Not a prepper, but… I was thinking about preparedness.


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
They could, i just dont see it as the end all thing some do.

Wife and her sisters come up w all kinds of scare stuff - still waiting for 1 of their predictions to gain traction and come to life.

This one gets beat to death. So they want precious metals. Ok, how do you use precious metals when everything is electronic? You trade people. Why would i trade you for a gold coin that is deemed worthless by the system thru which we buy food?

The end of the world scenarios are endless and we get to choose which ones we subscribe to.

what is your 'prediction'?
Aug 4, 2019
North Carolina
I think you will find that most people in the preparedness community are more reasonable than you think. Its the MSM that has cooked the “wacko” stereotype into everyone's brain through shows and other propaganda. Point is, the “dark holes” you speak of are less prominent than you think and solid, useful info is more prominent.
This is what I've found to be true. I could care less what anyone thinks about what or how I "prepare" to keep me & my family alive / comfortable in a time of catastrophe or unrest.
On another note, the most important thing you can do to prepare is to choose Jesus as your Lord & Saviour.
Life on earth is only temporary but we are eternal beings.


Mar 6, 2023
My friends consider me a hoarder, especially when it comes to ammo, guilty.
What one person thinks is an "ammo hoarder" another person think is a "weekend supply of pew-pew fun". I don't think you can ever have too much ammo, especially after the Obama years and COVID.

I never thought I would actually have to look for 30-06 ammo for hunting, 9mm for plinking and speed steel competitions yes, but not 30-06.

I used to use 4 cartridges a year for hunting. 3 at the range to make sure my sights are still on, and 1 for the deer. Would take me 5 years to work through a box! But during COVID, I needed a new box and it took me forever to find one and even then it was 3x what I normally paid.

Now that prices are only 50% above pre-COVID pricing, I even added 30-06 ammo to my backstock. Will probably never use it in my lifetime, but at least now I don't have to think about it anymore...
Jan 26, 2017
i think location and society are by far the most important factors - seriously, watch alone and see how "far" those folks make it completely solo. some type of community is essential, if for nothing else than to maintain a 24 hour watch on your stash. To sustain any lifestyle that's remotely worth living, you need at least a tribe's worth of folks and a decently large territory.

In the end we all die anyhow. Individually and collectively our time is much better spent preparing for the eternity to come than worrying about the calamitous mechanisms that may or may not actually terminate our Earthly residence.


Jun 22, 2020
Get back to me when it happens. Some of you guys see monsters in every shadow.
Also, just something to honestly think about in regards to those leading our country….

Whatever they do/say, they are doing/saying the exact opposite. Seriously, from “unite” campaign, to Covid death, no open boarder, Ukraine, racism, laptop isn’t real, never met Hunters business partners, Russian collusion, election was most secure in history, etc……f**cking lies, every one of them.

If you don’t think they are leading this country down the drain for nothing, sorry, but you’re a moron. Nobody, without intent, can make as bad decisions as our idiot in chief. It’s being done for a reason. Get prepared

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
How many of you guys remember when debit cards came out? That was supposed to be the end of currency. Was it?

Depends on the kind of “life” you’re referring to….their idea or mine?
My question is what are you doing about it? Spreading fear, promoting more conservative leaders, etc.? Teaching your kids how to shoot? Whatever, you gotta be doing something in response to the threat you perceive.

Im stuffing my retirement account. If they change the game, then i will change my game. Until then, walking forward. See, ive changed direction and time or two and the “threat” and “danger” changed just like the whole global warming crap, it was supposed to be an ice age, deforestation, sea levels rising, ozone layer, etc. decided it wasnt worth the emotional energy until the threat was real. Still waiting.
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Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
I dont have one.

My philosophy is that the world will keep spinning and those in the game (life) the longest win.
No offense meant bit it is pretty safe to ridicule what others say may happen and have no opinion of your own.


Sep 29, 2012
Also, just something to honestly think about in regards to those leading our country….

Whatever they do/say, they are doing/saying the exact opposite. Seriously, from “unite” campaign, to Covid death, no open boarder, Ukraine, racism, laptop isn’t real, never met Hunters business partners, Russian collusion, election was most secure in history, etc……f**cking lies, every one of them.

