I just don't understand this mentality. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be mean or nasty but our employers require us to provide all sorts of information to them. We have to provide all sorts of information to get our driver's license. We have to get insurance for our vehicles. We have to stop at red lights. Etc., etc. I just don't understand why some people - even those who have been vaccinated - would rather face unemployment and the loss of their homes and way of life than provide their vaccination status.
The other thing some aren't considering here is that the employees who have been vaccinated are entitled to a safe workplace. But the folks who refuse the vaccines or refuse to provide status don't seem to ever consider that.
It's fine. I'm completely astounded that we have so many in our country that have zero problem with this and I can't understand that mentality. Yes, it's true that you have to provide information to your employer when you're hired and different jobs require different levels of personal information. I've held jobs from grocery store bagger to professional corporate management and aside from what was required for my military security clearance, never once provided more than the info required for a basic background check.
I've certainly never been asked personal medical questions as a condition of employment. And let me remind you that this is not all employers choosing to require this on their own...this is being forced on employers by the government. It is by definition, fascism. At this point, it should be obvious to anyone with even a modicum of critical thinking ability, that this is not about covid. It is about forced compliance and I vehemently disagree with it.
If we give in to this, where does it stop. Do you honestly think if people just lay down and let this happen that they won't go after companies with 50 employees next, then 20, then 10...then next it's our kids and mandatory monthly boosters.
Nope, this is my line in the sand. I do not agree with forced vaccine compliance and I won't participate in any process that ostracizes people who have made the personal, medical decision that they feel is best for themselves.
As to the safe working environment, sure people should have a safe working environment. That is what THEIR vaccine is for. If someone is not confident that is enough to protect them, then why did they get it. If it makes you comfortable, get the vaccine and all the boosters...hell get all three shots for all I care...then you can double mask and keep your distance from people. But the government, nor anyone else for that matter, does not have the moral authority to require anyone to inject something into their body against their wishes.
I recently finished a great book. Nothing to do with our country or this situation we find ourselves in right now, but there was part that really struck me talking about how as Americans, the virtue of disobedience has always been vital to the health of our republic.
"Defiance for it's own sake sometimes carries value and meaning, if only because power in all it's forms should not always and without question be handed what it demands."
How far we as a nation have fallen.