OnX Basic Now Totally Useless

Jun 7, 2018
So my OnX premium just expired and I see that the basic version now has everything removed. Apparently this happened a few months ago. Can see previous waypoints but can't edit or add new ones. Can't even change the base map from what I can see. Guess profits have leveled out and they're trying to squeeze the last bit of money possible out of the app. I've always preferred OnX over other mapping apps but this seems messed up. Guess I'll be exporting everything to a new app. It's basemap or Gaia still what everyone else is using?
I'm confused. If you were happy with premium Onx why not renew it? Why dump it just because the free version doesn't offer what it used too?
Fwiw, OnX Elite has a discount program that is not trivial. I just mostly paid for this year's subscription with their discount on an Exo pack.
I find that all in all, $100 is not out of line for what they provide.
I use GoHunt maps and i also like that the support CRWM and other hunter advocacy groups instead of just all about the profits. They often run promos where it's $100 cash for the gear shop, so the net cost is $50 for maps and draw odds.
OnX Elite is still worth it. Most people don't know that you can also receive exclusive discounts for brands with the elite membership
This year I finally discontinued my OnX sub. (I've been on Elite for about 4 years.) I use Caltopo (free, or $20/yr for a few extra features, nationwide) for topo, route planning, and public/private layers. I use Locus Pro ($4.99 lifetime) for my route tracking, saving POI's, hike stats, and additional offline functionality.

I never really valued the "discounts" Elite includes, and the app was always glitchy. I'd always get these weird rendering errors like infinite-height "spikes" distorting the view in satellite mode.

It's a fine app for what it does and I would never poke fun at anyone that values it. But just like that extra reed or springing for the nicer cooler, all this stuff adds up. This year it just hit my "nah" point.
This year I finally discontinued my OnX sub. (I've been on Elite for about 4 years.) I use Caltopo (free, or $20/yr for a few extra features, nationwide) for topo, route planning, and public/private layers. I use Locus Pro ($4.99 lifetime) for my route tracking, saving POI's, hike stats, and additional offline functionality.

I never really valued the "discounts" Elite includes, and the app was always glitchy. I'd always get these weird rendering errors like infinite-height "spikes" distorting the view in satellite mode.

It's a fine app for what it does and I would never poke fun at anyone that values it. But just like that extra reed or springing for the nicer cooler, all this stuff adds up. This year it just hit my "nah" point.
Just downloaded Locus to play with it. I've got OnX but would like a free backup for the wife's phone to set waypoints for the truck or camp and such. Looks good so far. It'll do offline maps as well?
Just downloaded Locus to play with it. I've got OnX but would like a free backup for the wife's phone to set waypoints for the truck or camp and such. Looks good so far. It'll do offline maps as well?
Yes. I'm grandfathered into an earlier version - prices have gone up like everywhere lately. They now have this thing called "Locoins" that you need to buy if you want the higher quality topos for offline use, but it's kind of a joke. It's $1.34/100 and that's good for 2-4 states (they vary a bit - Nebraska is "20" but Utah is 35 for example). Once you've bought them you have them for life, and just need to buy updates if you want periodic changes. Topos change so slowly that I don't bother. YMMV.

My favorite feature is it's really easy (and can even be made automatic) to import/export via Dropbox or similar. That's one of my big gripes about OnX. They've made it really clear that they want to have and keep your POI and track data. They have some sharing options, but it's like Apple - easy if the "other person" ALSO has OnX, but super clumsy if they're using something else. That's one way they drive more subscribers to their platform. I get it - but I don't have to buy into it.
Just downloaded Locus to play with it. I've got OnX but would like a free backup for the wife's phone to set waypoints for the truck or camp and such. Looks good so far. It'll do offline maps as well?
If you guys are on the same Family iCloud account she can download it and use your login and have all of your info in her phone. I do this with my son.
I have OnX and Go hunt mapping both.
I like the Gohunt maps for out west.
But the OnX works better here at home for me.
Interestingly, I got an email this morning from OnX saying they are cutting back some of the Basic Free plan features. Want to concentrate on improving for the paid subscriptions.

What's weird is that it says that I'm receiving the email because I'm a former paid subscription member and they'd like me back. But I have an Elite membership, and have for many years. I replied to the email and ask them why they sent it. Let some marketing person ponder that for awhile.
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Interestingly, I got an email this morning from OnX saying they are cutting back some of the Basic Free plan features. Want to concentrate on improving for the paid subscriptions.

What's weird is that it says that I'm receiving the email because I'm a former paid subscription member and they'd like me back. But I have an Elite membership, and have for many years. I replied to the email and ask them why they sent it. Let some marketing person ponder that for awhile.
I got the same email. Had to go check to make sure my subscription hadn’t expired. I’m still active on the elite as well.
I use GoHunt maps and i also like that the support CRWM and other hunter advocacy groups instead of just all about the profits. They often run promos where it's $100 cash for the gear shop, so the net cost is $50 for maps and draw odds.
I tried both for 2 years...Gohunt maps are wrong...they don't show correct property lines for public/private, ect plus its just hard to look at...Most of the states I hunt the GW uses onx so that's what I use.