Disclaimer here: I’m not a prepper. I’m not trying to get into conspiracy theories or anything. However, I’ve been reading “One Second After”, and thinking about my proximity to DC, and perhaps a little preparedness would go a long ways. My wife is on board after seeing how stupid people got over Covid.
I’m looking for resources and recommendations… not crazy ass forums, but solid resources. Looking for Books, in particular. something we can read when there is no electricity; bushcraft, survival, etc. Also looking for a resource that has a solid list and plan for essential supplies and gear for a long term scenario. Again, trying to avoid the dark corners of the prepping internet. In the end, I want to come out of this with knowledge, supplies, long term food, and a water source to last for a while on our own if it ever came to that. Thanks. Also, if you want to lay awake at night staring at the ceiling, go read that book.