Pack Advice: Barneys vs Kifaru vs Crossfire

I have the Barney’s pack as well as the Kifaru duplex with the hoodlum. I don’t think you’ll go wrong with either one. The Barney’s pack system will carry weight “better” than the others. However, like previously mentioned it comes at a weight cost. The kifaru will be more modular and allow you to “customize” it to your hunt needs a little easier because of the Molle style attachment points on the bag. As for comfort the kifaru frame would win that especially once the pack is unloaded or minimal stuff in it. I typically run my Barney’s bag for most stuff. It’s very easy to over pack with it though. I think you’ll be happy with either setup

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I don’t think that new pack made of the challenge sail cloth is worth the price either. It’s not that much lighter and it’s hundreds more than their regular material
Yeah for sure, I had t looked at the website for awhile but holy smokes that new light weight bag isn’t cheap. I wish I could find a Yukon or pinnacle bag used.
Rokslide Randy’s complaining about prices going up? What hasn’t went up? Good grief. 🤣
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt because customer service was pretty good talking with me.

The SG I've heard the most complaints about fitment compared to the other big names. The EXO I hear a lot of guys say they have issues with the belt.

The Crossfire I've only heard good things, short of some in this thread. The Barneys I thought was a really nice pack judging by what I could see and the little information I found on here regarding it. It seems to be an esoteric piece, for lack of a better term.

Crossfire told me they could do the MKVII for 800 CAD, delivered. So now I'm thinking if the Kifaru is worth the 700 more.

The one person I haven't heard back from is Kevin at Barneys, so I might just give them a call tomorrow and see what his thoughts are.
I'm a bigger guy too and have nothing but good things to say about Exo. The pack fitment issues that you'll find being a big dude will be with any pack (it's hard to get the belt to sit where it needs to be with a gut).

The belt issues with Exo that some people experienced were in the K2/K3 belt. For me (and a lot of others), the K4 solved any of the belt issues, which were very minor, that I experienced.

Exo customer service is the best in the industry and they have a 30-day return window. The other packs are great too, but I wouldn't disregard Exo based on a random feedback.
Rokslide Randy’s complaining about prices going up? What hasn’t went up? Good grief. 🤣
Yes everything has gone up. I was just commenting that the Barney’s stuff has literally doubled in price since the last time I checked a few years ago. It’s not like their stuff has gotten a bit more expensive, it’s doubled.

I’ve noticed it with a few random things. Those Winchester 70 extreme weather rifles now have an MSRP of almost 1900.00, when I got mint out the door for 1000.00.
Yes everything has gone up. I was just commenting that the Barney’s stuff has literally doubled in price since the last time I checked a few years ago. It’s not like their stuff has gotten a bit more expensive, it’s doubled.

I’ve noticed it with a few random things. Those Winchester 70 extreme weather rifles now have an MSRP of almost 1900.00, when I got mint out the door for 1000.00.
2008 the exact setup I bought was 500. Today it’s 875. That’s not even double compared and that’s a span of 17 years. So what’s doubled in price the last few years since you checked? Because I can promise you it’s not the packs or the bags.
2008 the exact setup I bought was 500. Today it’s 875. That’s not even double compared and that’s a span of 17 years. So what’s doubled in price the last few years since you checked? Because I can promise you it’s not the packs or the bags.
I paid 250.00 for my frame brand new 5-6 years ago, they are 500 dollars now. If you want to argue about stupid shit that’s fine but do it with somebody else. A back and forth side discussion about the price of backpacks just isn’t interesting to me.
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2008 the exact setup I bought was 500. Today it’s 875. That’s not even double compared and that’s a span of 17 years. So what’s doubled in price the last few years since you checked? Because I can promise you it’s not the packs or the bags.
@thinhorn_AK may also be talking about the bag/pack frame combo with the ultra challenge sail cloth. It is $1350. It certainly isn’t worth that for its measly weight savings. If I had to buy new again I’d just get the regular material
Barney's is fantastic and I have one. But for 95% of my hunting it'd be like using a semi through a Starbucks drive-through.

I have the Exo 5k and it may be the best bag on the market right now for overall functionality. It has the best attachment points and one of the best frames.

I have the Kifaru Absoroka and Ark frame. The first Ark frames from Kifaru were more flexible and prototypes were similar to the Exo. Maybe it's just mine, but it's a lot stiffer and more rigid than I expected. The pack is great and frame is **good** but was expecting a bit more flex.

I also have a couple Stone Glacier. They're plain and stripped down. Simple attachments. I mostly loan them out.
I'm considering the Absaroka to put on my hunter duplex. The frame is comfortable but it's been reinforced as it was starting to buckle. Two horizontal stays seem to work well. Been contemplating the Ark but jury is still out on that one.
I'm considering the Absaroka to put on my hunter duplex. The frame is comfortable but it's been reinforced as it was starting to buckle. Two horizontal stays seem to work well. Been contemplating the Ark but jury is still out on that one.
Hi ScottinPA. Could you post some pictures/instructions on how you installed the horizontal stays on your duplex Hunter frame? Thank you. -Rufus
I had a Barney's pack and for my use it was just too heavy. I think i save 4 #s over what i use now. I had the Kuiu and sold it and now use an Exo K3 and love it. I may look at the K4 at some point to try it out and see if its any better.
I have used kifaru, exo, barneys, SG, outdoorsmans. Currently I have a kifaru duplex tactical and the Exo k4. I felt as though the Exo k4 frame and the kifaru duplex lite frame served the same purpose so i sold the duplex lite. The kifaru tactical wont be quite as good at carrying super heavy loads as the barneys, but I keep and use that as an equivalent.
Basically the barneys will be absolutely bombproof and be the best at hauling super heavy loads

things like the kifaru/exo will be far more versatile and customizable and completely capable of carrying 100+ pound loads as well. They will move through thick nasty brush easier and being able to change bags is huge.
I don't think you can go wrong with any of the top brands. I have a Kifaru and I love it. The only thing on it is it does have the meat shelf, but it's a little cumbersome to access.
@thinhorn_AK may also be talking about the bag/pack frame combo with the ultra challenge sail cloth. It is $1350. It certainly isn’t worth that for its measly weight savings. If I had to buy new again I’d just get the regular material
No, he’s making claims that are not true.

I have the bag you’re talking about. May not be worth it to you but must be to others. Difficult to keep in stock.
I’m seeing so many clients and posts about them loving their exo pack I suppose I should pick one up here soon. Gotta see what all the hype is about.
No, he’s making claims that are not true.

I have the bag you’re talking about. May not be worth it to you but must be to others. Difficult to keep in stock.
I like my Barney’s bag. I have the regular pinnacle bag. You have the ultralight sail cloth version? How has it held up so far?
No, he’s making claims that are not true.

I have the bag you’re talking about. May not be worth it to you but must be to others. Difficult to keep in stock.
Yeah man, I’m lying about how much I spent on my backpack. You caught me. Imagine getting on a hunting forum and calling somebody a liar over how much they spent on a backpack.

You are literally the ultimate rokslide Randy lol. The literal definition of a keyboard warrior. Get a grip my dude.

HeY GuYs, I’m GoInG tO gEt On RoKsLiDe AnD CaLl PeOpLe LiArS aBoUt HoW MuCh ThEy PaId FoR a BaCkPaCk!!!!!!!
