Not a prepper, but… I was thinking about preparedness.


Jun 22, 2020
How many of you guys remember when debit cards came out? That was supposed to be the end of currency. Was it?

My question is what are you doing about it? Spreading fear, promoting more conservative leaders, etc.? Teaching your kids how to shoot? Whatever, you gotta be doing something in response to the threat you perceive.

Im stuffing my retirement account. If they change the game, then i will change my game. Until then, walking forward. See, ive changed direction and time or two and the “threat” and “danger” changed just like the whole global warming crap, it was supposed to be an ice age, deforestation, sea levels rising, ozone layer, etc. decided it wasnt worth the emotional energy until the threat was real. Still waiting.
I'm prepared as much as I can be. From monetary, food, protection, and escape.

How is trying to open people's eyes spreading fear? Speaking the truth about where we are headed and what our leaders are doing isn't spreading fear, at least it shouldn't be. Our leaders/media spreading lies and fear are what you should be rallying against. For the past 3 years why don't you tell me how many times what we've been told has come out to be complete fabrications and propagated as gospel to people in this country. Why is that? Are you a critical thinker or just go along with the narrative?

Yes, I've taught my daughter how to shoot. This is her when she was 7, since then graduating up in calibers. This year she'll be introduced to handguns as well since she has demonstrated good gun handling skills. It's the people who have no respect or knowledge of guns that you have to be worried know, like a pistol brace increases the caliber of a gun, a 9mm blows out lungs, or an AR15 shoots 50cal "shells" know the people who says those things.

Dec 1, 2020

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Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
No offense meant bit it is pretty safe to ridicule what others say may happen and have no opinion of your own.
I’m not ridiculing anyone. Just not in same boat.

I been there a handful of times and gave up on chasing a possibility. There is a possibility any of these things might happen. I just no longer want to worry about it.

Sooner or later something is gonna happen. I have no idea what, whoever chose that event to prep for will be seen as very clever. Im not that clever.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
I'm prepared as much as I can be. From monetary, food, protection, and escape.

How is trying to open people's eyes spreading fear? Speaking the truth about where we are headed and what our leaders are doing isn't spreading fear, at least it shouldn't be. Our leaders/media spreading lies and fear are what you should be rallying against. For the past 3 years why don't you tell me how many times what we've been told has come out to be complete fabrications and propagated as gospel to people in this country. Why is that? Are you a critical thinker or just go along with the narrative?

Yes, I've taught my daughter how to shoot. This is her when she was 7, since then graduating up in calibers. This year she'll be introduced to handguns as well since she has demonstrated good gun handling skills. It's the people who have no respect or knowledge of guns that you have to be worried know, like a pistol brace increases the caliber of a gun, a 9mm blows out lungs, or an AR15 shoots 50cal "shells" know the people who says those things.

Very similar to my upbringing. Kudos daddy.

I asked what you were doing, didnt say you were spreading fear tho’ many are just cause its fun.


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
I’m not ridiculing anyone. Just not in same boat.

I been there a handful of times and gave up on chasing a possibility. There is a possibility any of these things might happen. I just no longer want to worry about it.

Sooner or later something is gonna happen. I have no idea what, whoever chose that event to prep for will be seen as very clever. Im not that clever.
thanks for clearing that up for me.


Jun 27, 2021
Impossible to prepare for any possibility. Just do the best you can, given your situation.


Oct 29, 2021
If a digital currency isn’t a possibility, then why are US Senators so concerned about it that they propose bills trying to stop it?

I think this is another example of people who don’t know anything about a subject, but who are hearing it for the first time think the messengers are lunatics. When in fact, they are just ignorant.

The IRS hired 87,000 new agents… why? Maybe to transition to a CBDC?


Oct 29, 2021
They could, i just dont see it as the end all thing some do.

Wife and her sisters come up w all kinds of scare stuff - still waiting for 1 of their predictions to gain traction and come to life.

This one gets beat to death. So they want precious metals. Ok, how do you use precious metals when everything is electronic? You trade people. Why would i trade you for a gold coin that is deemed worthless by the system thru which we buy food?

The end of the world scenarios are endless and we get to choose which ones we subscribe to.
The dollar is dying. It’s just a matter of time before it’s dead. The federal reserve knows this and they are making plans for the next financial system. All fiat currency dies. The only thing keeping the dollar relevant is its reserve status as the petrodollar. If countries want oil, the need to buy it with dollars from OPEC. US has a partnership with the Saudi’s that all oil needs to be paid for in dollars. That partnership is crumbling.

