Over crowded Colorado units getting worse


Sep 7, 2022
I know it’s been almost a year since anyone has replied to this thread but, I would like to comment on how well the members done discussing what is a very real and important subject that is a terrible problem for every living thing here on earth.

Human over population is something that can’t be ignored for very much longer. Personally I couldn’t begin to think of a solution to the problem.

I am close to 62 years old. When I was born in 1961 the worlds population was around 3 1/2 billion people. Now in 2022 the worlds population is just almost 8 billion. Scientists say that once the world reaches 9 billion people. It will reach its maximum capacity. Some of them say people will be fighting over basic resources just to survive. ( food,water etc….,

Resources are already starting to become a problem just like places for hunters to hunt. Those resources are what this thread is about. There wasn’t nothing any member that posted that didn’t have merit to it. I think we all assume things are different in other states as far as over crowding and maybe some other states have more access to hunting opportunities. Myself personally I think it is the same problem every where else in the U.S.

I was in the military, had 2 brothers in Vietnam. My father was a disabled veteran. When I was in the military. Regardless of race, age, sex we all consider ourself’s brothers and sisters. We all had the same privilege to take part in the good and bad that comes with serving your country.

I know rules and regulations have to be made to keep order. I just hope what ever solutions that come up. That like the military we all in some way have a way to take part in the good or bad. I am live and grew up in North West Arkansas and believe me when I say hunting opportunities aren’t nearly as good as a lot of state’s. Actually the outdoors aren’t very good at all here.

In order to know how bad something is you need to know what condition that something was in before it turned bad. Someone that is one hundred years old today can tell someone that is 50 years old how things were. For at least 40 years before that 50 year old was born because that 100 year old person can remember back that far. That 100 year old can compare how things are now compared to when they were almost a hundred years ago. A 10 year old couldn’t comprehend how things were a 100 years ago. They can only compare the way things are now to how far they can remember back. Probably around 5 or 6 years old.

I am not trying to say older people are any smarter than a younger person and am not meaning to offend anyone regardless of there age by no means. My 4 year old grand daughter is way smarter than I will ever be.

I am just trying to point out is that the younger a person is the less that they are aware of just how bad things are getting because the world is so over Populated. Because they can’t really compare how things are now to how things were even in my 61 years of living.

Whoever posted this thread was very aware and concerned about the problem. You know things are getting bad when people start to notice. As a kid growing up. I never noticed that there were any problems. Especially when it came to finding good places to hunt or fish. Seems like what few old men I knew that come to Colorado only paid around a hundred bucks for a NR either sex elk tag. Most would buy mule, deer, bear tags that they usually always would fill. Because game was so plentiful, license so cheap. Gas to get there and back was 50 to 60 cents a gallon. Most of the GMU were like wilderness areas are to day.

Sorry for being so windy.


May 18, 2021
I know it’s been almost a year since anyone has replied to this thread but, I would like to comment on how well the members done discussing what is a very real and important subject that is a terrible problem for every living thing here on earth.

Human over population is something that can’t be ignored for very much longer. Personally I couldn’t begin to think of a solution to the problem.

I am close to 62 years old. When I was born in 1961 the worlds population was around 3 1/2 billion people. Now in 2022 the worlds population is just almost 8 billion. Scientists say that once the world reaches 9 billion people. It will reach its maximum capacity. Some of them say people will be fighting over basic resources just to survive. ( food,water etc….,

Resources are already starting to become a problem just like places for hunters to hunt. Those resources are what this thread is about. There wasn’t nothing any member that posted that didn’t have merit to it. I think we all assume things are different in other states as far as over crowding and maybe some other states have more access to hunting opportunities. Myself personally I think it is the same problem every where else in the U.S.

I was in the military, had 2 brothers in Vietnam. My father was a disabled veteran. When I was in the military. Regardless of race, age, sex we all consider ourself’s brothers and sisters. We all had the same privilege to take part in the good and bad that comes with serving your country.

I know rules and regulations have to be made to keep order. I just hope what ever solutions that come up. That like the military we all in some way have a way to take part in the good or bad. I am live and grew up in North West Arkansas and believe me when I say hunting opportunities aren’t nearly as good as a lot of state’s. Actually the outdoors aren’t very good at all here.

In order to know how bad something is you need to know what condition that something was in before it turned bad. Someone that is one hundred years old today can tell someone that is 50 years old how things were. For at least 40 years before that 50 year old was born because that 100 year old person can remember back that far. That 100 year old can compare how things are now compared to when they were almost a hundred years ago. A 10 year old couldn’t comprehend how things were a 100 years ago. They can only compare the way things are now to how far they can remember back. Probably around 5 or 6 years old.

I am not trying to say older people are any smarter than a younger person and am not meaning to offend anyone regardless of there age by no means. My 4 year old grand daughter is way smarter than I will ever be.

I am just trying to point out is that the younger a person is the less that they are aware of just how bad things are getting because the world is so over Populated. Because they can’t really compare how things are now to how things were even in my 61 years of living.

