OSHA has officially released their ETS for Covid

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Going to be lots of employment options for those that are vaccinated...
I understand the position you're coming from but, absolutely true. Not only that, the fact the there are those choosing not to work in lieu of gov't assistance leaves a significant number of job openings. I read an article few days ago which stated people are quitting in large numbers to take other jobs with an average of 5% or so increase in pay. Great time to find a job if you want one.
I understand the position you're coming from but, absolutely true. Not only that, the fact the there are those choosing not to work in lieu of gov't assistance leaves a significant number of job openings. I read an article few days ago which stated people are quitting in large numbers to take other jobs with an average of 5% or so increase in pay. Great time to find a job if you want one.
Bunch of folks retiring too that probably should have a long time ago as well.

Plugging up jobs when they should have been retired.
It’s not which way they lean.

The real issue at hand here, and that many people loss is, we have allowed our government to get so big corporations rely on govt contracts to make money. It’s truly a monopoly.

If govt contracts weren’t such a revenue stream for them they’d tell the govt to get ******.

It’s funny, business we buy from also rake in mo way from the tax payer also. It’s like paying for things twice.

Sad that most people don’t see this as an issue

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What you said is true. But I would also state that left leaning progressive companies have became so big they can and do implement social policies the political left can’t pass through government.

I know employees have the option to leave their employer but is easier said than done. The company I work for has very progressive leadership but a pretty conservative workforce so that is what I am basing my posts on. They have almost no government contracts but the writing is on the wall that the progressive execs can’t wait to comply with this mandate and use OSHA compliance as their justification. I realize not all companies are the same but there are a lot of worried unvaccinated employees here. They are worried about their livelihood and negative reactions to the shot, not COVID which most have had already.

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I look forward to the incoming mandates for companies with 50-99 employees and then finally 1-49 employees. Don’t think sleepy Joe is going to forget about mandating first responders get it. Then will have the booster mandates.
JUST IN - OSHA will consider expanding the vaccine mandate to smaller businesses with fewer than 100 employees during a 30-day comment period, according to the U.S. Labor Department.
Should’ve read through that before I posted. It looks like this little ditty is going to cover a large portion of first responders if you live in a state that has a state plan
“ In states with OSHA-approved State Plans, state- and local-government employers, “
I understand the position you're coming from but, absolutely true. Not only that, the fact the there are those choosing not to work in lieu of gov't assistance leaves a significant number of job openings. I read an article few days ago which stated people are quitting in large numbers to take other jobs with an average of 5% or so increase in pay. Great time to find a job if you want one.

How many of those jobs will stick around when the economy tanks because a bunch of people aren’t working?
I understand the position you're coming from but, absolutely true. Not only that, the fact the there are those choosing not to work in lieu of gov't assistance leaves a significant number of job openings. I read an article few days ago which stated people are quitting in large numbers to take other jobs with an average of 5% or so increase in pay. Great time to find a job if you want one.
It will be interesting, I don’t believe people are eligible for unemployment if they lose job for failure to comply. Also you don’t need to get vaxed to comply, just weekly testing.
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams

I'm not opposed to the vaccine but If private business allow this level of hand-up-ass it's never going to stop. Not soon, not ever.
Going to be lots of employment options for those that are vaccinated...
:ROFLMAO: another science denier.

"if you get the vaccine you will not get Covid and you won't spread it to others"

Forcing those with strong natural immunity and children under 12 to get the jab shows what a clown show this is. Y&et the goobers keep lapping it up

Did Ol Joe crap his pants again today?
If anyone has a good point of contact for a “allegedly fake” Covid card please send it to me and the PMs.
Asking for a friend? :LOL:

Just to note, the card will show the lot number of the vax received and it can be easily checked for authenticity. Just let your friend know;)
My employer is opting out of weekly testing. So it's vax, religious exemption, lose your job.
Not sure on the religious exceptions either, I believe numerous companies have just put people on unpaid leave or denied. I think the supremer court just had a case. Will be interesting to see it play out and if the mandate impacts a significant number of people. It seems people get all excited and the fall out is minimal these days.
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