Obtaining a refund from a "transporter"?

Yeah, the fact that 2 guys showed interest in buying your trip, but bailing once they found out who the transporter is......1 revoked license..... 1 expired license:

I think I'd be posting who they are too. Even at this point, I haven't seen anywhere in the thread that you've been defamatory, derogatory or insulting towards the company in any way that could be considered unreasonable.
Kodiak safaris out of Larsen Bay?

No. But related.
I’m still hopeful that the lodge (I have to stop saying transporter since they lost their transporter license) will work with me. It’s been since the beginning of December 2020 that I’ve finally been asking for a refund so there’s been holidays and it’s winter etc.
I am not saying the hunt would have been bad. I am saying they refuse to communicate and it appears they are being unreasonable and do not want to discuss changes or refunds so I have asked the question of “has had anyone had this experience” or “is anyone aware of a course of action to take”
I am not void of responsibility here as I did cancel in 2020 with nearly 7 months advance notice so there should be a mutual understanding but getting them to communicate with me has been very difficult.

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I HAVE RECEIVED AN EMAIL FROM THE VENDOR and we have come to an agreement that is fair to both of us. I will 100% give them the benefit of the doubt that the holidays and covid may have been the cause of the long silence I received from them. I will not speculate that it was this post that prompted them as I have faith in humanity - except for one or two of you that were just rude ;)

The vendor will either pay me back 50% - which is fair for them to keep a deposit - or allow me to sell the hunt. I have that in writing so if someone IS interested in buying it, it's for sale up until the minute I get my 50% back. I am not going to do both. And besides that people should wait until after mid February to see what they get drawn for in AK.
Your last paragraph doesn't make much since. Your hunt is for sale until your refund arrives. How does that work? The outfit is sending you a refund or not? When are they sending the refund?

Your not going to both get a refund and sell the dates. What’s that supposed to mean? How would you even do such a thing?
Your last paragraph doesn't make much since. Your hunt is for sale until your refund arrives. How does that work? The outfit is sending you a refund or not? When are they sending the refund?

Your not going to both get a refund and sell the dates. What’s that supposed to mean? How would you even do such a thing?

Sorry for the confusion.
I was trying to say that they have confirmed in writing that I can sell it and I’ll sell it to someone if they are interested. And it’s for sale until sold or until I cash my check. In case I don’t see the check or in case I could sell for more than 50%. And of course I wouldn’t cash the check and sell it. That would be wrong.

I was also saying that I don’t recommend buying it before you know if you’re drawn.

But after posting that the vendor emailed me to confirm mailing address and said there is a check in the mail today so it’ll be a moot point.

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Glad a resolution of found. In the long run its better for everyone including the transporter. Its amazing what can happen with positive communication.
No. But related.
I’m still hopeful that the lodge (I have to stop saying transporter since they lost their transporter license) will work with me. It’s been since the beginning of December 2020 that I’ve finally been asking for a refund so there’s been holidays and it’s winter etc.
I am not saying the hunt would have been bad. I am saying they refuse to communicate and it appears they are being unreasonable and do not want to discuss changes or refunds so I have asked the question of “has had anyone had this experience” or “is anyone aware of a course of action to take”
I am not void of responsibility here as I did cancel in 2020 with nearly 7 months advance notice so there should be a mutual understanding but getting them to communicate with me has been very difficult.

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I just figured it was them because you commented on a thread in Nov you were rebooked with them for 2021.

glad you got your agreement you wanted.
I got so far into this thread and am pretty surprised with the consensus the OP is outta luck and it's his fault. LOL!

How many guys on here would pay for something, not use it, try to return it and then say - Oh, well, it's my fault I can't get my money back. LOL!
I just figured it was them because you commented on a thread in Nov you were rebooked with them for 2021.

glad you got your agreement you wanted.

Same family, same lodge, same boats. One company is the daughter and one is the Mom and Dad. Charters vs Safaris.

For what it’s worth my friends had an enjoyable hunt when they went. Also I was able to reconcile. Maybe I should have had one more week of patience or maybe this thread helped or maybe it was an answer to prayer. But the end result is it’s resolved and they’re not bad people.

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You are being too nice. Sure, keep the deposit, or 50%, but to straight up ignore your correspondence for months? No explanation, no policy, no effort to work you into some dates? Even if you weren’t entitled to any of your money back based on their policy they should have the decency to tell you to pound sand in person. Taking peoples money and then hoping they go away without communication is the practice of thieves, not a standup business. Eff ‘em.
Agree 100% with this quote
I'm glad things are working out.

As a business owner, I require that all inbound messages get a response by the next business day. I'm constantly amazed by businesses who place such a low priority on communication. Unfortunately, it is common in the outdoors industry.
I'm glad things are working out.

As a business owner, I require that all inbound messages get a response by the next business day. I'm constantly amazed by businesses who place such a low priority on communication. Unfortunately, it is common in the outdoors industry.

Its why business is so easy, be nice and you’re half way there.
Bad social media post can make an outfitter change their tune. They don't want the bad press.