Obtaining a refund from a "transporter"?

Awesome response - thank you. You are correct, my tone changed with two members for sure when they just attack or accuse and don't offer anything helpful but instead just get their rocks off on being pricks. I assure you my messages to the vendor have been extremely polite.

The law I reference is Section 12 AAC 75.450 - Transporter contract requirements(a) A transporter or a registered guide-outfitter contracting solely to provide transportation services shall deliver a written contract to the client (1) within 90 days after receipt of a deposit, and before transportation services are provided; (and it goes on)
No contract was provided (is the law I reference) which is what makes this ticklish - yes, I chose to cancel in 2020 but instead of a refund I was told to show up on certain dates in 2021. Dates that are not an option for me. I have attempted to communicate with them regarding this and they have not responded.

I wasn't agreeing to file it as a loss on my taxes I was saying I could 1099 them. You are right, it's not a deductible expense.

Thanks for the constructive feedback. I agree on all those points. I know, and accept my role in this. I am not dragging the vendor through the mud. I am not harassing them or threatening legal action. I have sent a well-written and polite letter and going public to ask for advise - without naming them - was my last resort to see if anyone had any better ideas other than telling me that I lack personal responsibility.
You're welcome. FWIW - I thought your reply to @MattB (the "carrier pigeon" comment) was a bit snarky, and maybe you didn't like his post, but I don't think he was being a prick. I'm not looking up the statute, but were they "solely" providing you transportation services (think you said they aren't an outfitter)? If not, maybe that doesn't apply? And even if does, that doesn't mean they "broke" a law unless that's a criminal statute. No idea what you mean by 1099 them. (Yes, I know the form, but what's the point? Are you worried they won't include it in income otherwise? I'd let that go too.)
Sounds like its going to be less of a headache to just write it off as a loss and move on. The whole mess was caused by you and not by them, however a business that can't pick up the phone and call a customer back after repeated attempts to communicate isn't worth a damn either, especially when they already have 2k plus of your money. Next time you know to have a written contract before you pay in full for a hunt. You will also know what happens if you have to cancel instead of being in limbo about your money.
You're welcome. FWIW - I thought your reply to @MattB (the "carrier pigeon" comment) was a bit snarky, and maybe you didn't like his post, but I don't think he was being a prick. I'm not looking up the statute, but were they "solely" providing you transportation services (think you said they aren't an outfitter)? If not, maybe that doesn't apply? And even if does, that doesn't mean they "broke" a law unless that's a criminal statute. No idea what you mean by 1099 them. (Yes, I know the form, but what's the point? Are you worried they won't include it in income otherwise? I'd let that go too.)
I can see how the @MattB seemed snarky - I was venting about the vendor not Matt. I was rude to the other two people after that but not intentionally to Matt. My bad that it came across that way.

The statute I stated is a matter of maintaining your license as an outfitter or as a transporter in Alaska. But again, I am not out to get the company just because they suck at communication and just because they arbitrarily assigned dates to a hunt that I can't attend instead of issuing a partial refund or instead of discussing the dates with me. I am not pursuing legal action and I am not trying to drag their name through the mud. I was asking if anyone experienced this before or knew of a way to get a refund. 100% of the funds and then ghosting me is a tough pill to swallow. I wouldn't even be having this discussion if it was just a deposit. Which is why deposits exist.
Since the transporter violated his responsibility in providing a contract per the transporter contract requirements, you may make some headway by contacting the Big Game Commercial Services Board and see if they have any options of relief for you.

In the contract requirements, the refund/cancellation policy is supposed to be outlined, just an fyi for anybody who books any kind of transported/guided hunt in Alaska.
Since the transporter violated his responsibility in providing a contract per the transporter contract requirements, you may make some headway by contacting the Big Game Commercial Services Board and see if they have any options of relief for you.

In the contract requirements, the refund/cancellation policy is supposed to be outlined, just an fyi for anybody who books any kind of transported/guided hunt in Alaska.
Thanks. I wasn't sure how that worked. Not trying to get them in trouble - truly, I am not - I knew they were in violation but didn't know the process. @fwafwow this is what I was referring to.

I still take responsibility for canceling in 2020. I can't do the dates assigned 2021 and have not been given the opportunity to discuss/change that or sell or trade or anything else. And the lack of communication and the loss of trust has caused me to not want to even try. I would like partial refund without damaging their business.
Did you agree to the new dates after your 2020 cancellation?

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Thanks. I wasn't sure how that worked. Not trying to get them in trouble - truly, I am not - I knew they were in violation but didn't know the process. @fwafwow this is what I was referring to.
Well, you got my curiosity up and I looked up the statute and tried to find them as a license transporter. Are you sure they are licensed?

If that’s the case, I would reach out to who manages the state licensing and see if they can help you.

If you had agreed to the new dates and where changing your mind again...I would have said your being a pain in the ass. Keep in mind that most of these are booked out years so simply pushing you to the next year is not always easy.

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I’d be afraid to buy this hunt from the OP, what if you bought it and they wouldn’t talk to you like they are doing to him?

I wouldn’t sell it without them putting in writing, and a contract, that they’d adhere to the sell. Have some faith in the OP.

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Well, you got my curiosity up and I looked up the statute and tried to find them as a license transporter. Are you sure they are licensed?

I never said publicly who it was. I did look it up via last name just now and the guide one (his) was revoked a while back and the transporter one (hers) expired a little while ago.
So there goes that!

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I never said publicly who it was. I did look it up via last name just now and the guide one (his) was revoked a while back and the transporter one (hers) expired a little while ago.
So there goes that!

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Sorry man.
You are being too nice. Sure, keep the deposit, or 50%, but to straight up ignore your correspondence for months? No explanation, no policy, no effort to work you into some dates? Even if you weren’t entitled to any of your money back based on their policy they should have the decency to tell you to pound sand in person. Taking peoples money and then hoping they go away without communication is the practice of thieves, not a standup business. Eff ‘em.
I never said publicly who it was. I did look it up via last name just now and the guide one (his) was revoked a while back and the transporter one (hers) expired a little while ago.
So there goes that!

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I would still reach out to whoever handles the licensing. Who knows, you may have a case for fraud.

Also, post the name so nobody else gets hosed.

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I would still reach out to whoever handles the licensing. Who knows, you may have a case for fraud.

Also, post the name so nobody else gets hosed.

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I’ll work on it. I’m still opposed to outing the vendor quite yet. They still have a chance to redeem themselves.
But now that I’ve learned that their licenses are revoked and expired I’m even more curious.
I’ll let you know what I learn.

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I had a similar up hill battle years ago when I paid in full up front 2 years in advance so I could head north to Quebec to chase Caribou. Unfortunately I was required to cancel due to health issue. Six months of ZERO correspondence from the outfitter I was forced to work with the Canadian government and the outfitters association. After 3 additional months and multiple conversations from the authorities the outfitter finally responded with a call. The proposal was a return of all but $500 that would be considered a documentation fee charge, of course I agreed however it’s left an awful lack of confidence with any outfitter north of the boarder.

That’s just my experience

Don’t give up and BEST of luck on your situation
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