Saudi Arabia is very close to joining the BRICS nations and using that new currency (likely a new Digital Yuan). If that happens, the dollar goes bye bye.

This can all be confirmed with simple google searches.

If anyone here is skeptical about the dollar status I encourage you to watch this, it is less than 1 hr long and will change your whole perspective on currency.



Jan 12, 2021
For all of you who think this is a waste of time. There's a documentary called Grid down power up. Did you know that out of several thousand, there are about 50 transformers that are critical to our power grid? If 9 of those 50 were destroyed, it would take about a year to restore power to the entire country. These are not guarded and could be taken out with small arms. A small group actually did this already to one of these in California close to 10 years ago and were never caught. These transformers are the size of a building and have a two year lead time to build since Ukraine is in dire need of them and from covid. We have also purchased a couple hundred of these from China that are being used in our grid right now. I'm sure they would never put some kind of software inside that they could access and shut them down. They love America. There's also millions of undocumented people that have entered the country through our open southern border. Good thing they are all just good people who need jobs and not terrorists from one of the many countries that hate us. This is all just conspiracy theory. Crazy talk.

Fowl Play

Oct 1, 2016
For all of you who think this is a waste of time. There's a documentary called Grid down power up. Did you know that out of several thousand, there are about 50 transformers that are critical to our power grid? If 9 of those 50 were destroyed, it would take about a year to restore power to the entire country. These are not guarded and could be taken out with small arms. A small group actually did this already to one of these in California close to 10 years ago and were never caught. These transformers are the size of a building and have a two year lead time to build since Ukraine is in dire need of them and from covid. We have also purchased a couple hundred of these from China that are being used in our grid right now. I'm sure they would never put some kind of software inside that they could access and shut them down. They love America. There's also millions of undocumented people that have entered the country through our open southern border. Good thing they are all just good people who need jobs and not terrorists from one of the many countries that hate us. This is all just conspiracy theory. Crazy talk.
I don’t think it’s a waste of time. I just think people spend entirely too much time and money contemplating all the what ifs, and not enough time actually preparing for the important stuff — cause it’s boring. If all the people I know who talk about this stuff constantly, devoted half of that mental energy to educating themselves on something else they’d probably retire 5 years earlier and live a much higher quality of life while getting to that age. Real world example… right now in the classifieds there’s a guy selling guns for his deceased friend’s wife — so that she can pay bills to keep their family alive. Tragic situation! I’ve had similar things happen in my circle. Prepare your family for real world shit like that before you delve into the abyss of what ifs.


Nov 13, 2015
The one second after series is an eye opener, same with the patriots.
Speaking of paper money being worthless and the gov going digital money. Look how well they scared and convinced everybody to follow orders and were a mask and take the shot just a few years back. Where did we hear about “your papers please” in the distant past ?

Anyway, Homesteading I believe is the new word for prepping. It doesn’t scare a certain voting base as much.
This lady and her family will out survive the majority when the time comes. Get a drink and you can spend hours on her page.

bushcraft USA is a great site as well.

Books - man the old Boy Scout handbooks were the original survival books. Plus they taught young men to be good humans.
This book was mentioned from the above site. I bought a copy and it is an encyclopedia! You will find everything thing in it. Sadly the author passed years back. Be nice to see it updated

Zap, mentioned cleaning water. How about making a damn fire or keeping going. On our trip to Utah my girl booked this high priced glamp ground as they are called. They had s’mores nightly at the fire pit. I can’t stand the things, she likes them. I just go to drink and poke the fire. Nothing more relaxing :D
The fire was smoldering and going out. There was this family from… You guessed it, California (no offense CA roksliders) trying to heat marshmallows in smoke. I got some small sticks and climbed in the pit. Tossed in the sticks, moved the big shit around, blew on it. Boom ! Smoke gone, fire appeared.
Those California people thought I was Rambo I think the ultra dainty dad called me.
Either way, I was a damn hero to their kids.:ROFLMAO:
Mar 15, 2017
There have been a lot of place around the world where things went from good to bad in a hurry. I would feel pretty stupid if I didn't recognize that and take steps while resources are available and readily available to ensure my kids don't have to eat the neighbors.

Things got stupid during Covid and, lets be honest, that wasn't even all that bad.

The way products are produced and move around the globe is so very different than it was even 100 years ago. There are countless things that could happen that would cause cascading failures and overreaction among a population of entitled and lazy people.

