Nonresident Hunting Closures..Could it happen

I don’t think loss of money will be a factor. States have been losing billions already by shutting down businesses, schools, parks, etc... non resident hunting revenue is a drop in the bucket.

They will decide like they always do... with bad info, politics, and panic

You just won the internet today!!
I'm concerned. Kansas has already locked me out from turkey hunting my own land! I was very lucky in the Montana draw. I landed a <1% LE tag. Politicians are currently making broad sweeping decisions that are not logical. What will the state wildlife departments do to non-res draw tags if politicians shut-down non-res hunting?

"Man that's cool you beat the odds this year. Sorry about your hunt. Good luck next year in the draw!"

Statistically I'll never draw a tag like this again.

That's probably going to be our story this year amigo......
If states cancel non-resident seasons, they've got to let LE tag holders have the option of either being refunded or maintaining their tag for the 2021 season.

But logic has been thrown out the window this year.
I agree for those that were able to draw LE permits they should be allowed to retain that tag for next year. Some of those are once in a lifetime tags. That would be devastating to not be able to go.
If it gets bad enough they could shut down hunting everywhere. If states go bankrupt, they will have to fund essential services first. If that happens, hunting will take a back seat. The right thing to do is to give out refunds, but if they have to shut it all down, I wouldn't bank on it.
Wyoming just closed state parks to all camping by non-residents which makes no sense

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They have about the lowest rate of virus in the country so why doesn’t it make sense to want to keep it that way? I mean... I can see New York saying it’s ok for someone from Wyoming to come visit. They have nothing to lose and there’s pretty much no risk.
Those type of closures have happened so I guess it can happen, heck some states closed stuff for residents.
I am not holding my breath that Colorado wont shut down NR hunting, regardless of what you think about CV, it is fairly obvious that the lockdown is about control not health. And the states that are losing money dont really give a shit, they have billiions of $$ in off the record books. Federal Reserve is running the printing press 24/7.

Shutting down hunting on public land to protect people has no basis in science. CV isnt like a tick just waiting to fall on some unaware victim from a tree.
And... don’t forget that our Governor here in Colorado is not a fan of hunting; and his husband is a vegan animal rights activist.

Our Governor subverted a vote regarding the oil and gas industry in this state based on his agenda and views. You cannot tell me that if he has a chance to influence our hunting season under the guise of precautions due to the virus - that he won’t do it.
They have about the lowest rate of virus in the country so why doesn’t it make sense to want to keep it that way? I mean... I can see New York saying it’s ok for someone from Wyoming to come visit. They have nothing to lose and there’s pretty much no risk.

I understand the goal but to arbitrarily ban camping for non-residents seems a stretch to accomplish that goal. Camping seems like perfect social distancing.

Can Wyoming residents camp in Colorado?
Can non-residents driving cross country stop and stay at a motel in Wyoming? Can they buy groceries, buy fuel? The reason for Wyoming's low numbers is human density. They are the polar opposite of NYC. Closing their borders and banning resident travel would seem to be their next step. So, who knows where hunting will fall.
Makes perfect sense to want to keep it that way. Makes zero sense to limit outdoor recreation to keep it that way.

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I’m sure if the states think it’s a life saving move they would shut it down. Around here ski season is what drives this town way more than hunting and they shut that down for the year asking nonresidents to please stay away for now. If they didn’t shut nonresident hunting down if things don’t improve people that come into NM and get the virus then die will probably have family that will sue the NMG&F for not closing the season and protecting their loved ones.....Damned if you do damned if don’t.......
Totally just speculating but I could see a situation where they suspend NR OTC sales at a time before the season and only allow people to hunt that already bought OTC tags or drew a LE tag. Similar to what some states did with spring bear/turkey seasons. Who knows though...