Whoever posted this thread was very aware and concerned about the problem. You know things are getting bad when people start to notice. As a kid growing up. I never noticed that there were any problems. Especially when it came to finding good places to hunt or fish. Seems like what few old men I knew that come to Colorado only paid around a hundred bucks for a NR either sex elk tag. Most would buy mule, deer, bear tags that they usually always would fill. Because game was so plentiful, license so cheap. Gas to get there and back was 50 to 60 cents a gallon. Most of the GMU were like wilderness areas are to day.

Sorry for being so windy.
It is certainly a first world problem complaining about overcrowded OTC elk tags.
Oct 14, 2018
CPW is going to do something! Get on their website and look for the public input section. I plan to suggest non residents OTC tag but once you take it your out next year maybe 2
That would solve most of the problem


Dec 28, 2020
I know it’s been almost a year since anyone has replied to this thread but, I would like to comment on how well the members done discussing what is a very real and important subject that is a terrible problem for every living thing here on earth.

Human over population is something that can’t be ignored for very much longer. Personally I couldn’t begin to think of a solution to the problem.

I am close to 62 years old. When I was born in 1961 the worlds population was around 3 1/2 billion people. Now in 2022 the worlds population is just almost 8 billion. Scientists say that once the world reaches 9 billion people. It will reach its maximum capacity. Some of them say people will be fighting over basic resources just to survive. ( food,water etc….,

Resources are already starting to become a problem just like places for hunters to hunt. Those resources are what this thread is about. There wasn’t nothing any member that posted that didn’t have merit to it. I think we all assume things are different in other states as far as over crowding and maybe some other states have more access to hunting opportunities. Myself personally I think it is the same problem every where else in the U.S.

I was in the military, had 2 brothers in Vietnam. My father was a disabled veteran. When I was in the military. Regardless of race, age, sex we all consider ourself’s brothers and sisters. We all had the same privilege to take part in the good and bad that comes with serving your country.

I know rules and regulations have to be made to keep order. I just hope what ever solutions that come up. That like the military we all in some way have a way to take part in the good or bad. I am live and grew up in North West Arkansas and believe me when I say hunting opportunities aren’t nearly as good as a lot of state’s. Actually the outdoors aren’t very good at all here.

In order to know how bad something is you need to know what condition that something was in before it turned bad. Someone that is one hundred years old today can tell someone that is 50 years old how things were. For at least 40 years before that 50 year old was born because that 100 year old person can remember back that far. That 100 year old can compare how things are now compared to when they were almost a hundred years ago. A 10 year old couldn’t comprehend how things were a 100 years ago. They can only compare the way things are now to how far they can remember back. Probably around 5 or 6 years old.

I am not trying to say older people are any smarter than a younger person and am not meaning to offend anyone regardless of there age by no means. My 4 year old grand daughter is way smarter than I will ever be.

I am just trying to point out is that the younger a person is the less that they are aware of just how bad things are getting because the world is so over Populated. Because they can’t really compare how things are now to how things were even in my 61 years of living.

Whoever posted this thread was very aware and concerned about the problem. You know things are getting bad when people start to notice. As a kid growing up. I never noticed that there were any problems. Especially when it came to finding good places to hunt or fish. Seems like what few old men I knew that come to Colorado only paid around a hundred bucks for a NR either sex elk tag. Most would buy mule, deer, bear tags that they usually always would fill. Because game was so plentiful, license so cheap. Gas to get there and back was 50 to 60 cents a gallon. Most of the GMU were like wilderness areas are to day.

Sorry for being so windy.
Pretty sure the US is flatlined and birth rates are on a steady decline. Yes the world is over populated, but I don’t think many people from India are hunting in an Colorado OTC unit.
Feb 4, 2014
Nah the instafamous world of social media, podcasts, YouTube have glamorized hunting. Selling packs, tents, clothes, gear. The good news is that mountain hunting is hard. The OTC units are getting harder to be successful. You need patience and perseverance. Not easy for the 2 day Amazon Prime world we live in now. I see a decrease of hunters in the next 10 years. We are near the peak now. Just my opinion.


Feb 8, 2021
Fundamentally the issue isn't that hunter numbers are increasing its that way more license holders are taking it much more seriously. Gear is getting better and more options are available, and it's just generally a fad right now to be a hunter, especially a diy otc hunter. So that's why the general otc hunts are seeing the brunt of it all.


Well Known Rokslider
May 26, 2019
North Idaho
And every Tom, dick and harry, and Jose, are packing in 3-7 miles because SM told them so. 10 years ago the backcountry was far less pressured. It’s so strange to watch influencers tell the masses what to do then watch those these wild places get over run. Almost makes me want to become a road hunter, almost.