I keep
Water stored and several filters I use for hunting.
Fuel in rotated 5 gallon cans.
Hygiene supplies.
Over the counter meds we use all the time.
Between raising animals for slaughter and hunting I wouldn't even notice if stores went away.
We keep chickens and always have a few hundred Lbs of feed on hand. Wonder what a dozen would bring if things got really bad.
We keep a small 40x50 garden which we could get much more production out of if we needed.
I have guns but don't actually think it would be necessary to use them unless things get irreparably broken down.

I agree completely with the guys saying having proper finances are statistically much more important than having a bunker dug up in the mountains. There are a lot of nut jobs who love to imagine the breakdown of society. I like going out to eat too much for the whole thing to go tits up on us.


Jan 12, 2021
I don’t think it’s a waste of time. I just think people spend entirely too much time and money contemplating all the what ifs, and not enough time actually preparing for the important stuff — cause it’s boring. If all the people I know who talk about this stuff constantly, devoted half of that mental energy to educating themselves on something else they’d probably retire 5 years earlier and live a much higher quality of life while getting to that age. Real world example… right now in the classifieds there’s a guy selling guns for his deceased friend’s wife — so that she can pay bills to keep their family alive. Tragic situation! I’ve had similar things happen in my circle. Prepare your family for real world shit like that before you delve into the abyss of what ifs.
Some people get pretty crazy about prepping and I think it's more of a hobby they enjoy. I guess it's probably more cost effective than hunting or fishing. Game meat probably ends up costing me $30/lb. At least the things you buy prepping are useful and give people peace of mind. I think way more people piss away money they don't have on $50k trucks, kids college and $500k houses. My house will be paid off next year. After that, I will get setup to last for at least 6 months without power. If nothing ever happens, great. In the past, I've lost power for almost a month from a bad snow storm so it won't go to waste.
Feb 12, 2022
For all of you who think this is a waste of time. There's a documentary called Grid down power up. Did you know that out of several thousand, there are about 50 transformers that are critical to our power grid? If 9 of those 50 were destroyed, it would take about a year to restore power to the entire country. These are not guarded and could be taken out with small arms. A small group actually did this already to one of these in California close to 10 years ago and were never caught. These transformers are the size of a building and have a two year lead time to build since Ukraine is in dire need of them and from covid. We have also purchased a couple hundred of these from China that are being used in our grid right now. I'm sure they would never put some kind of software inside that they could access and shut them down. They love America. There's also millions of undocumented people that have entered the country through our open southern border. Good thing they are all just good people who need jobs and not terrorists from one of the many countries that hate us. This is all just conspiracy theory. Crazy talk.
Is there 50 or a couple hundred?
Dec 28, 2015
Were you not around for the plandemic? Yeah, no control there.
I was around during the pandemic. Worked in an ER during the entire pandemic.

Outside of having to wear a mask at work, I wasn’t forced to do anything. I never wore a mask outside of work, not once. I’ve never received the vaccine and I still work in a hospital. I’ve been promoted twice over the last 2 years. So, talk to me about control.


Sep 29, 2012
If a digital currency isn’t a possibility, then why are US Senators so concerned about it that they propose bills trying to stop it?

I think this is another example of people who don’t know anything about a subject, but who are hearing it for the first time think the messengers are lunatics. When in fact, they are just ignorant.

The IRS hired 87,000 new agents… why? Maybe to transition to a CBDC?
Who is suggesting that a FED CBDC isn't a possibility? No one that I can see. To clarify my position because you seem to not understand it, I believe anyone who thinks that the FED establishing a digital currency will ultimately result in a forced shift from private banks to the FED system and ultimately end cash as a form of currency is clueless. I do agree with you on one thing, this does seem like an example of people who don’t know anything about a subject being ignorant. The US has a robust private domestic banking system (which I worked in for 25 years) that simply will not be replaced by the FED establishing a digital currency. Not to mention all the non-bank financial services providers that have cropped up over the last decade (e.g. crypto exchanges).

And the IRS and the FED are not affiliated, so you can go back to your bunker free from worry that a CBDC will result in IRS agents going door to door forcing citizens to give up their bank account in favor of a FED digital currency wallet.


Jun 27, 2021
Constitutionally, supposed to be Gold and Silver only.
But like the frog in the pot,,,,,,little at a time.


Nov 13, 2015
I was around during the pandemic. Worked in an ER during the entire pandemic.

Outside of having to wear a mask at work, I wasn’t forced to do anything. I never wore a mask outside of work, not once. I’ve never received the vaccine and I still work in a hospital. I’ve been promoted twice over the last 2 years. So, talk to me about control.
What state are you in? Sounds like a good place.
WV government had no mandates.
Though I know few nurses that lost jobs or quit for refusing the shot.
I took the first 2 because my GF was up my ass.