If you don’t think they are leading this country down the drain for nothing, sorry, but you’re a moron. Nobody, without intent, can make as bad decisions as our idiot in chief. It’s being done for a reason. Get prepared
While you have been focused on the above, conservative politicians have been actively suppressing free speech and voter rights, banning books, and attacking women's healthcare (and I am not talking about abortion). I supposed you think that is all fine because those infringements on our rights and privileges are being perpetrated by the "good guys"?

I will concern myself with the government initiatives I believe will actually affect my family, friends, and me, but I am not prone to worry for the sake of worrying like some here. Spoiler alert: those are not just the ones being pitched by liberals.

And the grand irony in the CBDC discussion is that our open borders may present the biggest sticking point to Big Brother doing away with cash and forcing a FED-controlled electronic currency on us plebes.


Jun 12, 2019
Most people aren't prepared for the basic "emergencies" like a blizzard or multiple days without electricity. When Covid hit I had to make a run to the store just for a few things I think snacks for the kids (cookies crackers) not needed really and laughed at the idiots waiting in line for toilet paper to get put on the shelves.

In ND this past winter I know a few "farmers" really they lease their land out and don't really do anything, that were stuck basically in there place for 2+ weeks. I asked them "don't you have a tractor?" A couple of them told me "no" they had a bobcat but the main roads weren't cleared for that amount of time so digging out a mile to the road they were still 6-7 miles from any town....Next question I asked them "don't you have a snowmobile?" again no...don't have a use for one. WTH it snows every winter...just for emergencies to be able to get somewhere if need be. They apparently are content sitting in their houses even though one of them said they were eating dry cereal and running out of food after about 2 weeks. WTF?

The absolute collapse of civilization is a completely different level. My personal belief is be prepared for the worst of what we have seen so far like hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards etc. If U.S. turns into an absolute free for all that means the world has turned into it and all bets are off at that time. If having a few weeks/months of food, ability to get water and keep yourself sheltered isn't good comes down to skills/desire to survive and sorry to say 99% of people either have it or don't. Very few can be actually taught.


Jun 22, 2020
While you have been focused on the above, conservative politicians have been actively suppressing free speech and voter rights, banning books, and attacking women's healthcare (and I am not talking about abortion). I supposed you think that is all fine because those infringements on our rights and privileges are being perpetrated by the "good guys"?

I will concern myself with the government initiatives I believe will actually affect my family, friends, and me, but I am not prone to worry for the sake of worrying like some here. Spoiler alert: those are not just the ones being pitched by liberals.

And the grand irony in the CBDC discussion is that our open borders may present the biggest sticking point to Big Brother doing away with cash and forcing a FED-controlled electronic currency on us plebes.
Get off the headlines, do some research. Who has been censoring, conservatives? Is that right.

I’m not right or left, I’m pro America and what this country was founded on. Both sides of the aisle are screwing us and taking us in a direction for which we have to talk about being prepared for natural and man made situations. We are such a young, and dumb, country. Every great civilization has fallen but yet too many here and in this country are too busy reading headlines when, instead, they should be more concerned about what isn’t being said….there’s a reason for that. They have us divided over stupid shot that isn’t even a concern. Why do you think that is?

Look back to Covid and tell me that what we are learning now wasn’t said, but suppressed, while it was going on. Same with collusion, foreign money controlling our leaders, etc. it’s funny how often the conspiracies are coming true.

We need to come together for this stuff to change instead of at each others throats over things that really don’t matter. Divide and distract, old as time.

I’m out, keep your head in the sand and make sure you follow exactly what they tell you to do….good boy.
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Fowl Play

Oct 1, 2016
To the OP, pick your poison... grab a boy scout handbook, read the FEMA disaster preparedness stuff, and have a game plan and supplies to keep your family alive for 2 weeks. If you fancy, rough out a 60% plan of what you would do should the sky actually fall.

To the rest of you fellas. I hope I'm vaporized in the first wave of nukes if that's what it comes too. Make sure you can survive the way more likely scenarios of unexpected job loss, health emergency, etc. before you go full prepper. My dad's full prepper (like preparing the bunker prepper) and I'll wind up financially taking care of him later in life cause he doesn't know how to make proper financial decisions. And his retirement bunker in the middle of nowhere is going to be great for traveling to a competent doctor 2hrs one-way, twice a week when his health diminishes. Life is short, prepare for the stuff you will encounter first....