seem like a big deal to you. But take 5 and think about it.

Call up Kevin Dana right now and ask him if the freighter frames ever cost 250.00. I guarantee that he will say that they did at one point (which is when I bought mine). How much are they now??? 500.00.

That have absolutely doubled in price so get on the phone with Kevin or keep your trap shut, your keyboard warrior attitude is getting old, even the mods have called you out on it yet you continue. One only has to type your name in the search to see your shitty attitude in every post but you know that.

Now be a good little guide and ask Kevin if freighter frames used to cost 250.00.

What I have posted is 100% truth. Deal with it.

Some very simple internet sleuthing will show you that back in 2021 (4 years ago) the frames cost 289.00, I got mine before that. So in short, you’re full of it. No surprise there though.
🙄. You said all their stuff has doubled in the last few years. Now you’re going back 5 to try to justify your comment. What’s next, 10 years? If you’re going to make false claims back it up.

I don’t want to derail the thread. You’re wasting time google searching. Move on. I did and you should too.

Be safe out there
Blah blah blah. Get a life.

You already derailed the thread like EVERY thread you drop your shitty comments in.

I proved you wrong yet you still talk trash. Mods have even warned you about it. I guess I’ll just start reporting your off color comments.
Blah blah blah. Get a life.

You already derailed the thread like EVERY thread you drop your shitty comments in.

I proved you wrong yet you still talk trash. Mods have even warned you about it. I guess I’ll just start reporting your off color comments.
Have a great evening!
fwiw, I paid just under $700 I believe for my barney's pinnacle with freighter frame about 7 years ago out the door. Mine is the previous gen colors but am assuming the fabric is all the same.
fwiw, I paid just under $700 I believe for my barney's pinnacle with freighter frame about 7 years ago out the door. Mine is the previous gen colors but am assuming the fabric is all the same.
That’s not possible. Haven’t you heard they doubled? So if we round your purchase up to 700 and double it the price should be around 1400. Price on website today:


From the price you paid 7 years ago it’s went up roughly 21%. That’s very reasonable. I paid 500 for the same setup in 2008. So to compare to your purchase in the 10 year difference between our purchases the price went up almost 40%. Nothing alarming for a 10 year span.

I wish I could say the same in my industry. Currently sitting on prices 85% more than 5 years ago. The last confirmed pricing I can personally drum up.