May 26, 2018
And every Tom, dick and harry, and Jose, are packing in 3-7 miles because SM told them so. 10 years ago the backcountry was far less pressured. It’s so strange to watch influencers tell the masses what to do then watch those these wild places get over run. Almost makes me want to become a road hunter, almost.
I've noticed a lot of the influencers don't hunt otc anymore. They're pulling draw permits, hunting Alaska, Texas, Mexico et el for content and leaving the spoils

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Jan 29, 2022
The West
Hang on here, I’m curious if the entire state is in this predicament, I know the southern most OTC units are suffering from it because they are closer to the units that just went into the draw.
Notice I said since the 90’s which is older than 3/4 of the people on this site.
would like to hear some reasonable responses, not a bunch of smart ass punk answers , if you can’t respond with some integrity then move on and don’t respond……
I’m in a low draw unit that I own a place in this year, hunting party is in our honey hole… well not so honey anymore. Had multiple years of being the only group in the basin, over 6 groups in there opening weekend. Buddy ran into more/ different hunters today on his way back in. It’s maybe an 800 acre basin… big enough for one group of 3 but that’s about it. Sounds like it pretty crowded for my usual hunting party.
Oct 24, 2015
W. Wa
over 6 groups in there opening weekend
This is another thing that kills me... I was up in an area yesterday that can only support 1-2 guys, and another guy parks at the trail head and is hiking in. While yes, its public land, and I was on the way out so no harm... doesn't anyone stop and think anymore? If your plan A is overrun, why the hell are you still going in anyway? It just ruins everyones experience.

FWIW, when I pulled up to the trailhead I figured if I seen anyone there I was going to plan B or C and not waste time or potentially ruin someone else's hunt.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
This is another thing that kills me... I was up in an area yesterday that can only support 1-2 guys, and another guy parks at the trail head and is hiking in. While yes, its public land, and I was on the way out so no harm... doesn't anyone stop and think anymore? If your plan A is overrun, why the hell are you still going in anyway? It just ruins everyones experience.

FWIW, when I pulled up to the trailhead I figured if I seen anyone there I was going to plan B or C and not waste time or potentially ruin someone else's hunt.
I don’t think so, just got a heartbreaking story, buddy shot a raghorn, got 2 arrows in him, bull runs down hill my buddy sits to wait, starts tracking the bull downhill with decent blood, then the blood turns and heads right back up. My friends stay with it for a while and then split up to grid search once blood is lost. One friend bumps into 20’s something hunter, who tells him a raghorn almost ran him over coming downhill so he chases it, and Keeps chasing it…. Now buddy is out looking for a bull that could be miles away, bad luck, overcrowding, maybe a combo of both but I doubt that bull gets recovered


Dec 6, 2015
Archery seasons every where are ridiculously overcrowde, everyone wants to be the next instagram macho bow Hunter so they can get workout supplements.

it’s time western states do the right thing for their residents and go to 5% cap on otc tags and make elk tags $1200 a piece. Eventually states like CO and ID are going to need to limit residents tag opportunities as well.

we are our own worst enemy, unfortunately
Oct 24, 2015
W. Wa
One friend bumps into 20’s something hunter, who tells him a raghorn almost ran him over coming downhill so he chases it, and Keeps chasing it…
What a joke. The dude didn't notice the blood pouring out of the side of the animal?

I want the believe that people have the best intentions, and maybe he didn't notice, but I've heard many a story of guys getting to an animal first and tagging it even if they weren't the shooter... which is mind-blowing on its own... if you're not out to shoot it yourself, why the hell are you even "hunting"?


Jan 29, 2022
The West
What a joke. The dude didn't notice the blood pouring out of the side of the animal?

I want the believe that people have the best intentions, and maybe he didn't notice, but I've heard many a story of guys getting to an animal first and tagging it even if they weren't the shooter... which is mind-blowing on its own... if you're not out to shoot it yourself, why the hell are you even "hunting"?
I wasn’t there I’d like to think it was just a young guy who lost his composure when a bull was close, I was there 12 years ago and had very little knowledge and was all piss and vinegar, I do know the bull had blood streaming down his side though. I just think he was just full on bull fever


Jan 29, 2022
The West
My first impression of that story was that the 20 something guy is the excuse for the original hunter not doing his job. Two arrows and the elk is running sure as heck doesn't equal good shooting.
That’s fair, my friend is an amazing shot but crap happens in the field, he admitted it wasn’t perfect and was thinking he hit one lung and maybe liver either way just an example of how over crowding can really suck but he still was into bulls and I’m betting he kills one today or tomorrow


Mar 28, 2017
Morrison, Colorado
That’s fair, my friend is an amazing shot but crap happens in the field, he admitted it wasn’t perfect and was thinking he hit one lung and maybe liver either way just an example of how over crowding can really suck but he still was into bulls and I’m betting he kills one today or tomorrow

I'm.glad to hear he was willing to shoot it again. I'd imagine if he saw it on it's feet he would put a third arrow in it as well. I don't see why it's a negative that this other hunter was also willing to arrow that bull. It's the same intent from both parties; kill the living animal.