Newberg says a $40 elk tag (or whatever it cost) is a $25,000 elk tag for residents.

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I'd encourage everyone to step back from the keyboard take a deep breath.

If I have to wade into this shit show I'm cutting a wide path of banned members for needlessly running thier internet mouths.

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Total bullshit. This is America, if you can’t make money in America in 2024 it on you not were you live.
Uhhmmm....... kinda depends on the location, the local economy and your skill set.
An outboard motor mechanic would probably get pretty hungry in Alpine, TX! 😉
Uhhmmm....... kinda depends on the location, the local economy and your skill set.
An outboard motor mechanic would probably get pretty hungry in Alpine, TX!

Nuance?! How dare you!!!

I agree with the premise that it’s not hard to make money in America at this point. It’s about how MUCH money you can make in a given area, vs the cost of housing/living in said area. Just take a look at average take home pay in a given area, versus average housing cost/availability. Add in an interest rate of 7-8% and, do some quick math. In this area specifically, the VAST majority of average people cannot qualify for a loan on an average home. This means they must rent. The crazy thing is, rental prices are so high that often they are paying MORE in rent than they would for a mortgage, but if the bank won’t give you a loan, you’re SOL. There will be outliers of course, but this is the basic layout of the issue.
Nuance?! How dare you!!!

I agree with the premise that it’s not hard to make money in America at this point. It’s about how MUCH money you can make in a given area, vs the cost of housing/living in said area. Just take a look at average take home pay in a given area, versus average housing cost/availability. Add in an interest rate of 7-8% and, do some quick math. In this area specifically, the VAST majority of average people cannot qualify for a loan on an average home. This means they must rent. The crazy thing is, rental prices are so high that often they are paying MORE in rent than they would for a mortgage, but if the bank won’t give you a loan, you’re SOL. There will be outliers of course, but this is the basic layout of the issue.
Yeah, I've seen guys who could, as the old saying goes, sell screen doors to Eskimos!
I've also known a couple who could pick up a 🐮 cow 🥧 pie and turn it into a $100 bill!
One a month, Bill would take a bunch of boat anchor guns and go from gun shop to pawn shop around east Texas, swapping, selling and buying guns.
When he got back, he had a wad of cash that would choke a horse 🐴 , two or three nice firearms and a basket full of clunkers to take next month! Never seen anything like it!

Some people attract money like a magnet attracts iron filings!
Not me!
Money runs from me! LOL!
Let your wallet do the talking, don't like the price, don't buy. Yes there will be someone else to buy that tag, but eventually that person will get tired of paying and go elsewhere too.
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My 1st post here, so here it goes.. Only 1 time did I buy an out of state hunting license.. It was Minnesota bear for $200 in 2003. If I have to pay $1,000 for an elk tag, despite my measily Wisconsin income , that is not that bad. It really boils down to saving about $3 a day. Knock off that beer at the bar after work, or that icecream cone, or put in an extra hour per week @ $20 hr. What bothers me was on another board that Wyoming residents said we should pay up or shut up. True, but they were agreeing with the wildlife Service of Wyoming that an elk tag should be $2 to $4,000. That bothered me and it caused an argument. As for higher wages in Wisconsin,,, well, the might be higher , but I am sure Wisconsin has higher cost than most western states , so it is likely not a $20- $25,000 difference. Perhaps the western states can tell a successful out of state tag drawer that he can't apply for 5 yrs. That will make some mad, but it might lower demand some . I am 61 in a few months and I have never hunted out west. I'm happy where I am. The deer hunting is ok, the fishing is is awsum .
Moved from Amarillo to Colorado Springs and took a $20k pay cut. Changed profession and worked my way back up, only to pay $400k for a place I could get for $150k in Texas.

#1 reason residents should get better percentage of tags is choosing to live there. Anybody could do it.
This resident tag costs much more than people think.
A pretty common refrain in the hunting community is that new hunters give nothing back, it's the critique of R3.

We as a community lament that folks are happy to be keyboard warriors but then don't actually show up for conservation or hunting. I'll be honest I'm one of those guys, most I've done in the past decade is buy some sheep scratchers and attend a few banquets.

In general we recognize that there are stages of hunter development:

1) Shooting Stage · 2) Limiting Out Stage · 3) Trophy Stage · 4) Method Stage · 5) Sportsman Stage · 6) “Give-Back” Stage

Most folks don't seem to get passed the Trophy or Method state.

You can rip Bryce all you want buy I respect the hell out of him for jumping straight from the shooting stage to the Give-Back stage. Like I said few of us do much to give back and far fewer are willing to through there hat in the ring and join the board of conservation. Obviously, he doesn't bring decades of experience whacking and stacking, but he does have hard earned skills that are needed if we are going to advance the goal of getting more critters on the mountain.

Is this willingness to jump in with both feet what got him stuck in the mountains, probably lol.

Even then he was the one who posted what had happened and made fun of himself. I can't help but respect someone who is willing to laugh at themselves.

The hunting community is lucky to have guys like Bryce, he's welcome in my hunting camp anytime.
Ok tag me back in (pun intended) (get it)lol
Since this is actually a somewhat relevant point to the the discussion, I hope I don’t face persecution from the mods, but after reviewing the draw odds for my favorite mule deer tag last night and observing the massive increase of resident apps in the past 5 years in conjunction with the fact that the estimated harvest report asserts none of these tags were filled.
I can’t help but have a chapped keister and wonder how many of the resident tags sold were simply a “$47.91 “add on” for elk hunters who were solely looking for an opportunity kill and spent no time actually hunting the tag.
It’s just frustrating to imagine myself wanting to purchase the tag for $481.52 and planning an entire vacation around it and them taking that opportunity from me for less than $50.
The data doesn’t seem to support this.

Maybe had you mentioned moving away from family or something.
He gave you a personal example that supported with anything I can show you a spot in the west that cheaper where no one really wants to live or more expensive place where. Everyone wants to be.

I moved from a area that I sold a single story house on a small amount of property for 700k in 2021 and struggled to find anything in the area I got a job For less then that yet everyone thinks it's cheaper to move out west.

Anyone can make the data show what they want. If it's so easy and cheap to live out west come on out new resident hunters are always welcome more votes to prevent colorados situations because more nr hunters sure as hell won't help that situation I am sure there is some excuse why you all don't do it though or that's where I am going to retire.....hahaha.
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