NM Ibex

Give Derek Harris a call at South Peak Guide service.

Feel free to pm me you number and I will talk about my muzz hunt with you. Quality and quantity is down from when I went just before the population reduction hunts. Still a truly SPECIAL tag to have in hand

Good advice here

Too many people don't look at this as a once in a lifetime hunt but it should definitely be treated as such if you want to be successful..the Ibex are one ruling away from being exterminated to make room for dessert bighorns. I hope people start voicing up how cool of an opportunity it is to have Ibex

Guided or not take spotters, this is a team effort and you absolutely need a good ground crew.
Make friends with everyone on the mtn and work together..bring extra radios to give to people even...shade and food is a pretty easy way to make friends
I live 60 miles from there and I have gone over there to check it out a couple times.

1. It is straight up and down, like the Organs are near Las Cruces. I don't think the Floridas are as steep, but they suck worse because of the vegitation.

2. Not sure when your bowhunt is, but it is a rattlesnake factory. Hopefully it is in the winter. Even then on warm days make sure you are always thinking about snakes.

3. Gets serious weather, we have a lot of wind in Southern New Mexico. These mountains are no different. Tons of wind, tons of snow. Sometimes rain. Sometimes 109F all in the same 24 hour period.

4. it is on the border and you might see some "international visitors".
I can't comment on today but a ways back it was very rare to find them off range. We never did. The locals would whack them pretty efficiently it seemed.
You are correct, to my understanding.

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An Off-Range ibex tag for someone that doesn't live here and spend all day every day near the Floridas is pretty rare to find success.

Maybe 1-3 will get caught a year off the Floridas.
A non-resident OTC ibex tag is pure marketing hype by the NMGF.

At some point, I think they will reintroduce bighorns to the Floridas and we will lose this opportunity.

The only thing keeping it going is that it is a good money maker for the department.
The way those idiots issue Nanny tags, apparently they don’t want them expanding INSIDE the Floridas. Ruined one of the great opportunities that state used to have. It’s a shame now

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A few successful archers that I have talked with discuss posting up on a few pinch points at the top of the mountain where the main population uses to escape danger. But for this to work, you need other hunters naturally moving them around the mountain. I hunted and killed a Nanny and it was a fun, but nasty hunt. Their eye sight is amazing and they sense trouble very well. Certainly not going to be easy, and the few pinch points are at the very, tippy top of the mountain.
Family member had this tag last year. I didn't make it down there for the hunt unfortunately. When I spoke with him he said, be ready to glass your ass off and be proficient at steep angle shots. Pay attention to the shadows.

Its steep, nasty country but can be done. He shot one but it ran off and they couldnt follow to where it went.
A few successful archers that I have talked with discuss posting up on a few pinch points at the top of the mountain where the main population uses to escape danger. But for this to work, you need other hunters naturally moving them around the mountain. I hunted and killed a Nanny and it was a fun, but nasty hunt. Their eye sight is amazing and they sense trouble very well. Certainly not going to be easy, and the few pinch points are at the very, tippy top of the mountain.
There has been an increase in this tactic and its any thing but using other hunter pressure. If you need to know where these pinch points are, just start looking for the 6 or 8 guys in lawn chairs watching though spotters holding radios

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They really aren’t that hard to see and find, once you see a few you should be good. On my earliest trips all I had was Zeiss 10x on the tripod. Found plenty of them even way up on the mountain. Keep in mind I had lots of time in glass on Coues deer prior. With modern glass it really isn’t that hard. The mature billy’s are pretty easy to identify too with their distinctive markings.

Back in the day there weren’t many people on these hunts like we see all over the west today. Used to be 1-3 max helping out and most of the time it was just a single buddy.
This is an awesome hunt. Two strategies 1) glass down low then hike/climb up while trying to not get spotted. 2) hike/climb to get as high as possible and then glass.

1) doesn't have as many wasted climbs but hard to sneak up on them from below
2) climbs can be a waste if they're not in the area but if they are it's easier to stalk from above
There is actually a road, very rough mind you, on the west slope of the Florida mountains. Not a good road, not an ATV road. But, can be hiked. It is through some private land called Mahoney Park. The owner, in the past, allowed some camping. Not sure if this is current.
There is a state park near the north end to camp. Also a place north called Spring Canyon. Have seen many Ibex in the nose bleed country there. There are some absolute trophy Ibex in the Floridas. MTG

BTW, Ibex are grouped in the Capra genus. Goat…..
I was glad to see idiots and game management linked in a previous post. The ibex are a valuable unique to NA asset, that they seem determined to destroy.
How’s it going so far? I’ve been out here since Tuesday afternoon and haven’t been closer than ~900 yards to a group of five.
Anyone know anything about 505 Outfitters, Compass West, or South Peak Outfitters for this hunt? I am willing to use a service to up my odds to my lifetime on this draw (rifle hunt), but would love input on any experiences anyone has with a quality guide service on this one. Thanks!
One of them on your short list doesn't do any scouting. Probably didn't renew his outfitter license yet. Impossible to get in touch with him during the summer, etc, etc.